This comes after The Price

Good and Bad tidings

By: Kimberly

Click here to E-Mail Kimberly


       There were wire grates on the window's, a wire gate on the front doorway, and there would be camera's inside the shop. Michael knew that half of the terrorist organizations knew what he looked like, but it went against all his training to throw caution to the wind. He trusted Malik, but he didn't necessarily trust his employee's, or his security.

       So Michael dialed a number on his cell phone from a block away, and listened until someone answered, "Malik? . . . Malik this is Michael  . . . I'm good, and about a block away, turn off your camera system, I want to come in . . . OK."

       Michael hung up, and started down the block. As he walked, he watched the throngs of people around him. This town on what was widely known as the ivory coast had always been a melting pot of people from various parts of the globe. It was a major center for commerce. Anything could be bought or sold here - and everything and anything was. Normally it's existence was a nightmare for Section One. More than one mission had ended here in a dead end.

       But Michael had contacts here now, relationships that had built up over the years. It was one of those contacts that Michael was buying the engagement ring from. Leaving Malik's security system up would have helped get the word out in the terrorist world. Malik would not betray Michael, but some of his employee's might. Being friend to Michael could also be a health hazard for Malik - and there were hundreds of other ways to spread rumor and rhyme throughout the intelligence world.

       Michael reached the door, and saw that the tell tale red lights were unlit in the camera's. Michael stepped through the door, and removed his sunglasses.

       "Michael," Malik said, walking around from behind the counter.

       Malik was a very tall man. Huge built. It seemed to defy logic that such an enormous huge person could do such delicate work. Yet Malik was legend in his field. He could counterfeit anything, and most experts wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

       "I need to buy an engagement ring," Michael told him.

       "Do you have a picture for me?" Malik asked him.

       Michael shook his head, "I need a real one Malik - but I'd like it to be just like the one my father gave to my mother. It was lost when they were killed."

       Malik threw back his head, and laughed loudly, throwing his arms around Michael, "I understand! Congratulations you slippery devil! Who is the lucky - or unlucky woman?"

       Michael hugged him back, and felt a smile creeping up on his lips. It struck him that it hadn't been an unusual occurrence in the last couple of months - his smiling.

       "Her name is Nikita," Michael told him, "I work with her. I need something that won't look gaudy, but still sturdy enough that she won't have to take it off often."

       "Gold or Platinum?" Malik asked him.

       "Platinum," Michael said, "I think it would look better on her than gold would . . ."

       Malik lead Michael into a back room of his shop, and sent someone up front to keep an eye on things. Then he closed the door.

        Malik always dressed in loose fitting pants, sandals and a loose shirt. It was economy of movement and comfort in this climate. Michael had switched to similar clothing, but wore boots instead. Where Malik wouldn't be climbing over things or running, it was a common occurrence for Michael.

       "Tell me about this woman," Malik began, "Do you have a picture?"

       Michael withdrew his wallet, and pulled out a small wallet sized photo. It was Nikita and Michael at Christmas. Nikita was sitting on his lap sideways. Michael had his arms around her waist, their head's rested against one another.

       "She's little more than a child, but of course they always are!" Malik exclaimed, "A very beautiful child. What is she doing with you?"

       Michael chuckled, "I ask that very question often. She's 25."

       Malik nodded appreciatively, "She's fair, platinum is a good choice . Sit down, help yourself to some wine. Tell me about this ring I am going to make."

       Michael picked up the decanter and poured two small glasses, and sat down on one of the wood frame chairs. Malik was opening a safe hidden in the floor, and pulled out several trays, and walked over to sit down across from Michael.

       "It had a dark sapphire in a sharp pointed oval cut in the center, just barely raised from the band, and Three white diamond marquee's on either side of it," Michael explained, drawing out a design on a paper, "And if you can, I'd like something engraved on the inside,  N - my love forever - M."

       Malik picked up his glass and sipped from it, and started to go through the bands, after asking Michael what her ring size was. Michael sat silently and watched as Malik chose a band, and then started to sort through what Michael knew had to be millions of dollars in diamonds. Price was never discussed. Malik would give Michael an amount, and Michael would pay it. Their trust was that strong.

