Alternate to Conventional Fishing Techniques

by Sandy Lindsey

1. Troll for boats that have caught over their limit, then pretend that you're the local game warden and collect their excess catch.

2. Check over both your shoulders for signs of the authorities, then attach wires to your boat battery and toss them overboard and net the fish that rise to the surface.

3. Hang Uncle Bubba's feet over the side, then net the fish that rise to the surface as in #2.

4. Simply run down surface feeding fish with your new 20' red metalflake bass boat with it's 400 h.p. outboard.

5. Buy bait large enough that in case you get skunked it can double as your catch.

6. Submersible nuclear weapons.

7. If your football team is losing, throw the boat TV over to relieve frustration and achieve the same results as in suggestion #2 above.

c 1997 Sandy Lindsey

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