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This page displays an up-to-date listing of changes on this customer support web.  Notices will be placed here regarding product updates, scheduled releases, or problems and the work-arounds.  If a bug gets fixed, it will be mentioned here.

June 14, 2004

The Fincalc 6.0 demo is now available for download.  The new version supports the following features.

Windows XP compatibility.
An investment tracking subsystem for investment profitability tracking.
What-if profitability calculations for investment forecasting.
Investment account revaluation with the click of a button.
Composite yield summary analysis for all investments with the click of a button.
Investment database backup and restore froma a menu selection.
A redesigned and improved help file.

January 21, 2004

Fincalc 6.0 is now under development.  This will be a Windows XP compatible version and will include an investment tracker component.   This component  tracks investment profitability by capturing the cost of each transaction and displaying a snapshot summary view.  An online report gives the composite picture of all investments in seconds.   Look for the official announcement to appear sometime first quarter of 2004.

March 14, 2002

Fincalc 5.0 is now available for release on CD or 3 1/2" diskette.

February 22, 2002

A more visually appealing version of FINCALC was finally completed.  This is called version 5.0.  Drop down choices on input screens are available, requiring less user understanding to operate the software.  Loan calculations for finance charge, payment, APR, number of payments, etc., has been made easier.  Each calculation has its own seperate tab.
A loan payoff function was added that includes prorating insurance and taxes.   Odd days interest, loan fees, and down payments are included in payoff calculations.  A payoff is figured from the current date to a specified payoff date, using any interest calculation method desired.
New interest calculation methods were added for fixed principal loans, principal only loans, and rule of 78 loans.
Loan data can now be saved in a database and used for loan portfolio comparison. Loans can be analyzed to identify a low cost alternative based on fees, taxes, insurance, and interest calculation method.  Loan comparison data can be displayed, printed, or recalled for future reference.  Any loan data saved in the database can be printed as a formatted report, or displayed on-screen.

December 16, 2000

A more visually appealing version of Fincalc is nearly complete.  Drop down choices on input screens requiring less user understanding is now part of the new software.  Loan calculations for the finance charge, payment, APR, number of payments, etc., has been made easier.
New functions for  handling loan calculations are available.  You can now calculate interest for fixed-principal and  principal only loans. A loan payoff function considering various repayment factors is being worked on.  You can store loan parameters and do loan comparisons using the new fincalc database.
A three digit decimal place for the APR has been added and will be available in the next release of Fincalc.
Look for an announcement to appear sometime during the first quarter of 2001 for the official release date. 

Wednesday, September 8, 1999

Development for a more visually appealing version of Fincalc is being investigated.  Drop down choices on input screens requiring less user understanding is being considered.  Loan calculations for the finance charge, payment, APR, number of payments, etc., will be made easier.
Two new functions are planned for the upcoming version of Fincalc.  One function  will handle loan calculations on principal only loans and the other will give a loan payoff considering various repayment factors.
A three digit decimal place for the APR will be supported in the next release of Fincalc.

Monday, February 8, 1999

A new version of the demo program that has a Y2K evaluation routine was added.

Monday, December 28, 1998

The problem with the investment tracker not loading the help file was corrected and is available in the new download of FINCALC4.ZIP.
The Windows stack fault problem with FINCALC' s setup program on machines with 8MB Ram or less was corrected and is available on the new download of FINCALC4.ZIP.
RegNet online purchase and registration is now available on the Order page for credit card purchases.

Monday, December 21, 1998

All forms were updated and corrected on the website. Customers can now send in their suggestions and bug reports immediately to the company. You can also register FINCALC online and use your credit card.
FINCALC4.ZIP uploaded to server. Ready for Download.
Other minor wording changes made.

Friday, December 18, 1998

Worked on form pages so customers will be able to communicate with the company about software bugs and suggestions for enhancements.

Thursday, December 17, 1998

Webpage created. Established a URL at Geocities for all the pages to be located on.



Version 6.00 Added the following features:

1. Windows XP compatibility.
2. An investment tracking subsystem for investment profitability tracking.
3. What-if profitability calculations for investment forecasting.
4. Investment account revaluation with the click of a button.
5. Composite yield summary analysis for all investments with the click of a button.
6. Investment database backup and restore froma a menu selection.
7. A redesigned and improved help file.