       "Will you be coming back for wedding bands, or should I send them with you?" Malik asked him after an hour of silence. He'd started to set an ideal cut sapphire in the ring, carefully setting the stone.

       "I will bring her back here to meet you," Michael told him, "And to bring an invitation. Can you get into the united states on a legal passport, or will you need assistance?"

       Malik laughed, "I can manage a legal passport. I'll call you if I need help!"

       Michael sipped his wine and watched in fascination as Malik did the delicate work.

       Hours later, Malik polished the band, and wrapped it in a soft cloth, "Where are you staying?"

       "My flight leaves tonight at 11," Michael told him.

       "Then we drink at my favorite restaurant," Malik told him, "Hide that well. The customs officials here are more crooked than the American politicians."



        Alexandra was dressed in short snug black dress that came to mid thigh. A heavy gold chain hung around her neck and gold hoop earrings. She wore no nylons or stockings, but she did have thin strappy heels on.

       Walter knew she was dressed for a mission. Otherwise she'd have on silver instead of gold and she'd be wearing the thigh high black boots, and her navel would be exposed. Walter often wondered what she'd do when winter came.

       "Pepe?" she called, walking into Walter's station.

       The Chihuahua had been sniffing the air, when she approached, and jumped at the sound of her voice, and made a bee line for her.

       She carefully bent down and scooped him up, and looked at Walter.

       "You got that chip done yet?"

       "Yeah," Walter told her, "It went in three hours ago. He wasn't real happy with me about it either, but he didn't fuss too much."

       "I've been told to take him on this meet. Madeline thinks that having a dog in my lap will add to my cover."

       Walter nodded, "She's right Red."

       Alexandra nodded, her fingers scrubbing Pepe's neck, "I know . . . but I never thought I'd be taking him on missions is all."

       Pepe waggled his tail, and his little pink tongue darted out  to lick her wrist.

       Walter handed her the leash. Pepe now sported a little black nylon collar with single tag that had his name only on it. A matching thin black nylon leash had been bought as well.

       "Lets hope he doesn't growl too much at your target," Walter said.

       Alexandra rolled her eye's, "He didn't growl at Operations or Madeline. I'm thinking he just didn't like Jonathan."

       * * *

       It was the 10th 'date' he'd had with Brenda. Section had set up an apartment for him, that he had his home office out of. Darren unlocked the door, and let them in.

       "I like it," Brenda announced.

       Of course she would, it had been designed with getting her attention in mind. Ultra modern but somehow warm. Darren gave her a quick tour. His office, organized to fit his cover. The kitchenette off the living room, the bedroom where Darren would have to finish today's seduction later on. He felt his stomach clench, threatening to make him vomit up the lunch they'd had. Not that Brenda wasn't attractive. She was, but Darren was feeling guilty. Brenda was going to be devastated.

       Finally today, he really did believe that Alex was OK with this. It was just sex she pointed out to him. It wasn't emotional, and she was an assignment. She had no doubts about what Darren would do in real life, under his own rules. So this really didn't count.

       She didn't want to hear the blow by blow details though.

        Darren had to laugh. He hated it when Alex was with a target. Mostly because she resented it so much, because it reinforced how she felt about herself - a well paid whore. Jealousy reared it's ugly head too of course. No one liked to think of the woman he loved in another man's bed. But Darren could tolerate it when he had to - if only because he knew she had no choice.

       He suspected that was how Alexandra felt. They'd make it up to each other later on, and enjoy the making up part very well.

       "Huge bed - do you need all that room?" Brenda asked him coyly.

       Darren smiled down at her, "You'll have to let me know."

       He made dinner for her, they drank wine, and the evening ended in that big bed in the bedroom that really wasn't Darren's. Brenda was reserved in bed, a little hesitant, so different from Alexandra. But Darren was attentive - if only because he genuinely liked Brenda, and it did fit with the mission profile. When he closed his eye's, he could almost pretend it was Alexandra under him. But Alexandra wouldn't be under him long, and she'd move with him, move him, take over and then they'd collapse, breathless, having damn near killed each other.

