June 24 - 28, 2003

The first thing my cousin Benny and I did in Amsterdam, aside from checking into our not quite friendly but not quite hostile hostel, was to take a ride on one of the canal boats.  It was a little disappointing because the boats are glass-enclosed and, as it was a gorgeous day, I would have much preferred to be in the open air with nothing between me and my first views of Amsterdam.  But it was pleasant nevertheless, especially towards the end, when I snuck up to sit on the steps leading out of the boat and was able to feel the cool breeze on my face.

We spent the rest of the afternoon meandering through the streets of the medieval centre, marveling at all the bikes, the architecture of the narrow & tilted canal houses and the canals themselves.

Some particularly tilted canal houses.

Day three we took the train to The Hague.  This is the parliament building.

Goofing around in the sculpture park.

The next morning we checked out Delft, a small town outside of The Hague.  We climbed to the top of the tower at Nieuwe Kerk (the "new" church) for amazing views.

The Oude Kerk ("old" church) has a tower that leans 2 meters from the vertical, due to subsidence.  In the 1800's, the town government wanted to pull it down, fearing for the safety of its constituents, but the workers all refused.  So there it stands.

So that's pretty much it.
Oh yeah, one more thing.
Before our flight back to Germany I went bungy jumping. It was the most insane & terrifying thing I've ever done, bar none. Skydiving was a walk in the park in comparison.
We haven't even ascended yet, and I'm already white-knuckled.  And that's not a smile on my face, that's sheer terror.

Benny taking the smarter choice & staying on the ground.

No turning back now!

Just happy to be alive...

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