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I enjoy using toys, ah, computers by the following companies:

Apple Computer

For those of you who arrived here from my work site, you may be surprised to see this. I have been a Mac user since 1986, long before my current employment started. I had too much of an investment and affection for Macs, and never could give them up. Now I get to use them at work, too. The research division is an open minded place! My current Mac is a PowerBook G4 (Titanium 500MHz), running Mac OS X 10.1. My Mac history: a 512K Mac upgraded to Mac Plus in 1986, a Mac II in 1988, a Mac IIci around 1992, a Performa 6320CD in 1996, and an original G3 PowerBook in 1998. My favorite Mac sites:

This site was designed on the PowerBook G3, using my browser of choice, Netscape Communicator, and GraphicConverter (a wonderful utility). The TamCam pictures were taking with a Connectix Color QuickCam (Connectix sold that division to someone else).

Palm Computing

First, here is what is on my Palm. I've been using one Palm device or another since early 1998. I would have great difficulty without it in my daily life. I really rely on my Palm. There is a wealth of information on the Internet about the Palm Computing devices and their clones (Handspring, etc.). Good places to start are:


If I have to use a PC, the ThinkPad is my PC of choice. I have a 500MHz ThinkPad 600X courtesy of my employer. It's lightweight and powerful, even though it usually runs software from the Evil Empire.

Last modified: Saturday, November 10, 2001


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