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Tip Tracker. The easy way to see exactly how much you are making.

Tip Tracker Screen Shot

Welcome To Mindworks Tip Tracker. This program is designed to keep track of all the tips you make on a daily basis. It also calculates to totals week by week. The Tip Tracker program has an adjustable start date see below for more information. This Help Page should keep you informed on how to use the program to it's full potential.


When you first load the program, It should already be on the current date. Click File -> New Person and type the name/job you wish to track for. After doing this, you are now setup to input basic information.
Pay Rate
Put in your set pay rate here.
If you make $6.00 an hour, you can insert either 6, 6.00, or $6.00. Either of these three ways will leave the text box saying $6.00 after clicking on another control in the form. This will be the only constant between all dates.
Set the Start Date
To set the start date, click File, Set First Day of Week.


Tips for Day: Put in how much you made in tips for the current date here.
Same rules apply as Pay Rate.
Deliveries for Day: Input how many deliveries you made for the day if you are a delivery person.
This field will automatically add $1.00 for each delivery made. If you get paid more for deliveries, Add it to Tips.
Hourly Wages: This field is unchangeable. When you click on a day, it automatically calculates how much you averaged per hour on the current date.


Hours Are simple. You can Choose Either Time In/Time Out or Straight Hours. Use the appropriate Radio button to the right of the entry boxes for choosing.
Entering Time
The Following Time Formats will work:
6:45 pm
After leaving the current text box on hours, it will automatically convert and leave you with either 6:45 pm or 18:45. It's kinda erratic that way, but it still calculates. When both Time in and Time Out are filled in, it will automatically calculate hours for that day and put it in the hours box.


To change dates, simply click on the date you wish to switch to. If you have changed anything for the current date without saving, it will prompt to save changes. Yes will save, No will not, Cancel will cancel the date change.


The weekly totals updates after clicking a date.
Normal Pay for Week: Hours x Wages.
Tips for Week: Total tips for current week.
Deliveries for Week: Total Deliveries for Week.
Hours: Total Hours for week in Decimal time.
Hourly: Average Hourly Pay for week.
Total Pay: Normal Pay + Tips + Deliveries


Totals for Date to Date Screen Shot

For this feature, you select a start date and an end date. It will calculate the totals for the period you selected.
From there, you can view a summary, Print, or combine with another person you have been tracking.

If you have any further questions, feel free to mail them to
Download: (1.56 Meg) Includes all Runtimes (96Kb) Meant as update



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