
 The Pretty Cool Page Award Is Dead!
If you want the award here it is:

pcptro.jpg (9513 bytes)

The idea was good at the time but that time is over. I started this site to give the makers of small websites some kind of satificaction. An award saying "good job, I see the effort you've put into your site and I'm going to tell other people about it." Those days are over, I'm too busy doing my own thing. Right now I have about 500 web page submissions in my mailbox waiting to be reviewed by me. Do you think I'm going to read them? NO. So here's some highlights of the Pretty Cool Page Award:

In 1996 the site opened

Sometime in mid 97 some guy said I was copying his idea, I told him to piss off

On July 4, 1997 the mars pathfinder mission landed on mars, I had given their website an award about a week before. They put a link to this page right on their main page and I received about 200,000 hits over the next month, with the hits gradually tapering down over the next couple of months. The hits haven't been the same since.

I took the submission link off the site and put it back on a few times, at one point during the mars pathfinder incident I had 5000 submissions in my inbox. I took the link off the page and deleted them all. Its a wonder how anybody got an award.

August 18, 1999 the site closes :(


View Past winners of the Pretty Cool Page Award

Winners Confessions:

"Hey, thanks a lot... I started working on this page about 2 months ago and I never dreamed I'd get an   award for it or anything"  -Crazy Steve
"Thank you very much for the nice award... my dad and I are very excited.. we work very hard on our homepage and we are glad that you liked it so much" -B.J. Pinchbeck
"Jeff, Thanks for the award!" -Stephen
"Thanks a Gadzillion for the Award." - Don
"Thanks for the award Jeff. I'll be sure to post it proudly on my page" -R. Startzel

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© 1999 Jeff Kaplan  
You can also find me on AOL Instant Messenger under the name OOH Jeff.

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