Version 5.00 Added the following features:
1. A completely redesigned and visually appealing user interface now includes drop down boxes, intuitive tabs, and a menu structure that guides the user through various loan calculations and functions.  Calculations include finance charge, APR, scheduled payment, number of payments, loan payoff, loan payout, etc.
2. New interest calculation methods have been added for fixed principal loans, principal only loans, and rule of 78 loans.
3. A loan payoff function has been added that includes prorating insurance and taxes.   Odd days interest, loan fees, and down payments are included in the payoff calculation.
4. APR calculations now support a three digit decimal display.  This includes input functions also.
5. Print screen functions now support graphical snapshots of displayed screens.
6. An on-screen formatted report and a quick display is now available for loan calculations and amortizations.   On-screen reports can be previewed, printed, and saved for future recall.
7. Loan data can now be saved in a database and used for loan portfolio comparison.   Loans can be analyzed to identify a low cost alternative based on fees, taxes, insurance, and interest calculation method.  Loan comparison data can now be displayed, printed, or recalled for future reference.
8. Any loan data saved in the database can be printed as a formatted report.
9. Menu selectable backup and restore functions are available.
10.  A menu selectable backup and restore utility is available, allowing for a number of customizable options.    


Version 4.00 Added the following features:
1.  The loan calculator computes the APR if zero is entered.
2.  The pay out analysis calculates the regulation Z effective APR on loans.
3.  The pay out analysis computes the total amount of a down payment on a loan.   This includes a flat amount and a percentage if both are entered.
4.  The pay out analysis computes the total amount of a loan origination fee.   This includes a flat amount and a percentage if both are entered.
5.  A down payment amount and percent down field was added to the loan input screen.
6.  Loan fields for the origination fee and origination fee percent was added to the input screen.
7.  A field for the finance charge was added to the loan input screen.  This field allows the APR to be computed based on the given finance charge, if other loan factors are known.
8.  New calculations for certain loan variables were added.  Some calculations allow for two missing variables to be computed at once.  All possible computations are as follows:   scheduled payment, number of payments, APR, APR and number of payments, APR and the scheduled payment, pay out analysis, and the finance charge.
9.  A print function was added that produces a calendar year amortization schedule giving totals by calendar year.  This schedule can be printed for differing payment frequencies and includes balloon loans.
10. A print screen function was added for all business and investment calculations.
11. New investment calculations were added for the following functions:    Internal Rate of Return (IRR), The time value of withdrawals given a starting balance, and The future value of regular deposits with a starting balance.


Version 4.00 Corrected the following errors in version 3.01:
1.  The accuracy on maturity date calculations.
2.  The extra form feed on print functions.


Version 3.01
This version offered new features for interest computation.  A 360/365 interest calculation method was added.  This means the daily rate represents the APR divided by 360 days and the interest collection period represents 365 days. A 10% loan becomes an effective 10.14% using this method. To use the feature just declare the interest flag as a "2". A new feature was added to compute variable first payment interest from the loan origination date to the first due date. A new input field was added for the loan origination date on regular loans and balloon loans. Several bugs were fixed on single payment loans, so the print and list functions indicate the correct values and all pay out totals are correct. An error message about the "Scheduled payment exceeds the Loan amount" was corrected. The scheduled payment considers variable first payment due dates for interest calculation on single payment loans.


Version 3.0
This version offered the addition of new features for Homeowners Insurance and Miscellaneous Insurance on all loan amortization's and payment calculations. The Loan Input screen was redesigned to be more intuitive and a "COMPUTE" button was added to it. The printed amortization schedule gives totals for many different categories by year. A bug was fixed having to do with insurance payments computing incorrectly when the repayment frequency was not monthly.  A bug was fixed making the scheduled payment more even for the first and last payment when the interest base is 365 days.   A bug was fixed with the maturity date calculation when the number of payments is given with or without the payment amount.  A bug was fixed with the computed number of payments when disability and life insurance are figured with a specified payment.   A bug was fixed with the loan pay out totals not matching the screen listing of totals at the bottom of the amortization schedules. A new price based upon a user definable markup percent was added to the Business Menu.  In general modifications were made to make the program more intuitive over version 2.01. The most recent addition to FINCALC is the investment tracker.  This new module records and analyzes investments or mutual funds. This new feature was a major change over version 2.01.
The J.D.P. Software Logo is a trademark of J.D.P. Software.  All other products mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective companies.  Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to Piedimonte@aol.com.  Copyright © 1998-2004 J.D.P. Software.  All rights reserved.
Last Modified:  Saturday, October 2, 2004