Slash Kink
web site of the mailing list
Sign up * FAQ * Links * List Content Guidelines * Slash Kink Fiction Archive
Welcome to the SlashKink mailing list's web site. In case someone has stumbled into this list by mistake, for your enlightenment, slash is the positing of romantic or sexual attractions or relationships, often explicit and graphic, between two or more fictional characters of the same or indeterminate sex or gender. If that's illegal in your area or you're under 18 years of age or you've got a stick up your butt, this list isn't for you.

More importantly, this list is devoted to kink. That means you're not just going to find discussion and stories of gay sex, but of sex that's considered wild, unusual, weird. . . KINKY even by mainstream gay people.

The list is open to all fandoms, and to both discussion and fiction posts.

To join the list you must send an age statement saying that you are of majority age in your jurisdiction. Send the statement to the list administrator at: SLASHKINK with Slash Kink in the subject line.
Then go to ONELIST and use the subscribe form you will find there.

The List Mistress of Slash Kink can be reached at All Powerful List Administrator, who is not to be trifled with.

List Content Guidelines

Slash Kink welcomes a broad view of kink. Here are some examples of things considered on-topic:
  1. Stuff exploring the character's kinks and fetishes. Bondage, Domination, and/or Sadomasochism (including the hardcore stuff), sniffing, licking, watersports, candle wax, enemas. . . .
  2. Stuff playing to the reader's kinks and fetishes. Rape fantasies, incest stories, snuff, whatever. . .
  3. Hardcore emotional twistiness. Anonymous sex, characters in warped, unhealthy relationships, badboys who are genuinely BAD, not just misunderstood.
  4. Anything that would draw fire from other slash lists. Some fandoms are kinkier than others. Some of you may be discussing the same things here you do on other lists. Some may be putting relatively tame stuff up because you're in an extremely whitebread fandom.

Got questions?
Want to review the rules you got in your "welcome to the list" e-mail?
Want to know how to submit your site to the Slash Kink links page?
Want to know how to view posts in the Slash Kink e-mail archive?
Check out the Slash Kink
Rules and Frequently Asked Questions page.

Slash Kink Links
Members Kinky Sites archives and home pages
Kinky sites we recommend
Slash Sites of general interest

Our Fiction
Slash Kink Fiction Archive Titles of stories that have been posted to Slash Kink

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