Shaddyr's Eclectic Collection > Pretender Fanfiction > Miss Parker's Origami


Miss Parker's Origami
by the Princess

Disclaimer: You know the dance. They’re not mine, they’re NBC’s. I’m just borrowing them for the moment. I’ll have them home before curfew. Promise.

Miss Parker’s office
The Centre
Friday, April, 20

Miss Parker shuffled through the masses of paperwork on her desk, and frowned. How in the Hell did they expect her to finish all this today? There were almost two dozen reports that needed to be written, somewhere around fifteen medical documents that had to be signed, and a stack of expense vouchers so high she couldn’t even begin to guess how many there were.

Then an enlightened thought occurred to her. Of course they didn’t expect her to finish all of this in one day. They expected  her to stay all night to finish them.

Someone had to pay, she decided. It didn’t matter who, just as long as she could take her rage out on someone. As if to answer her prayer, her cell phone rang. Grinning maliciously, she answered it.

"What?!??" she answered with ten times her usual ferocity. Maybe it’d be Broots, and she could head on over to his office to torture him face to face...

"Is someone having a bad day?" Thomas’ voice greeted her. She was instantly guilty.

"Oh! Tommy! I didn’t know it was you.... I was hoping for someone else." she explained.

"Oh really? And just who would that be?" he asked curiously. Did she always answer her phone like that?

Miss Parker grinned and settled back in her chair. "Hmm... just somebody to inflict some serious verbal abuse on."

He laughed and wondered who was the unfortunate soul that would be made to suffer. "So, what did this person do, to get you so worked up?" he asked,  intrigued.

"This person did nothing, but the person or people that did do something are beyond my vengeance’s reach!"

Thomas frowned. "That’s hard to believe. So, you were planning on taking that revenge on someone else?"

"Yep. Where are you?" she asked, hoping desperately that he’d be home when she got there.

"I’m at work right now, but I’ll be home tonight. You’ll be there?" he asked.

Miss Parker gazed at her paper strewn desk in disgust. Let those bastards shell this off on someone else. "Yeah, I’ll be home... early in fact."

Thomas settled his back against the side of his truck. He had a surprise waiting for her when she got home... one that would really shock her, he was sure.

"That’s great! I’ll see you tonight!" he replied.

Miss Parker folded a classified document into a paper air plane, and let it  fly. It soared through the air, and then collided with her door across the room.

"I’ll see you then. Bye." she hung up. This relationship with Thomas, was one that was making her happy and relaxed, both things that she was often not.

Folding three more planes, out of a medical report from when Sam was pushed off a two story building by Jarod, an expense sheet for the Centre’s jet that Jarod had stolen, and an eyes-only document that instructed her to be at a Board meeting next Tuesday.

She threw one, and it sort of spiraled through the air before meeting its fate as it crashed into the bar on wall of the room. The next that was launched, stayed airborne for a brief three seconds, as it shot upward, and then plummeted back down to land just beyond her desk. She frowned at that one. She was not a person that tolerated faulty equipment. She noted that that was the top secret meeting schedule from the Tower. No wonder it was a dud.

The third, which just so happened to be the payment slip for the jet, proved to be the most entertaining. It sailed across the air, and was destined to crumple against the door, but luck served the plane today. The door opened, and in strode Brigitte. The plane now was prepared for a more fitting end, as it glided faster and collided straight into one of the cleaner’s eyes. Lyle, Sydney, and Broots, who had been following her, crashed into each other creating a domino effect. Holding true to that theory, the force of Broots and Sydney toppling into him, sent Lyle stumbling forward to land on the floor in an unceremonious heap. One of his flailing arms whacked Brigitte on the back of the neck, and as she tried to stop her inevitable fall, she caught Broots in the nose with a clenched fist.

Miss Parker sat behind her desk in shock, and then broke out in a silly grin, as she was assaulted by Lyle’s shouts for Brigitte to get off of him, Bridget’s squeal’s of pain, and Broots cries of alarm, and then anger, at having being socked in the face by Brigitte.

Sydney stared at Lyle and Brigitte for a moment, then at Broots, who’s nose was gushing blood, and then his gaze met Miss Parker’s. She immediately wiped the pleased expression from her face, and assumed her usual look of coldness, contempt, and professionalism.

