Mouse Master's Sewer Docs Disk Shrine & ST Site!

You are visitor since 4/7/97!

Last update 2/5/98

Added some Deviant Designers Docs Disks (the first 11), the last Sewer Doc Disk (Spaced Out) and will probably add some more Automation menus a little later.

If you want an Automation disk and its on my list of Automation disks ready to go online, you can get this disk ONLY IF YOU will host it in your own web space, and allow a link to it from this site. If you want any other Automation Disk to host other than one on this list, I can try and help you there also, but ONLY IF YOU HOST it. No charity, sorry, 40 to 50 requests a day in my mail box now, and I only connect at 33.6k. Can't answer all of them, can't play favorites. Host the disk, and I'll take the ten minutes to send it, and then go away with the feeling that others will be able to get the games you wanted, and you will get the credit.

My first Zip Disk of ST Files!

My second Zip Disk of ST Files!

The Doc Disks

SewerSoft Worshipping Shrine & Doc Disk Downloads.

Deviant Designers Docs Disk Downloads.

Automation CD Listing and some Downloadable Images.

PaCifiST Home Page

Little Green Desktop for Games and other help with Pacifist

Demonburps ST Emporium can also help!

You can sign my guestbook so I might be reunited with some old friends and view my guestbook so you might see some too. Guestbook byLpage

If you would like to reach me, you can email me at

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