
Working with kids of all ages and races has always been my passion for quite a while. Somehow or other, I have the strength in me which enables me to be more patient with kids. I believe that each kid is different and unique in their own ways. It's quite difficult to relate and read a kid's mind but you will be able to understand them more if you are willing to reach out to them. You have to talk to them, encourage them, respect them, trust them and you will be able to touch their hearts. My love for kids are so strong that I can't bear looking at those who are suffering with lack of food and education. Hopefully, I will be able not only to touch the hearts of our kids here but also those from the third world countries. This passion has earned me my current profession and I intend to be in this line for as long as I could.

On the other hand, I don't have patience when dealing with irresponsible and rude adults. I will not respect anybody who did not respect me. To be respected, you ought to respect others first. However, I realised that the society of today shows less respect to one another. Just like when boarding a bus or a train. So sad when you think about this. Hence, we need to change our perspective in life. "We have to respect others in order to be respected". That's what I have to say about the present.

vs Although not exactly working with kids, I work towards the same goal; to educate the offenders and to equip them with the right frame of mind and attitude in order to survive in this stereotyping society. The job of a prison officer is unlike what most people think, to unlock and lock-up the prisoners; it is much more than that. We double up as mentors as well as role models. And I tell you, working with them takes enormous patience and determination because they keep coming back. Dealing with recalcitrants is a totally different perspective.

However, working in this line has taught me to be a patient and understanding person. It also allowed me to accept people the way they are. And after asking all these offenders of why they committed the crimes, you get a better picture of the 'real' world and you learn to appreciate living in a low crime rate country like Singapore. At times, circumstances forced them to commit a crime. Society must also allow these offenders time for them to change and to be accepted back into the society.

My current philosophy is, try to be nice to everybody and not to talk behind their back. The best way to deal with this problem is to ignore the blatant remarks and to convert the more useful ones into a lesson you can learn.

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