Welcome everybody to my webpage. I have spent a large amount of time on this site, so please leave comments and/or suggestions! Just email me to do so! Please check out all of the buttons to the right to see the different pages I have made. Please note that I am not completely finished with all of the pages and I will be finishing those up this summer.

Please visit my experimental flash site. It requires the Flash 3 plugin.



Main Page

Added a layers demo for people with IE. It is at the very top of this webpage.

May 28, 1999

All pages

Added a banner exchange program to get more people to my site.

May 27, 1999

All pages

Really updated the formatting. The blue round corner is in the right place (macintosh users)On the TI-86 page and Music page, the yellow tabs are in the right place (macintosh users). Maybe Macs just don't know webpages?!

May 27, 1999

CSS Workshop

Updated, but still not finished.

May 26, 1999

Brent's Webpage

Added Web Design Tips page.

May 26, 1999


Really updated.

May 24, 1999

BES Web Design

Opened that section.

May 23, 1999

Brent's Webpage

Added the choose BES-TV or regular site thing on my homepage.

May 16, 1999

CSS Workshop

I added a section completely dedicated to Cascading Style Sheets. I am ordering a book on CSS so I can teach more about them.

May 15, 1999


Added a quick link to Jonathan's Rocket Page.

May 10, 1999

Brent's Webpage

Added Bes-TV.

May 9, 1999


Updated members page. Still no chat... sorry.

May 6, 1999

Flash Page

Pretty cool. If you have the Flash plugin, visit it. I really enjoyed working on it. Updated it.

May 5, 1999

Brent's Webpage

Every button to the right works. The pages are not done.

May 2, 1999

Brent's Webpage

I have completely redone my page

May 1, 1999

About Me

Took off comment about Nicholas.

April 24



April 9


Added a help section. Not finished. When finished will provide help questions about the Internet and Windows 95/98.

April 5


I finally made a perl script to have a members system. You can join then login to get things that you couldn't get if you were not a member. The members only page, however, is not finished yet. But, you still can login.

April 5


Added a form section. Please fill it out correctly.

April 2

Brent's Webpage

I've decided not to completely re-do my webpage because 1)I finally found the font the the buttons at the left were made from 2)It takes too dang long, and 3)I want to add to this current page.

April 2


Changed some things... still not done.

March 17


I've added a new section to my site called The Workshop. This new section is devoted to teaching people how to create masterpieces on the web. It, however, is not complete... so just surf around and see what I've got.

March 17

About Me

Updated it... ha... I'm 13 now.

March 16


Changed the layout. Deleting stupid entries....

March 16

Brent's Webpage

I removed the dead/outdated/stupid files and pages from my server. I went through and decided what needed to be kept and what should be backed up on disks. VVM has some directories on my webspace that I can't delete... oh well. Soon, I will be making that big change as described below...

March 16

Brent's Webpage

I am thinking about completely re-writing this webpage to look more professional. I get tired of updating alot though. So, what I will do is make a very professional page and have the information on it not updatable, exept when a new version of scripting or web-browser comes out. For my birthday I got a javscript book, so be prepared to see a 'java shop' on here... get your top of the line browser now because I will use top of the line scripting and CSS techniques. Either get Internet Explorer 4.1 (5.0 coming soon) or Netscape Navigator/Commuicator 4.0/4.5.

March 12


Updated the link to Nick's homepage. I also upgraded his rating by .1

March 12


This page has been discontinued due to security concerns.

February 9


Got a new guestbook! One that works... hehe.

February 8


I changed the formatting of the pictures into a giant table. The pictures are old and getting outdated. When the new year book comes out this year, I will get updated pictures of people I have on there and pictures of more of my friends.

January 29

Quick links.....

Page URL


Rating (0-5)

De Page

De's page. Very very nice. Has many pages on it. Keep up the good work De!


Deanna's Page

Deedlebugs Page. Very nice lady.


Michael's Page

Pretty good. Strange music...


Nick's Page

It's developing... he's making it.


Jason's Page

Jason Petersen's page. Looks promising. Come back to this one...


Jonathan's Rocket Page

This is pretty good for a beginner. I think he will be updating it alot.


Your personal Page

Costumize your page for news, sports, weather, e-mail, and other cool categories.



The TI-Files. Get many TI calculator games.



Very good page. Good layout. Many many calculator games.


Enter a URL:

HitExchange Banner

Questions/Comments about webpage should be directed to website@vvm.com
Email to Brent should be directed to brentes@vvm.com