       Brenda fell asleep quickly when Darren was done. Darren remained awake, cold and empty inside, and thought of Alexandra. Tonight she was hundred's of miles away, pretending to be Ryan's abused girlfriend, with the dog Darren had given her on her lap. The whole point of the meeting between Ryan and the target was for the target to notice poor abused Alexandra who had a brain in her head but was essentially trapped.

       Darren wanted to spit. It really wasn't that far from the truth. She was trapped, Section One did abuse her, she did have a brain in her head, and she had no options at all. None of them did.  

* * *

       Brian Carlson picked up the small Chihuahua and settled him in his lap. The little dog looked at his redheaded owner as if to ask if this was OK. She nodded, and the little dog settled onto his lap. Brian stroked his back gently while he listed to Ryan talk. Ryan was a blowhard adrenaline junky - trying to play in the gun running arena with the big boys. He dressed in cheap flashy cloths and dressed his girlfriend in the same style. He wouldn't last long, but he did have a few months, a few months Carlson could profit by. Ryan was cheaper than most of the suppliers.

       The woman with him was alert, sipped her drink quietly, and only dared to offer a suggestion once. It earned her a warning look and what Brian knew was a painfully squeezed wrist. She quickly shut up. Carlson suddenly knew the dog in his lap was her only friend.

       Hours later when the meeting in the club ended, Carlson was sure she was going to get slapped around. Ryan gripped her arm painfully as they walked out of the club, jerking her along so much that she had trouble keeping up with him.



Back at Section One . . .

       Alexandra was called into Madeline's office after the briefing, and Alexandra was a little worried. A visit to Madeline's office was never good for her. She'd pulled off her role perfectly. What could be wrong? Maybe something had slipped at the ranch about her previous addiction?

       "Have a seat," Madeline gestured to Alexandra, "Can I hold Pepe?"

       Alexandra nodded, and handed her the little 4 pound bundle of ears, buggy eye's and waggling tail.

       Madeline stroked Pepe's short fur down his back, and Pepe settled down comfortably. That surprised Alexandra. Pepe didn't take to a lot of the people here.

       "What was your impression of Brian Carlson," Madeline asked her.

       Alexandra took a deep breath, "He's smart. He see's things, really looks at people, everyone around him. He picks up on subtle clues. He really noticed Ryan squeezing my wrist, my arm. He's seems friendly, warm, but he'd all business beneath it."

       Madeline nodded, "I reprofiled this mission. Jonathan's profile of Carlson was inaccurate. You would not be a good choice for this mission had be been right. But Carlson has a soft spot for abused women, and he admires intelligence. The one problem we're going to have with this is that he will be reluctant to let you go. He's pulled two other women like you out of situations like the one we have set up. One of them got scared and tried to run, and he brought her back three times, and eventually disposed of her, rather humanely. It seems he felt truly bad about it. The second one turned on him, and again, he regretfully had to kill her. When the mission is done, we'll kidnap you back, the way we did Nikita. But it won't be so easy. You could be in his house for several months."

       Alexandra nodded, "I see."

       "He'll be very good to you. Just don't forget what else he is," Madeline warned her.

       Alexandra nodded, "Wolf in sheep's clothing."

        Madeline smiled down at Pepe, "I'm told that in Mexico and in Mexican families who are in the united states, Chihuahua's are kept not truly as pets, but as a good luck talisman. They keep sickness from a home."

       "That's the legend," Alexandra told her, "This little guy here is always to busy eating or sleeping to keep evil spirits at bay."

       Madeline smiled, and handed him back to Alexandra, "Enjoy him."

       The door chimed, and Madeline hit the necessary buttons to let whomever in. Jonathan appeared as the doorway slid back.

       Pepe stood up on all four legs, his ears tucked back, and he growled. On a bigger dog, with a deeper growl, it might have been intimidating. With Pepe, it was more comical.

       But not too Pepe, who growled and growled.

       Jonathan looked disdainfully at the dog, then at Alexandra. Finally, his gaze switched over to Madeline.

       "We need to discuss something Madeline," Jonathan started, not even trying to hide how pissed he was.

       Alexandra stood up, and took the growling Chihuahua with her, quickly leaving the office.


       "Kristie!" Alexandra slipped in behind her friend at the gun range, in the booth at the far end.

       Kristie lowered the gun, and looked back at Alexandra, "What?"

