Welcome To Purpletoenails Greeting Cards
"where the curious meet the curious"

What's It all About????

Greeting Cards by maggieblue

Maybe you are not the greeting card type?
Hummmm...Wonder how you got here???
This site is for people who love Greeting Cards...
who think they are important...
who think people are important...
who want to be remembered by other people...
okay...will include myself.

There are zillions of ways to say something,
but purpletoenails believes a picture really is
worth a thousand words.

Add a little bit of the right kind of music...
and wow, what a way to go, right?
You may make someone's day that way...
someone's week or month or year !!!
Depends on how thoughtful you are in your selection,
how romantic your recipient is...how passionate...
how unsuspecting...needy...alert.

Don't give up on anyone!
That's the philosophy around here.
Say the right words...
have some sense of humor
and you've got a friend for life, Beloved.
But, no slaves taken...
That's real life here.

Before maggieblue got online,
she sent homemade cards to her beloved ones.
Now, things are different on the range...
and she wants to share her abundance with you,
with the whole wonderful world.

Unfortunately, she does not know a bunch of fancy
computer programming (yet...), so,
all her cards are links you must send.
But, come on, that's a lot for free, right?
And that is what purpletoenails likes...
If you're one of those meanspirited souls,
you'll have to seek your heart's desire somewhere else.
All our cards are designed to make people
smile or laugh or sigh...
Some romance the heart or head or soul...
Some just ponder life...

If you do not find what you are seeking this time,
Come back again, Beloved...
This is an ongoing adventure. Thanks.

~to Purpletoenails homepage~

Peace on You Peace on You Peace on You ...Take a wooden nickel at least once...or twice


~purpletoenails Staff~
Webpagedesigner and Artist: maggieblue
California Audience Consultant: Satin Selma
Florida Audience Consultant: Judy T
Australian Audience Consultant: James
South Carolina Audience Consultant: Alan
European Audience Consultant: BigBoardBen
Reserve Militia: blackflag and Basteure Frommel
Grand Computer Advisor: GrandWASP...
who says if I don't drop my computer
or throw it on the floor...'it' can be fixed.
Thanx, gang!

Plezzzzzz Sign Guestbook... Or, View Guestbook...

Visit my three favorite pages for some fun and laughs...
read blue's poetry, thoughts...
thedarkages...have your fortune told
by Modesty Blaze

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