
Jim's Internet World

Hi, and welcome to my home page here on Yahoo!GeoCities.
I have recently moved to the Akron, Ohio area and will be updating my web pages soon. Please feel free to look around at what I have here so far and come back again sometime.

I designed my home page for new Internet users
who need the utilities and links to start enjoying the Internet experience.

Please be patient while the graphics load on this page...Thanks!

"Come in, pull up a chair and enjoy a cup of coffee with me."

If you have come to this page in a frame from another site,
Click here to break free.

Check out the background MIDI files on the pages on my web site
...tell me what you think!

Thanks to Mike Peterson for his wonderful MIDI files.
Also to David's MIDI Page for use of his MIDI's.
A very nice collection of country and rock Midi files.
Check it out!

Now playing Sting's "Englishman in New York" midi file. Enjoy!

<bgsound src="sting-englishman-in-ny.mid">
If you don't like it, turn it off!

The following are links to other pages on my web site.

Home Computing & the Internet

Getting up onto the Internet should be a seamless job for the average home computer user. But to date, no company offers a complete package with everything you need, except for AOL. Try out these sites for some well tested applications that both the beginner, and veteran internet user alike, can employ. Many of them allow you to download the program, and evaluate it for a limited time before you must register it.

This page will help you find the entrance ramp to the Super Information Highway.

Get it in gear, and start surfing the Internet TODAY!

My Seasonal Pages

These are some of my other sites for different months and holidays.

Jim's page for October
Jim's Main Halloween Page
Jim's Halloween Page 2
Jim's page for November
Jim's page for December
Jim's page for March 2008

Games & Hobbies

Some of the computer games I play are Hardwood Solitaire,
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 & Railroad Tycoon 3.

You can catch me online playing at:

Click on the above logo and find me under the handle "dadpa215". Come join in the fun!

My other hobbies include HO model railroading, watching auto racing,
and researching my family roots.

Comedy...and now for something completely different!

Everyone needs a little comedy in their life, or you'll go nuts
trying to get all those widgets out on time!

Check out some of these sites for a little humor on the 'Net.

There is also a list for sending FREE email postcards to your friends online.

Sites for Research!

Here is a list of sites I have found that are great for doing research.

If your kids need help doing their homework, or if you just want to find some information
then check out this page. Also included here are links to various search engines.

Cool Links!

These are some cool links I have found which maybe of interest to you too!

Inspiring Americans to protect wildlife, for our children's future.
Here is the link for NWF's Garden For Wildlife Program

Join in this fun and rewarding experience!
It's so easy! Gardening for wildlife means you'll get to see beautiful butterflies and birds
as well as have a vibrant yard filled with native plants.
Start your own backyard wildlife habitat today with their help.

The author of this page is a member of
The HTML Writers Guild

Designing my home pages has been a fun and rewarding experience,
that anyone can do with any of various HTML editors.

Actually, I created this one with
The CoffeeCup HTML Editor
Click the button below to go to their site.

CoffeeCup Software

Re-Brewed on February 25,2009

This page last updated on February 25, 2009.

Legacy of Hope!
Cancer Awareness Links

Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me!
Come again, and tell your friends to stop by too!

Be sure to bookmark this page in your favorites folder
so you can return here again sometime soon.

If you want to drop me some email please click on the icon below.

Just ask my family and friends!

Sorry Folks, but this link no longer works.

Credits for use of graphics:

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Bye! Have a GREAT Day!