my portrait

Welcome to
Bernhard Fischer's Home Page!

What's new?

2006/01/01 TopGMap - Top50-Basemap for the Garmin Geko v1.1.


I realized or am still working on the following projects:
Internet Survey
Clickboard: Synopsis of my most frequent used internet addresses with the additional possibility to search my extensive bookmark collection.
Java Applets and Applications
Clocks, Bookmark Search, Formula, GUI Serializer, Hello, World!, Panorama, Refresher, GeoTA, TopGMap.
VRML Models
Floppy Disk Box, Skeleton, Rolling Buoy, Mt. Zugspitze, Math. Function, VRMLballs.
Note: Best viewed with Cosmo Player 2.1 or Cortona 2.2.
*   Die Sendung mit der Maus as animated gif.
*   Cut & paste characters from this table of printable latin-1 character codes.
*   Cut & paste colors from this table of standard colors.
Visit my photo exhibition and enjoy the story about climbing the Zugspitze.
Links to various non governmental organisations.
Internet edition of the printed formular from Greenpeace/GCN to calculate your personal energie consumtion (JavaScript required).
AutoPlay FAQ
If you create CDRs and need some informations about the AutoPlay feature of Windows 95, maybe my AutoPlay FAQ can help you.
Spammers Heaven/Hell
To lower the quality of the spammers address lists I created a back coupling to the sender addresses.


Get Java Software Cosmo Player 2.1 Cortona VRML Client 2.2 Freedom for Links Free Tibet! Greenpeace energy
Last Update: 2006/01/01.

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