Block Made by Karen Young

My name is Karen Young and I live in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. I had heard about the CQ list from a friend and joined at the very start of the list. Through the years I have spent time sewing, crocheting, embroidering, doing cross stitch, needlepoint and quilting. I have also been collecting buttons, beads and old jewellery. The collections have grown and I really didn't have a specific use for these things. Since my introduction to Crazy Quilting, I now have a creative means of using these interesting objects.

I thoroughly enjoy the crazy quilt list and have found it to be a wonderful resource for inspiration, ideas and help. It is such a friendly group of people who are more than willing to help solve problems or give ideas. Thank you for giving us the means to discuss this wonderful subject.

The block I have contributed is done in jewel tones. The dark purple centre piece was chosen because my birthstone is amethyst. The motif in the piece is the constellation Aquarius which is my zodiac sign. Down in the left hand corner is the star sign for Aquarius. The ribbon embroidered violet is February's flower and I put in the spider web for good luck. The button with the maple leaf on it represents Canada and I hand crocheted the motif under the button. I also crocheted the forget-me-nots and leaves. I have included a key as my initials are KEY.

I hope you enjoy the block and would like to thank you again.

Karen Young

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Last updated November 1, 1997.

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