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Well after several days of playing Quest 64....I have finally come up with a Level Guide for your FAQ viewing pleasure. So check it out!

Below this line of text, there is a table that tells you how much you should build up your elemental levels (you can find spirits in the fields and use them only when i say so in the list) in what place or time....

Fight enemies in the Melrode area and collect elements to get up to 10 elements.
Fight enemies in the Glencoe Forest and then collect elements to get up to 17 elements.
By the time you defeat Zelse get up to 24 elements (fight in Winward Forest and then collect elements).
When you enter the Blue Cave have up to 25 elements (collect elements in the town of Larapool).
By the time you defeat Nepty have 28 elements (collect elements in the Isle Of Skye).
Before you collect in any elements in East Limelin at all fight to get your total up to 32.
Collect elements in the East Limelin Area and in the Limelin Castle Town to get up to 36, 36, 36, 35 elements.
Collect elements in the Baragoon Tunnel to get up to 37 elements.
Do not collect any elements in Dindom Dries until you fight enemies there to get your total up to 40.
Collect all of the elements in Dindom Dries (but do not go into Shamwood and collect any this includes the open desert area that leads to Shamwood) and collect the elements in the Boil Hole and when you defeat Fargo have a total of 42 elements.
Before you collect any elements in the Baragoon Moor area (this includes the Brannoch Castle Town) fight Red Rose Knights in front of the entrance to Brannoch Castle town to get up to 43 elements.
Collect all elements in the Brannoch Area to get a total of 44, 44, 44, 45, after fighting for 43.
When you enter Brannoch Castle have 45, 45, 44, 44 (collect the element on the end of the walkway to the back entrance of the Brannoch Castle.
Collect elements in Brannoch Castle and when you defeat Beigis have 45.
Fight for elements in King Mammon's World to get up to 48, 47, 47, 47. Then go back to the open desert area in Dindom Dries...collect the 1 element there and then go to Shamwood and collect the 10 elements there to get up to the final total of 50...finally!

Please note that you can use spirits to get these up to the above indicated values!

Follow the above values and you will get strong enough to beat any boss. Also note that you must have all 4 elements up to the specified number (unless otherwise noted with something like 31, 32, 32, 31).

Be careful of what I call "The 40 element Glitch", the 40 element glitch is nothing more than this: Your element percentage stops increasing because you did a poor job of collecting elements or because you did not build your levels up very well.

Here are some ways you can get around the 40 element glitch: Save your game everytime you gain a new element (by building your levels) over 40 and the meter is still rising, make an effort to find all the elements you can, keep an older copy of your game when you enter Mammon's World on hand in case the glitch occurs and start from that save file if the glitch occurs and delete the previous save game, when you get your elements up to level 38, 39 or so it would be a good idea to pick an element and just build it up to 50.

Still the 40 element glitch may occur and theres nothing that you can really do about has happened to me a total of 3 times. Every time I tried something different to get around it, the above tips are the best I came up with and they may not still work. THQ slacked off a bit I think when they created the Level System in this RPG. What you could do to avoid this glitch is to build up your elemental levels without using any spirits you find in Shamwood then go to Mammon's world and build up your levels there (BUT DON'T SAVE IN MAMMON'S WORLD, let yourself be killed to warp back to the last save point which will probably be Beigis's Castle and keep on going back and forth between the 2 worlds to get up to 48, 48, 47, 47) then warp back to Dindom Dries and go to Shamwood and collect them all the spirits in Shamwood to get them all up to 50. I tried what i just said and I came SOOOO close and the 40 element glitch occured when I had 47, 47, 47, 47 one away from sealing my maxed level. I hope you will have better luck because I will no longer update this page because Quest 64 sucks basically...know that I think about it I don't know why I wasted my time in creating this page.

Concerning HP Levels

When you are hit, your HP % will go up just a bit. But by far the best way to build it up is to attack & hit enemies with your staff.

Concerning MP Levels

When you hit enemies with your staff your MP % goes up a little bit. But by far the best way is to use spells to kill your enemies. Also, another good way (in the beggining of building up your MP level) is to cast the spell "Heal" on yourself. Another good way to build up your MP levels is to go to a place where you can kill the monsters easily and cast spells that don't huirt the enemy like Slow Enemy or Silence, and when your HP gets low use Heal, and your MP gets low use the Drain Magic Spell. Once you get your MP to 110 or so start using spells to kill your foes (use the spelll Avalanche-it hits a lot in one cast which skyrockets your MP %). I so far have gotten my MP to go up 12 points in 1 hour by just using the spell Avalanche, over and over again!

Concerning Defense Levels

The best way in the game to build your Defense levels up in the game is to simply let enemies attack you. A good strategy to build your MP levels too is to leth the enemies hit you til you are about ready to die then cast Heal Lv. 2 on yourself. And keep on healing yourself when needed, while the enemy attacks you.

Concerning Agility Levels

The best way to build up your agility levesl is when enemies miss hitting you during battles. Although there is no real way to encourage them to do that. You could cast a spell that raises your agility temporarily, also, when you run around out of battle in a place with enemies around your agility will also increase but VERY slowly. The best thing to do id when your MP is low is to run back & forth in an rea with monsters where there are no monsters (like the Bridges in Mammon's World) to help build up your Agility Levels.

Concerning Elemental Levels

Like Skaarak says there is a way to build up your elements by fighting enemies. Although, the elemental meter (the meter to the lef of the MP, HP, DEFENSE, & AGILITY meters) goes by its own point system. It depends on what level all your elements are at on how long it takes to build it up to 100%, it will also depend on how strong the enemies are that you are fighting. Each element can only go up to 50. Be aware of The 40 Elemental Glitch (go to the first section for details and more info).


Here are the maximums of each level...


MP total has been verified it is 500, thanks Gengar 64 & Eorld Pikg...for contributing it to me.

Base Levels

This section deals with the level your levels start out at (base levels)....


Quest 64, Brian, & other related names are trademarks of THQ & Imagineer, respectively.

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