"Is there something I can do for the four of you?" she inquired politely, injecting some false irritation into her voice, just for effect.

Sydney studied her for a moment, and then was unable to stifle a small chuckle and the grin that broke out across his face.

"Miss Parker," he chastised in a paternal voice, "I have watched you grow up, and I know when you’re faking." he informed her, as he tried to staunch the blood flow from Broots’ nose.

Lyle had just managed to free himself from under Brigitte, but only after he was "forced" to knock her out. He stood up, and brushed the wrinkles out of his designer suit. He turned to Miss Parker and glared.

"Just what the Hell were you doing?" he demanded.

Again, Miss Parker had to stop the smile from forming on her face. After Sydney had found her out, she had not been able to hide it.

"I was working. Perhaps if that Mad Cow were to learn how to knock, this wouldn’t have happened." she responded.

Lyle noticed the crumpled air plane on the floor, and picked it up to examine it. He looked up at his sister, an amused smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Working, huh?" he asked, and couldn’t help but laugh, as he glanced down at Bridget’s sprawling form.

Miss Parker watched him curiously. Would he react like a pin-headed, egotistical buffoon, or would he appreciate the humor of the situation? She got her answer.

Lyle looked back up at her, at her feigned innocent expression, and broke down in hysterical laughter. Miss Parker did the same.

Sydney watched the two powerful, intimidating adults, dissolve into gleeful children right before his eyes. He chuckled himself, and noticed that even Broots, whose nose had ceased its bleeding, was laughing, as he clutched Sydney’s now-red kerchief to his face.

Mr. Parker entered the chaotic disaster scene and bellowed for them all to be quiet. He looked over the scene in confusion, and wondered what had happened.

His son and daughter stood side by side next to her desk, Lyle held a paper air plane in his good hand. He handed it to his sister, as they both tried to maintain serious expressions, but every now and then an occasional giggle escaped from one of them. Sydney stood to his right, Broots by his side. There was blood down the front of Broots’ shirt, on his face, and in a small puddle on the floor. His new wife was laying on the floor, in a rather

undignified position, unconscious. As he cast his gaze across the room, he noticed three other planes, which looked suspiciously similar to the reports and documents scattered on Miss Parker’s desk.

"Just what is going on in here?" he demanded to be informed. He had been leaving for lunch, when he had heard a commotion. He came over to investigate and had been stopped by a large crowd gathering outside of his daughter’s office. He had ordered all the on-lookers back to work, and then had entered the office himself, to see what had drawn so many employees over.

What he found startled and puzzled him.

Sydney cleared his throat and began to answer, when it was obvious that the twins wouldn’t.

"It was an accident, Mr. Parker. Your daughter was throwing something in the trash, and her aim was a little off. Just as she threw it, Brigitte opened the door, and was hit by it." he explained.

Mr. Parker snorted. "And just how did she end up unconscious? What was my daughter throwing? A lead paperweight?" he asked sarcastically.

Miss Parker could contain her laughter no longer. It burst out of her, and was quickly accompanied by Lyle’s.

Sydney hissed at them to be silent, fearing Mr. Parker's wrath. The Chairman was turning quite red... And even Parker’s threatening glare, one that could’ve fried eggs, didn’t have the ability to quiet the hysterical Pretenders.

Mr. Parker growled, and counted to ten under his breath. He would deal with them later, when there wasn’t such an audience. He absolutely despised the weakling technician, and Sydney had interfered with his daughter’s life enough while she was growing up, that Mr. Parker wouldn’t allow him to do so any longer.

"Sydney, have someone from the infirmary take care of Brigitte. And get this place cleaned up pronto!" he ordered gruffly, and then exited the office with a huff.

Miss Parker was now biting her lower lip to stop her giggles, and Lyle was swatting her on the arm, which seemed to calm him somewhat.

Sydney stared at them for a moment before shaking his head and instructing Broots to get Brigitte taken away, and to take care of his nose. With that, he too left, so to avoid the merriment that threatened to take hold of him as well.

It was odd, he knew. For some time now, he had been wishing that Miss Parker would allow herself to relax and have a little fun. And recently he had been hoping that the twins would eventually find a way to get along. He had never dared to dream that it would happen like this, or at Bridget’s  expense.

He chuckled silently to himself, as he was reminded that nothing was ever normal or predictable at the Centre.