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Who is your ROCK IDOL?
Ozzy Osbourne
Bruce Dickinson
Ronnie James Dio
Rob Halford
Robert Plant
Ian Gillan
David Coverdale
David Lee Roth
Axl Rose
Jon Bon Jovi

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Hosted by WebEnalysis

Rock On is a concert organized to pay tribute to the legendary bands that helped shape Rock and Metal music in the 1970's and the 1980's. This concert is scheduled to be held on the 5th of July, 2003, 2pm, at Woodlands Community Centre. Tickets are charged at $10 each, which includes a free CD.

2nd July 2003

ROCK ON, the most anticipated and watershed rock event of the year, is just around the corner! Brader Rock is feeling the heat, so read what he has to say in his latest feature article.


24th June 2003

Hey Rockers and Metalheads, sorry this website has not been updated for quite a long time.So here are the news:


Contrary to some nasty rumours, ROCK ON will still ROCK ON as per scheduled on the 5th July 03, at Woodlands CC. “ Sua terang ada orang mata merah, tak puas hati”, translated into English, “Obviously there are people who are envious.”


Tune in to ROCK RIA ROCK this Sunday, 29th June 2003, 2pm, Ria 89.7FM. You’ll get a glimpse of the 70s and 80s cover songs that the six bands will perform.


The new Urbankarma CD, Intifada Musica, is ready for release on ROCK ON, 5th July. You will get the new CD FREE with every purchase of the $10 ticket.


This is old news but SPELLBOUND under the moniker DRYSPELL won first place at the BATTLE OF ROCK at Thomson CC on 8th June.

Hail to the kings and they will surely ROCK ON on 5th July.


AUDIENCE JAMMING SESSION – Hey people, this is obviously something that you’re not gonna get at other gigs.  You’ll be playing your one song 70s or 80s cover with MARSHALL HALF-STACKS AMPS and your drummer will be all high and mighty playing drums on a drum riser. You’ll have this opportunity just by being an audience at ROCK ON. If you have a band, don’t waste this opportunity. Come early and register and who knows you’ll even win attractive prizes in the lucky draw.


25th May 2003

Rock Idol

New Poll on your Rock Idol is up. Vote for your favourite Rock Idol now! You can view the previous polls here.

23rd May 2003

Ticket Sales

Tickets to ROCK ON will be on sale very, very soon. This website will keep you all updated.


KARRAS, a hard rock band featuring Australian expat Mike Karras,may be included on the ROCK ON bill. Those familiar with the local pub scene has said that the outfit is extremely good in delivering classic rock from the 70s and is very popular with expats. Should KARRAS be on the bill, they will definitely turn ROCK ON into a CLASSIC ROCK HEAVEN!!!!

Featuring Malek's interview

Featured article of Malek's (of Malex fame) interview here.

16th May 2003


METALHEADZ, will be playing at SANITARIUM 2003 on Saturday 17th May 2003 at Substation Guiness Theater, 3 pm. Other acts performing include Metalgunz, Silent Carnage, Harvest Dawn, Demise, Ironfist, v3h3m3nt, Demonification and Rejex. Tickets will be available at the door at $6. Flyers for ROCK ON will be distributed there also.

Urbankarma's "Intifada Muzika"

URBANKARMA is currently mixing their upcoming CD, Intifada Muzika at Witchunter Studio. According to lead guitarist Nazri, the CD will be ready in time for the ROCK ON gig.


The organising committee has decided to introduce an audience jamming session at ROCK ON. Gig-goers have the opportunity to jam their favourite 70s and 80s rock tune for half an hour . Those intend to jam are allowed one song per band depending on time availability. They may use the equipment provided or bring their own.

7th May 2003

7 Pound Vein

7 Pound Vein’s performance at Rock On will be enhanced by the presence of Ossuary’s axeman, Aim. He will be performing with 7 Pound Vein for their entire set. At present there is no confirmation of whether 7PV’s guitarist Fathul will be able to play at Rock On. Fathul is scheduled for full-time National Service this June.

"Legend" To Play?

The organising committee for Rock On is currently in negotiations with a popular, veteran ‘legend’ band to perform at the event. Stay tuned for more developments.

Feature Article

First feature article by Brader Rock regarding the connection between past and present rock music. Click here.


The Bands section is now up. No photos yet but you can get a rough gauge of the genre of music they are playing. Click here.