How the Knight Moves:-

The knights are easily recognizable as the pieces that look like horses. At the beginning of the game, they are to be found one square in from the corners:

While the other pieces slide from one spot to another in straight lines, knights are the only ones that jump from one spot to another. And when they jump, they don't follow a straight line or a diagonal.

It's easiest to use a picture to show how the knight moves. The knight in the image below can hop to any one of the squares with an X on it:

To try to put it in words, knights can move two squares forward or back, and then one square to the left or right, or, two squares left or right, and then one square forward or back.

Because knights hop, they are the only pieces that aren't stopped by other pieces in their path. However, they can't land on a square that's occupied by another, same-colored piece:

So, in the picture above, the knight can leap over the wall of pieces to get to the square with the green X, but it can't land on the square with the red X, since it already has a pawn on it.

Knights capture by landing on squares that have enemy pieces on them:

Here, the knight can capture the black queen. After the knight moves, it sits on the square where the black queen was, and the queen is taken off the board.