       "Stephen is looking for you," Alexandra told her, "Conference two."

       A grin spread across Kristie's lips. Conference two was quiet, somewhat hidden and hardly ever used . . .

       So Kristie left the gun range, turned her gear into Walter, and headed down a deserted hall for Conference room 2. She reached the door, and gently pushed it open, and opened her mouth to call out to Stephen . . .

       But the sound died in her throat. Stephen stood in the room with six other cold operatives. This was a mission, not a mid afternoon quickie hidden away somewhere. Kristie felt her heart sink.


        Their target was a woman in the lower levels of a terrorist organization, who happened to be the sometimes lover of the man Section really wanted. He was hard to catch though. It was believed that she would know his schedule. She as on a five day pleasure trip in Paris, prowling the clubs. On her trips prowling the clubs when her lover wasn't in attendance, she prowled for women, not met.

       Kristie shook her head, "No fucking way."

       Stephen's head snapped around abruptly, "What?"

       "I'm straight," She said, as if he was a small child who couldn't grasp a simple concept.

       "So what, you don't actually have to sleep with her," Stephen argued, "Just flirt with her in the club."

       Kristie shook her head, "No! I can't do that! She's gay! I can't fake that!"

       Stephen looked at the rest of the team, "Egress in 10 minutes."

       Everyone quickly left the room.

       "Kristie, I know this isn't your ideal-"

       "Ideal! My ideal! She's a woman Stephen! I like men - and lately not most of them!" Kristie snapped at him, "Find a gay female operative or something! I can't do this!"

       Kristie turned and started towards the door. She'd just got it inches open when Stephen slammed it shut, spun her around, and pushed her back against the door.

       "Listen carefully. You can, and you will. You don't have to like it. Fake it! Section is always looking for a weakness. Madeline, Operations and Jonathan all found it very convenient that you fell and hit your head on the tile's in a bathroom in Amsterdam. Be nice to her, make eye contact, flirt as if she's a man Kristie - whatever it takes for you to be able to do this, but you will do this," Stephen told her.

       Kristie glared up at him with defiance in her eye's, "I can't believe you're making me do this!"

       "Don't think because I got involved with you outside Section that I can let that impact the decisions I make here. The moment that happens, one of us is dead," Stephen warned her.

       He pulled her up off the door, and shoved her out, "You have 8 minutes to get to wardrobe, grab a dress and get to egress."

       He strode down the hall, completely ignoring her.

       Kristie wished she had something to throw at him. This was insane! She started towards wardrobe, intent on finding the most hideous creation she could find.

       She walked in, and saw two women from the wardrobe staff putting clothing away.

       "I need something in yellow," Kristie announced, "Or Orange."

       The woman blinked, "You'll look terrible in yellow or orange."

       "The target likes Yellow and Orange," Kristie sighed, as if resigned.

       The women went over to a closet, and started to pull things out. She withdrew four dressed. One of them was bright mustard yellow, a stretchy material with yellow ruffles in layers down the dress, a  matching yellow boa.

       Kristie grabbed it up, "Got any shoes to match?"

       "Size 7?"

       "Yep," Kristie said, stuffing the dress into a bag. She wasn't going to let Stephen see it until they were in the air.

       The woman came back with a pair of yellow shoes in the same color. Kristie shoved them in the bag as well, and started down the hall towards egress.


       "Michael!" Alexandra's voice exclaimed, "This isn't fair!"

       "You need the practice," Michael's calm modulated voice floated around the corner.

       Kristie rounded the corner, the bag she'd shoved the dress in clutched in her hand.

       Alexandra was standing with her back to the wall, Pepe clutched to her chest, "Michael - I'm not even appropriately dressed - and they'll be late if they wait for me."

       Kristie grinned, taking in Alexandra's attire. Black leggings, a snug top, belly button and the piercing exposed, thigh high boots, the silver chains around her neck.

        "You get to be the guy," Kristie said, pushing past them.

       Michael reached out, "Give me Pepe. You have to go."

       Alexandra sighed in defeat, and handed her Chihuahua to Michael. "Walter has food for him, and I hope he pissed in your shoes tonight!"

       She stormed through the portal to the van access, disappearing from Michael's sight.


