Groovy Smiling HomePage!

Hi! I'm the smiling know, the one you always notice, and think 'Gosh! That girl...she's always smiling!'

And right now...I'm smiling at...

These pages are (and will be) filled with little thoughts, ideas, and smiles. Hey! Bookmark me...when you are feeling low, or feeling great...remember you have a friend here who's every desire is to put that smile back on your face! I'm still "setting up" right now, but some of the things in here I will be updating every day (except weekends and holidays). So check never know what you will miss if you don't!

Um....just don't call me *perky*.

Come and see what really makes me own two little cherubim!
This is what I'm thinking about today!
And, if all this isn't enough to satiate your undying are some words I try to live by!
Come and visit some of my friends, and check out some other groovin' places on the net! would probably be a good time to read the Disclaimer. You know, just standard stuff...

Waaaaaaaaaay down there (at the bottom of this page) is my e-mail address. If you have a suggestion, or comment, please feel free to share it with me!

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...since 13 August 1996, and which seems to include me!
UPDATED? Oh, yeah! 20 February 1997
© 1996

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