











1986 - The Two Audreys!© 1986 The David Geffen Company







"The songs were never conceived as songs but the hearts of the characters".

©Ellen Greene (Jan. 1987)








Off-Broadway Poster

© 1982 - The Little Shop Company








"What I love about the songs is that they all sound so familiar and accessible."

© Rick Moranis (1987).







Orin Scrivello


Music From The 1986 Motion Picture:(plus deleted songs!!) And I'll apologize now for the crappy quality of some of these midi files...i'd love to give you real things off the album but, you know...law and all!!

Prologue (Little Shop Of Horrors):

Ronette, Chiffon and Crystal introduce us into the film. The three girls sing all about the "little shoppa horrors" and how everyone "better beware" in a close harmony Greek style chorus.


Skid Row (Downtown):

One of the few times the whole 'Little Shop' company come together, acting as Skid Row residents fed up their nonexistent lives. Seymour and Audrey take the lead in this slower moving, climaxing pop effort.


Seymour speech-sings the story of finding Audrey II in the wholesale flower district following a 'total eclipse of the sun'. The song features a few bars of barbershop to boot!

Grow For Me:

After Seymours exciting discovery of Audrey II, he will's her to grow for him as the plants health continues to decrease despite using all conventional methods. Seymour soon realizes Audrey II is only after one thing....BLOOD!!

Call Back Tomorrow:

An instrumental section of the film played during the rush of business Mushnik's flower shop receives after Audrey II is placed in the window. You can hear the constant stream of clients calling up on the phone...brrring brrrring!!


Somewhere That's Green:

Audrey dreams of a place where she and Seymour can be together at last, far away from Skid Row and her abusing boyfriend Orin. A delightful ballad sung beautifully by the leading lady.

Some Fun Now:

Ronette, Chiffon and Crystal return to tell of Seymours 'fun' he is having feeding demanding Audrey II blood from his fingers. A real Caribbean flavors to this number. Variation on 'Ya Never Know'


Orin Scrivello, Audreys dead-beat boyfriend, tell's of his career as a dentist and how he 'get's off on the pain he inflicts". This is a really funny number, Steve Martin perfectly suited to the role. Hilarious to watch.

Feed Me:

The first time Audrey II 'opens her trap' and demands Seymour to feed her. This time a few drops from Seymours finger are not enough and she goes about persuading why Seymour should 'go get it', it of course being the body of Orin. Up-tempo, famous number.

Suddenly, Seymour:

My utter favorite part of the film! Seymour promises to stand beside Audrey and Audrey tells of her weariness. A brilliant heart lifting ballad duet, and gives Ellen Greene the chance to show off the real power of he voice...magnificant!!


Unbeknown to Seymour, his antics with the body of Orin did not go unnoticed and he is confronted by Mushnik. His only option is to 'dispose' of him...that's where Audrey II comes in handy!

The Meek Shall Inherit:

Chorus and all tell of how it's all come to Seymour. Love, money and stardom. But Seymour has a dilemma. Keep killing and risk loosing the money and Audrey? or sign the contracts and put all of mankind at peril? what would you do?! Full company number with solo interlude from Seymour.

Mean Green Mother From Outerspace:

Specially written for the film, this Academy Award nominated rock song is sung by Audrey II as she unleashes her full destructive power and explains her outerspace origins!

Finale (Don't Feed The Plants):

Used during the filmed but deleted ending to 'Little Shop'. The whole company sing after the devastating aftermath of the original ending (see story). A real full-bodied showstopper, shame it was cut but at least it's on the album!


(All music by Alan Menken, Lyrics by Howard Ashman. © 1986 The David Geffen Company)

Music From The Off-Broadway Show Not Included In The Movie:

Ya Never Know:

Ronette, Chiffon and Crystal sing about its all falling into Seymours lap, and how he once was a nobody, now he's a celebrity. This was extended and variated for the movie version 'Some Fun Now'.

Mushnik & Son:

With the sudden success of his business, Mushnick wants to adopt Seymour, maybe not through love for him, but just to get a share in the plant and keep the cash flowing into his till.

Now (It's Just The Gas):

Seymour explains of his ethical dilemma as Orin insanely tells of his failing lungs. Cut from the film for no good reason for what I can see, would have been a fantastic addition sung by Steve Martin, ah well, can't have it all!

Closed For Renovation:

As Mushnick's shop has burst into action, he decides to refurbish with new displays to show off his best flowers. Cut from the film as it hold no real function in the plot.

Death Of Audrey:

Variation on Somewhere That's Green, played as Audrey is fed to the plant by Seymour in the original ending...awwwww!


(All music by Alan Menken, Lyrics by Howard Ashman. © 1986 The David Geffen Company)


Contact the WebMaster at m.a.coombes@durham.ac.uk