Pomacea bridgesi

     Tropical aquariums do well at temperatures of 23°C to 28°C (73°F to 82°F). If there are variances in the temperature of water it can lead to the demise of all the animal life. A constant temperature is recommended. Some animals (for example Macropodus opercularis) can survive summertime in a pond. Do they survive in a little outdoor aquarium as well?

In may 1997 I setup the aquarium of 44 liters (11.6 gallons) on a balcony in the shade. No filtration, no air pump, no heater, in Blansko - latitude 49°, longitude 16° east fromm Greenwich, altitude 300m (approximately). The crew were: 6 Macropodus opercularis (size 1 - 2cm), 5 Pomacea bridgesi (size 4cm), and Riccia fluitans (plant). From June 4th to September 11th fishes and plants were O.K. Snails were very satisfied with this environment. They laid their eggs 17-times(!): always on the right side (in the darker shade), always outside of water, 2-times on the glass cover-plate, 14-times on the side plate of the aquarium (see following table), where:

Date   - date laiding eggs

Number   - number of snails lay eggs

Incubation   - (average) number of days from laiding eggs to falling small snails to water

Morning   - average temperature of water during a incubation in the morning

Afternoon   - average temperature of water during a incubation in the afternoon


  Date Number Incubation Morning Afternoon
June 13 - 15 4 26 17.5°C (63.5°F) 21.5°C (70.7°F)
July 4 - 5 2 28 17°C (62.6°F) 21°C (69.8°F)
June 17 - 18 2 28 18°C (64.4°F) 22°C (71.6°F)
June 28 - 30 3 22 19°C (66.2°F) 23°C (73.4°F)
August 9 - 14 4 18 19.5°C (67.1°F) 23°C (73.4°F)
August 25 1 27 in the room in the room
September 6 1 27 in the room in the room

   I took September 11 the whole tank (and last two snails lay eggs too) in the room with the constant temperature 20°C (68°F).

     I measured a water's temperature every day (from June 4th to September 11th) in the morning and in the afternoon (usually at six a.m. and at six p.m.). A thermal inertia was surprised in case so little tank. Lowest temperature of water was 12°C (53.6°F) with the temperature of air 5°C (41°F); highest temperature of water was 30°C (86°F). A average fall in temperature was at 4°C (39.2°F), maximum at 10.5°C (50.9°F), from the afternoon to the morning of the second day.

The following photo (25 April 1999) shows sons/daughters and grandson/granddaughter of snails described in this article with two snails lay eggs:

Pomacea bridgesi

Pomacea bridgesi all the way

And there are grandson and granddaughter Macropodus opercularis with their hard roe (25 April 1999):

Macropodus opercularis

First title my article was Ampullaria australis ... 1. June 1999 Harald Auer (Augsburg, Germany) wrote me:

Your outdoor breeding experiment of apple snails was a very good idea and especially the data about egg hatching times etc. of the snails. These data are usually not available. It is interesting that they can withstand temp. about 17°C well. I am in the "apple snail breeding business" myself, so I am always interested in some substancial informations...
As I live in Augsburg in the same climate as yours it might be interesting for me to put some apple snails out in summer, too. At the moment I have a tank (20l) with water beetle and european livebearing "Sumpfdeckelschnecken" (Viviparus spec.) there since one week. We will see.
I have some common appe snails (Pomacea bridgesi). Please note that this latin name is not the valid one and Ampullaria australis should no longer be used. Unfortunately the Name Ampullarius is very common and widely used in the hobby literature...

You can visit Harald Auer's page Odd Apple Snails in the Aquarium. He called me attention to Stijn Ghesquiere's Apple snails page. Very interesting page with beatiful images of snails. You can enter this page by the click on its nice logo, too:

Logo Apple snails page

You can visit the funny Arty's Snail page or Patrick A. Timlin's page. Would you like to buy home raised Pomacea Bridgesii - Apple snails? Visit Leonora Martins.

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last modified 12th February 2006
Copyright © 1998-2006 Vladimir Zabrodsky
Czech Republic