Buddy for 6 years, and more years to go!
stand alone together..."
Ng Weekeat
Age: 21 this year.
well, talking about the best of pals, he is the one. First
knew him inmy secondary 1 life, I am glad that I have him
as a friend, as a buddy. We arent in a very good friendship
(dun think otherwise) until end of sec 2. He got those type
of character which people who dun know him well may misunderstand
him. They may think he is skeptical (at least some told me
that) and too opinionistic. He makes a good friend, really.
Besides my own brother, he is one of the only 2 person in
the world which is like a brother to me. He is currently taking
a diploma on electronics at the same campus as me. Well, that's
what I call 'destiny'.
Anyway, he is still single. So if any of you girls out there
are interested in him, you are welcomed to 'chase' him. :-p
And for
your info, I have included some of his works in photography
in the Memories Place. Check
it out!