Kumbha Mela - Ujjain, India 


Holy Bath

Kundalini Shaktipat  
Parad Shivalinga
Meditation Hall
Maha Mrityunjaya
Malaria Camp
Kumbha Mela
Ujjain, India
Seva - Service 
Swami Nardanand



Siddha Ashram was host to hundreds of people at the Ujjain Kumbha Mela of 1992 and again in 2004. The next Ujjain Kumbha Mela in the 12-year cycle is in 2016. Once again, Siddha Ashram will host many guests and seekers, both from India and abroad.

2007 Ardh-Kumbha Mela: Siddha Ashram will be sponsoring a camp at the 2007 Ardh-Kumbha Mela (Half-Mela) in Allahabad (Prayag). More information will be posted. Contact Siddha Ashram for more details.

Following is general information about Kumbha Mela:

What is Kumbha Mela?

Kumbha Mela is the largest spiritual festival known to humanity. It happens every 12 years in each of four places, of which is at Ujjain, in central India, is one. From all parts of India sadhus, sages, saints, and seers come to share a collective consciousness in celebration of the divine. The festival is punctuated by the taking of holy baths in the Shipra River on certain astrologically important dates. Over 10 million people attended the Kumbha Melas of 1992 and 2004 in Ujjain.

Interviews with Sadhus

Unique to Kumbha Mela at Siddha Ashram are visits by the leaders of the most esoteric traditions of India. These diverse spiritual leaders come to describe the history, philosophy, and specific practices unique to their tradition.

Cultural Programs

There are a variety of cultural programs provided for the Kumbha Mela residents of Siddha Ashram. These will include spiritual folk dance, stage plays of many deities, spiritual singing and chanting, as well as several special religious pujas, rituals, and fire ceremonies.

Accommodations and Food

During the Kumba Mela there are thousand of tent cities. Siddha Ashram has accommodations that are simple, but clean and comfortable. Special kitchens provide healthy food throughout the festival.

Siddha Ashram

All of the Kumbha Mela happens immediately around Siddha Ashram, which is on a small hill at the edge of the main bathing area of the river. All of the sadhus come in their procession just in front of the ashram. This is, without a doubt, the best location in Ujjain for experiencing Kumbha Mela.


Ujjain is about half way between Mumbai (Bombay) and Delhi, so one can fly into either city. However, transportation from Mumbai (Bombay) is easier, and is recommended. From there you can take a train directly to Ujjain. Or you can take a domestic flight to Indore, and then one hour by taxi to Ujjain.