       Michael had been back in section two hours. Nikita was out with her team. He'd ran across Stephen, and had seen the mission profile. It was a last minuet addition, but Stephen agreed to take Alex because Michael felt she needed the practice with this type of target. The two of them agreed that they might be more comfortable with someone they knew.

       The ring was still safely tucked away. Michael was trying to decide if he should approach Operations about this new 'assignment' before Nikita had arrived back, or wait for her.

       "Michael!" Operations screamed through the intercom  as Michael walked by Comm, "My office NOW!"

       Birkhoff looked over at him and commented quietly, "Glad I'm not you."

       Michael didn't dignify that with an response. If Birkhoff knew what the end result was going to be, Michael knew Birkhoff would kill to be in his shoes.

       Madeline was already standing in the room. Operations pointed the remote at the glass and it darkened.

       Michael started up the stairs. At least he's have it smoothed over as best it could be, before he proposed to Nikita - again.


       "George, Michael is here," Operations snapped, when Michael walked into the room, "Someone please explain this to me again!"

       Madeline was standing a few feet away, her arms crossed over her chest, "The freedom league is looking for someone susceptible to betraying Section. We want it to be someone we trust. Michael and Nikita go through the whole process of engagement, get legally married, throw a big ceremony - they have something to protect - want some semblance of a real life. It would be normal for them to chafe at the restraints. It makes them the perfect  target for the freedom League. When they are contacted, they agree to help, and in turn we can get to the heart of the freedom league."

       "Everyone knows there is no way I would allow something like this," Operations argued, "This will disrupt Section completely!"

       "The story circulated through Section will be that Michael has done a few favors for George, and asked for this in return. Taking out the freedom league once and for all is high on our priority list," Madeline explained further, "Operations will verbally protest, remind them several times that their personal life was granted through George, not him - to help build the scene."

       "How long is this going to take?" Operations demanded.

       "The sim suggests a year. It will be several months after the wedding ceremony that the Freedom league is likely to contact them," Madeline added.

       "You agreed to this George?" Operations asked, still very pissed.

       "It's the most viable plan I've seen yet," George's voice came through the speaker phone, "And it places two of our most trusted operatives in their midst."

       "I'm not going to grant either one of you any concessions because of this . . . assignment," Operations snapped at Michael, "If this gets out of hand, I'll cancel the assignment."


       Nikita was tired when she returned. She'd been back from her last assignment - Robert Sadd for all of one hour, when she'd been given a profile and a team to take out on another one. It was an assault in the Balkans, and they'd acquired their target with minimal causalities. All in all, the mission was a success.

       Nikita trudged up to the conference room to make her report, still clad in mission gear, and covered it dirt and grime.  Their target was no safely - safe for section at least - secured in the white room, awaiting Madeline or Jonathan's attentions.

       Nikita walked in the conference room. Operations was obviously irritated, but he listened to her report, and asked few questions. Madeline asked  more questions, and an hour later, Nikita was all but crawling to the women's locker room.

       Michael caught her just as she was about to disappear inside.

       "I need to talk to you, this afternoon, or this evening," Michael said gently, and Nikita felt his fingers brush her hand, "Can I come over?"

       "Yeah," she nodded, "I'm gonna check on a few things here, but I should be home by 6."


       The shower felt wonderful, invigorating, but she was feeling the fatigue by the time she reached her office. She had 20 emails waiting for her, status reports on several recruits, and two mission profiles for missions coming up at the beginning of next week. She sent off an electronic request to Birkhoff for building schematics on 2 sites, and a local cultural data profile. They'd be waiting for her when she got back into Section tomorrow morning.

       One of her assigned recruits was acting out in the extreme. He'd refused to do the exercises for two days.

       Nikita ordered him locked in his quarters for a week, with nothing to read or do. Meals would be delivered, and he could contemplate his decisions for a few days.

        Another female recruit was having trouble with being intimidated by men in martial arts class. Nikita decided that this recruit would be spending a lot of time with Alex over the next week. Most of the men here wouldn't mess with Alex. She'd developed a reputation of not taking any shit from anyone. Another male recruit was enjoying intimidating women. Nikita would make him spend some time with Alex as well.

