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Computer RPGs
Final Fantasy Series
Fallout Series
Baldurs Gate

RPG Games
Warhammer 40k
Magic: The Gathering


RPG Games Homepage

My father started me out on the rode to fantasy when he used to read me the Hobbit when I was a small boy. The images that blossomed in my mind were ones of Elves, Goblins, and Dragons. Because of both me and my brothers intrest in fantasy my father bought us the TSR Dungeons & Dragons Basic and Advanved Box Set. We would play around with all that stuff and it was. It was also what got me into just about everything else. I later played around with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons First Edition, and then later with second edition. I also became interested in Robotech, and later Rifts, Battletech, and Shadowrun. Normally I would get interested in an RPG that came from a book or a series I was reading at the time.

Because of Battletech I became interested in table top miniture war games. I promptly dumbed Battletech in favor of something better, Warhammer 40K. I then started to collect both a Dark Angel, and Eldar army. I also started a Warhammer High Elf army. I love minitures, and even if I do not play I still love buy the things.

Me and a couple of my friends were sadisticly seduced (I think it must have been by a very evil demon) to the Collectable Card Game called Magic: The Gathering. I have spent atleast several thousand dollars on that little addictive game, and I have sold off my cards more than once, vowing never to touch it again, but I always make a mistake and play it later and I becomce addicted again.

I got a Nintendo I think around 1988. Before I had played Atari and the one game that I liked the most was Dungeon I think. If I tried to play that today, I probably would just cringe, but for the day it was awesome. Filled with castles, dragons, and swords. The me getting the Nintendo, and ultimatly The Legend of Zelda, my fate was sealed. I was hooked on Computer RPGs. My next aquistion, was Dragon Warrior, and later Final Fantasy. I loved both games.

As years went on I got a computer, and I was introduced to another world of CRPG. The long running SSS Gold Box Series (Pool of Radiance, Curse of Azure Bonds, Champions of Krynn, etc...) I still play them from time to time now when I get in that nastolgic mood. In fact I leeched onto any thing that SSI made for TSR. I also upgraded to a Super NES around that time, and bought Final Fantasy III.

Many years later I have gotten rid of my SNES, and my old computer. I have replaced them with a Playstation, and a newer computer, but I still can play those old console games by using NESticle, or other NES and SNES emulators. I have play most of the big name CRPG that have been out lately (Fallout 1 & 2, Baldur's Gate). But I really have not touched my old RPG books. There is just no one to play that is around me. I just can not bring myself to play with thirteen year olds (no offense intended).

Copywright 1999, by Brian Freund