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The Fax is Mightier Than The Sword

(How to Use Your Fax Machine to Become a Corporate Terrorist)

by Sandy Lindsey

comic strip

1. Respond via fax to a blind personnel wanted ad that your company is running with the resume of the co-worker who is standing between you and your next promotion to make it look as if they're secretly looking for a job.

2. Batch fax the naked co-worker pictures that you found jammed in the copy machine to the entire company.

3. Change the header on your home fax machine to the appropriate company name and send yourself, via your general office fax, congratulatory letters from noted people in your field (people so noted that even your most suspicious co-worker wouldn't dare call them to check on the validity of the fax). Be sure to have Personnel add these letters to your file.

4. Take a highly confidential fax addressed to the company president that's just been received, and casually toss it back into the fax machine, and depress the preprogrammed button that will batch fax it to all the departments/offices in the company.

5. Send all bad news via fax at 4:59:59 p.m. on Friday so that the recipient gets the message but it's too late to call you back until Monday morning.

c 1997 Sandy Lindsey

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