        At Five thirty, Nikita drove away from Section One towards her apartment, hoping that Michael didn't want to talk long. Nikita desperately wanted a good nights sleep.


       Michael had a bottle of Champaign in a bucket of ice, and two glasses sitting out and ready. Thai food was waiting, sitting in a warm oven. Pepe was sitting on her sofa. No matter how many times Michael pushed him off, Pepe managed to hop back up. So Michael gave in. He set out food and water, and trusted that the little dog would help himself when he was ready.

       He heard the key in the lock, and a moment later, Nikita was walking through her door. She tossed her purse into a chair, kicked off her shoes and pulled her  blouse from her slacks.

       "Do I smell Thai?" she asked, slowly walking around towards the kitchenette, then spotted the dog, "Pepe?"

       "Alex is out on a mission," Michael explained.

       Then she spotted the bottle of champagne.

       "Our anniversary isn't until next week - are we celebrating early - or something else?" Nikita asked him.

       Michael pulled her into his arms, "I have something to explain to you . . . ."


       Nikita went from elated to pissed, then back to elated. She'd been angry because it was going to be a mission for them, but in the end, they'd get to publicly do and be what they already were. She didn't like deceiving some of the operatives she cared about, but in the end, they really wouldn't be deceived. When she asked Michael what would happen at the end of them mission, he told her he'd really go to George for a favor then.

        "It's not really my mothers ring," Michael told her, "It's a copy of sorts. It was lost when she died. But I know that if she was here, and had known you, she would have wanted you to have it."

       Nikita spotted the engraving on the inside, and turned it to read the inscription. N - My love always - M.

       "Michael I love it," Nikita exclaimed softly, her gaze totally focused on the platinum band on her finger.

        "I almost had a beer tab mounted on it," Michael teased her.

       Nikita looked up at him, and smiled at the fond memory. Michael had proposed, spur of the moment, and tore a lift tab off a beer can for a ring. It was when they worked at the nightclub in Australia, while they were on the run. It was now on a chain around her neck, buried under her cloths, but she always had it with her.

       She leaned over, pressing her lips to his in a kiss. He kissed her back, his kiss designed to arouse, to temp, enthrall.

       Nikita responded instantly, climbing over him, straddling his legs. She slid her hands into his hair, enjoying the silky texture, the way the ends curled around her fingers.

       Michael's hands slid up her back, under her shirt, caressing his fingers kneading her muscles. He started to lay her back on the sofa, easing her top up and then he broke the kiss just long enough to take the shirt from her.

       Nikita, eager to get her hand's on Michael's bare flesh, starting yanking his shirt from his slacks, then up and off. Before Michael had a chance to shrug it completely off,  she was yanking his slacks down his hips.

       "Nikita!" Michael moaned into her mouth when she grasped him, her fingers wrapping around the hard swollen penis, her thumb grazing over the top.

       "Michael, I need you now, Please!"

       She was yanking up skirt, her long legs already starting to wrap around him, pulling him towards her.

        Michael barely had pulled the think scrap of material that was her panties aside when she thrust up at him urgently, and then she tightened her legs around him, thrusting him sharply inside her.

       She gasped, and pressed into him even more.

       Michael groaned, enjoying the tight slick feel of her around him, but he stopped afraid to hurt her. Nikita always needed just a moment or two to adjust to his size

       But today, she didn't want it. She ground up into him, "Michael please!" she begged.

       Michael began the rhythmic thrusts, his mouth devouring hers, tasting the flesh of her neck, moving to the hallow of her throat, then down to take one nipple into his mouth. Her hand moved frantically down his back, clutching at his firm buttocks, her actions telling him she wanted more.

       Michael's thrusts came faster, and harder, and moments later Nikita was cried out in ecstasy.

       Michael let his own release come, and they stayed there, curled up on the sofa, limps intertwined, the both of them gasping for air, reveling in the taste and feel of salty moist skin.

       "I love you," Nikita murmured.

       "I love you, Mrs. Samuelle," Michael answered back, pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

       Nikita's eyes fluttered open, and met his. Words could not describe the depth of emotion the two of them felt at that moment.


* * *


       "What are you thinking about?" Brenda asked, her voice telling Darren she was almost asleep.

