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10 Clues That You Shouldn't Have Taken Your Boss Fishing

by Sandy Lindsey

1. When you arrive at the dock, he asks you where the rest of your boat is.

2. Everytime you tell him one of your favorite fishing jokes, he moves to sit futher away from you until he runs out of room on your 15' boat

3. While you fish, he amuses himself by skimming rocks across the water, only he uses your $7 lures instead of rocks.

4. After your stunt driving causes him to chum overboard, he spontaneously tells you "not to worry any more about whether you're getting the promotion that you've been hoping for."

5. When you ask him if he wants a beer, he says "yes," then presses the cool can to his forehead to stem his throbbing headache.

6. After you snag him with your hook, he starts conversationally mentioning other jobs that you'd be suited for.

7. After your fishing dog marks his leg, he starts questioning the necessity for your entire department.

8. An hour into the trip, he suddenly remembers an emergency Sunday afternoon conference that he should be at.

9. He calls you Captain Bly and holds you at fillet knife point all the way back to the dock.

10. When you return to the dock, he offers your job to the teenager selling live bait.

c 1997 Sandy Lindsey

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