
| Hilarious Internet Humor | Words of Wisdom | EJ's Turf |
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* * FREE Downloads * *
Hilarious Internet Humor

Fun & Games.....

Frog Blender 2000
Have you ever been verbally abused by a frog? Well here's your chance! But not to worry, you'll get the last laugh!
Frog Blender

.exe file - 409KB
Cyber Viagra

.exe file - 143KB
Cyber Viagra
A dose of Viagra for your computer. You won't have to refill this perscription.
No discrimination here! Both a male and a female module. Something for everyone. Is that Pamela Anderson? You bet it is. So who is the guy? I have no idea and I don't care. See if you can make them... Take it all off.
Oh-lala, baby baby baby.....
Strip Tease

.exe file - 156KB
Mona Lisa

.exe file - 41KB
Mona Lisa
The Mona Lisa bares all... well at least bares a bit. In the words of that famous doctor and scientist, Young Frankenstein...
"Wow! What a pair of knockers!"
Skeet Cats
Ready for some skeet shooting? OK... Ready... "PULL"
BAM... BAM...
Hey ! Was that a clay pigeon, or a - - - Cat???
Endorsed by PETA.
Skeet Cats

.exe (self executing zip) - 566KB
Snowball Fight

.exe file - 1,002KB
A simple little snowball fight! Good things come in small packages. This is a simple game but it is fun and funny. I find myself playing over and over.
How Drunk Are You?
Honest - I've only had three
Ossssifffer, take me drunk... I'm home...
How Drunk are You?

.exe file - 95KB
Shoot the Rats

.exe file - 206KB
Shoot the Rat
Watch as the little vermin scurry across your screen. When your ready, pick out one of them suckers and shoot it!
* Warning * Warning * Warning *
These rats don't appreciate being shot!
Waste Saddam
Saddam Hussein... The bain of our american existence. Would you like to waste Saddam? Here's your chance!
Kill Saddam.
Run on "Auto Mode" and watch Saddam taken out by cruise missles, cannon balls, ICBM missles, and my favorite - the old anvil falling on the head trick! Or play in "Multi-Saddam Hunting" mode and see how many Saddams you can litter on your desktop!
Waste Sadam

.exe file - 139KB
Coke Gift

.exe file - 129KB
Coke Gift
To show their appreciation, A gift for you from the fine folks at Coca-Cola. Just what every PC user needs.
It's BONUS time!
Don't miss out on yours this year. get yours before they're all gone.
Year End Bonus

.exe file - 4KB
Jump Button Joke

.exe file - 177KB
* Cutomizable *
Jump Button Joke

An internet classic. You've all seen the "jumping" button jokes. Download this nifty little programmable jump button program and make up your own jokes.
* Amaze your friends! baffle your enemies! *
Crawling Skin Illusion
A fascinating and cool optical illusion. Guaranteed to make your skin crawl. Instructions included in readme file.
Crawling Skin

.exe file - 11KB
Alien Detector

.exe file .pcx file and 8 .wav files - 381KB
Alien Detector
The truth is out there. If you fear that you are being watched... download this useful little utility. It will scan your PC and surrounding environment for alien life forms, and if found, warn you of their presence
Death to Mickeysoft
A great stress reliever. Feeling a little tense? Need to blow off steam? Or better yet, blow someone or something away? Fire up this program and wast'em. Strafe your desktop with the machine gun or launch a grenade. Inflict the desktop mayhem of your choice. Hasta Lavista Baby
Death to Mickeysoft

.exe file and 4 .wav files - 489KB
Microsoft Word Document - 19KB
Vision Test
Surprising findings by the British Medical Journal.
How's your love life?
How's your eyesite?
Whats the connection???
Work Check
Are you working hard?
B.S. Your f**king around with email again!
A great little program to email to all your hard working (internet surfing) coworkers.
Are you working hard?

.exe file - 293KB

.exe file - 138KB
Another good email joke. Or better yet, drop this file in someone's startup folder. The user gets an application error that accuses them of f**king with their computer again! Don't lie to the nice helpdesk...
Gates Pie Toss
Don't want to settle for just watching someone else have all the fun? OK, take part in the action yourself. How many times can you hit Bill Gates in the face with a cream pie in one minute?
(Or is lemon meringue?)
Gates Pie Toss

.exe - 146KB
.exe file - 2KB
Upside Down
A funny little practical joke or a fun little diversion for the easily ammused! Click on the program and see what happens to your world!
Try firing this up at work and then walk away from your PC - watch your coworkers reactions - great fun!
| Hilarious Internet Humor | Words of Wisdom | EJ's Turf |
| EJ's E-Sigs | William Jefferson Clinton | EJ's Fishing Wit & Wisdom | Submit an Idea |

| Politically Speaking Downloads | Picture & Animation Downloads | Screen Saver |
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Background by Windy