        Alex, Darren's mind answered, and how I wish she was here with me instead . . .

       Darren managed a smile for Brenda though, "You."

       Brenda shifted against Darren's side, "and?"

       "I was thinking that your father must be painting quite a picture of me. I keep his only daughter overnight at my place a couple times a week - and he hasn't met me yet," Darren told her, stroking his hand down her hip.

       Brenda blushed, "I am an adult."

       Darren chuckled, "Yes, you are. But you're also white - and I'm Latino. My family would flay me alive for this if they were here - for not meeting your family. Have I not met your family because I'm Latino?"

       Brenda blinked a few times, "No - that's not it at all . . . my father is just . . . he got so involved with the last man I was seeing - and I sometimes think he was the reason the last man I was dating left."

       Darren tucked some of her hair behind her ear, "I'm seeing you, not your father Brenda. I'd still like to meet him."

       Darren turned, moving over her, his mouth brushing across hers.

       She trembled underneath him, and Darren went to work, distracting her. His kisses were gentle but firm, his hand expertly stroked and caressed her. It was situations like this that made him grateful for the little valentine training he did receive in his initial two years of being a recruit. Even if he felt nothing for the woman he was with, he could make sure she enjoyed it - and what Darren felt now was pity and regret. Brenda was going to be hurt when this was all over, because she'd lose a father, and she'd been used to get to him.


       "Oh my god!" Alexandra laughed out loud when she saw Kristie in the yellow ruffled dress with the boa, "I knew this was gonna be difficult, but now it's impossible!"

       Kristie smirked, and looked at Stephen, "I'm ready to go."

       Stephen gaped at her, "You think sabotaging a mission is gonna get you out of this?!"

       "No," Kristie snapped, "Section is gonna treat me like a cheap three dollar whore, I'll act like one."

       She tried to move past him to get to the door.

       Stephen blocked her way.

       "Juan - your red tank top, take it off," Stephen ordered, "Lose the dress, put on the tank top. Don't bend over - and put your black flats back on."

       "You're kidding me, right?" Kristie gasped.

       "Lose the dress, or I'll take it of you myself, and you won't like it," Stephen warned her.

       Kristie took the tank top out of  Juan's hands, turned her back on the group, yanked the dress off, leaving them to view her for a moment from the back in panties only.

       She yanked the tank top down. It came to mid thigh, but it was dangerously short. She stormed over to the back of the transport where her flats were, slipped them on, and stormed for the door.

       "That woman better be drooling over the two of you," Stephen warned them, a dangerous edge to her voice.

       Alexandra, her protective instincts coming out, was eager to salvage the situation. She put her arm around Kristies waist, and all but dragged her out of the van.

       "Can you believe this shit!" Kristie muttered.

       "OK, this is how Nikita and I did this. We hang on each other all night, and make goo goo eye's at our target. We lean into each other and whisper in each other's ear, hands rest on hips, on the top of a thigh," Alexandra told her, "Don't kiss me, I won't kiss you. Deal?"

       "Deal!" Kristie snapped, "A tank top - I'm walking into this club wearing only a tank top."

       "That was the ugliest dress I've seen in years," Alexandra laughed.

       They reached the door of the club, paid their cover charge, and went inside. The periphery team was 3 minutes behind them.

       Alexandra picked a spot for them near the end of the bar, ordered two drinks for them, and sat on the bar stool, "You can't sit, so lean into me."

       Kristie looked at her, "I am not into this."

       But she leaned over, and tentatively put her arm around Alexandra's shoulders.

       "I like your tattoo's," the bartender said, bringing their drinks.

       Kristie wanted to throw the drink in the woman's face, but she forced a smile on her face, "Thanks."

       Unlike the last mission Alexandra did with Nikita where they posed as a lesbian couple, none of the operatives cracked jokes or teased them. If anything, they seemed tense.

       The target had arrived, but wasn't biting at the bate.

       "She probably likes brunet's or platinum blondes, not strawberry blondes," Kristie smirked.

       Alexandra sighed, "She's looking at single women, not couples," Alexandra observed, "Kristie, go be gay by yourself."

       "What the hell am I supposed to do?" Kristie snapped.

