Poems and Piers - James Finister


Welcome to this newly amended version of my home page.

Those of you used to long waits whilst the graphics load will no doubt be pleased to see that I've eschewed the pics in favour of text....here at least.... be warned there are still pages out there (in here?) with lots of gifs and jpgs.

Those nice people at geocites now provide sub-directories and so I've taken the oppourtunitty to rationalise the site into different areas.

So, if you've come here to look for those wonderful pictures of seaside piers take a stroll along to The Virtual Kiosk

The more cultured of you will of course be visiting The Poetry Pages

Those of you who are narrow minded will want to look at the Narrow Gauge Model Railways pages.

Some of you poor sad people will be ex members of TRANSOC. Sadly this year's World Tour was a solo affair.

Coming soon - The Rave EJ page

Recent News

Graham tempts fate by hosting the Stratford Beer Festival

Jimbo disapears to Norway and Holland for most of September

Honey not quite RIP but sadly near the end

Will Jimbo move to Worcester - or will fate intervene ?



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visitors since modification

Last updated 20 August © 1998 - Next update in October finister@msn.com