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GNOME panel applets
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Tick-A-Stat is a GNOME panel applet, it contains modules that display various messages to the user to alert of problems or events. It also (optionally) logs all the events to a log file.

Status Note: This applet is no longer maintained, chances are good that GNOME 2.0 will not include it.

Download: Included with gnome-applets package of GNOME proper (as of GNOME 1.4).



  • Core dump catcher: When a core file is created in a specified directory, the file is renamed with a time stamp, gdb debug backtrace is logged, and a dialog is (optionally) displayed.
  • Load average monitor: Periodically (configurable) checks the system load and (optionally) displays a dialog with (configurable) text when load rises above a (configurable) threshhold.
  • File tailer: Print lines added to a file similar to 'tail -f', optional pop up dialog when new lines are detected.

Screen Shot

Screen Shot

The above screen shots show the core dump module.

Screen Shot

Screen Shot

These two show the load average module.

updated 11/03/2001