Welcome To Purpletoenails Greeting Cards
"where the curious meet the curious"

maggie blue paints from her studio
in Palm Beach County,
Florida, where she has lived for several years.
She was born and raised and educated in South Carolina,
and is a graduate of the University of South Carolina.

She has traveled all over the United States
at least three times...meeting people...painting...
photographing...learning and remembering.
She has lived in Puerto Rico, California, and Finland also.

She has two sons...a cat buried in the front yard,
two picnic tables...a secret garden,
many momentoes...very wide duck feet,
a collection of rocks...a gargoyle by the rosebush,
lots of weeds and roaches...three televisions,
lots of books...a computer...good friends,big and little,
four watches all alike...more shoes than whatshername,
contact lens...hair that annoys almost everyone.

She teaches art,
has been painting forever,
hopes to paint the life of Christ before she dies.
Other paintings of interest are
Children of the World,
Animals of the World,
Native Americans,
American Presidents,
Women who are Heroes.

Some of her paintings will be exhibited here.
If you like them, let her know...
If you don't, you can keep that to yourself...
No one's into unnecessary pain around here...
least of all She Who Loves the Road!!!!!!!!

If you do not visit often, you're going to miss
this adventure, Beloved...
If you visit too often, you might get impatient...
maggie blue is no speed demon. Bye now...hey,Jude...
love you.

If you find any links you think she will enjoy,
email them to her at

"What I find particularly embarrassing are films
about artists. Most films about artists
must be made by people who would have paid
Van Gogh not even
an ounce of tobacco for a picture
but only half an ounce, and later would
have regretted even that because
they realized he would have sold it even
for a pipeful of tobacco.
In films about artists the suffering of the
artistic soul,
the poverty and the wrestling with the demon,
are always put in the past.
A living artist who has run out of cigarettes,
can't even buy shoes for his wife,
is of no interest to film people because
three generations of nincompoops
haven't yet confirmed that he is a genius."
~Quote by Heinrich Boll in THE CLOWN~

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