       Alexandra stepped in front of her, and pretended to caress her cheek, instead turning her transmitter off, "You're gonna walk over, say hello, and talk to her. If she doesn't bite - I'll come hit on her. But you get first shot - since you pissed Stephen off."

       Alexandra tugged on the tank top, exposing a bit more cleavage than Kristie liked to be showing right now, and then hit the transmitter again, "She's all yours."

       Alexandra moved off to another part of the club to watch. She hoped to god Kristie pulled this off. Otherwise, Operations was going to go ape.

       The woman talked to Kristie for a while, then walked away, and headed for the back of the club, where the bathrooms were.

       Kristie looked at Alexandra, "Alex?"

       "Follow her," Alexandra said, "Get ready guys."

       "You can't force her out," Stephen snapped, "We can't cause a scene."

       "And if we don't get her at all?" Alexandra asked.

       Alexandra had just reached Kristie and passed her, "Kristie - Watch behind me, just in case."

       The bathrooms were right by the back door. Alexandra suddenly put her arm around the woman's waist, and pressed a wet kiss to her cheep, "Hey girl! Baby I have been missing you!"

       The woman tried to push Alexandra off of her.

       Alexandra pretended to be drunk, "Hey,  you remember last time when we went out in the alley back here and you and I got it on, right in the alley? I wanna do it again!"

       Alexandra suddenly shoved her violently forward, propelling the woman through the door. She swung at Alexandra, hitting her square in the face. Alexandra's head snapped back, but she didn't lose her balance. She lunged, knocking them both to the ground.

       Kristie ran for them, helping Alex drag the kicking, screaming woman down the alley. The van pulled up, they shoved her in, clamoring in after her.

       Someone had the injection waiting, and their target faded into oblivion quickly.

       "What the hell went wrong in there?" Stephen asked, "Weren't you making eye contact?"

       "Yes, we both were," Alexandra defended both of them, "We made goo goo eye's, did the lip licking thing, everything. She wasn't biting for blondes or redheads."

       Stephen was standing over them, Alexandra and Kristie were sitting down on the side running bench. Stephen grasped Alexandra's chin and turned her face to the light. She had bruising below her left eye and scratches. "That's gonna be a nice shiner."

       Alexandra's lips curled into a smile, "It will fit right in with my cover for the Carlson mission. Otherwise Ryan was gonna have to do it, and I think he probably hits harder than sleepy beauty here."

       Stephen reached into the overhead bin and pulled out the first aid kit, and handed it Kristie, "Since she essentially bailed your ass out, your disinfect the scratches."

       Kristie glared at him when he turned his back.


       "Grounded?!" Kristie gaped at him.

       "You act like a child, I'll treat you like one," Stephen told her, "You're confined to quarters for 3 days. Go."

       Kristie stood rooted to the place she stood, "You can't be serious!"

       "Very serious," Stephen told her, "You're good Kristie, but you're replaceable. I don't want to see that happen. If I don't punish you, Operations will."

       Kristie shook her head, and turned for the door, walking brisquely out of the room, so pissed off she could hardly see straight.

       She walked across the main floor, and glanced up to operations glass tower. Nikita and Michael stood in front of him, Madeline stood off to the side. Operations  was wildly gesturing, obviously yelling.

       Kristie felt a little bit of regret creeping up on her. Stephen was protecting her by punishing her himself - and she suspected she got off incredibly easy.

       Alexandra grabbed Kristie, "What did he say?"

       "I'm grounded," Kristie told her, "Free, white and over 21 - and he grounds me. But after seeing what's going on up there, I should probably be happy he's doing this before operations gets to me."

       Alexandra nodded to Operations glass tower, "That up there - Nikita came in this morning with a ring on her finger - with Michael. Rumor control has it that Michael called in serious favors."

       Kristie wondered if it would come out that they were already married . . .

       "I better go - come feed me information later," Kristie told her.

       "You got it," Alexandra told her.


       Within the next hour the rumor flew through Section One faster than nerve gas could have. Michael called in some favors with George. He'd done something phenomenal for him when George called him out, so phenomenal that George was going to allow them to marry. Operations was pissed, but his hand were tied. He threatened to transfer or cancel on of them if it became a problem.


        "Congratulations," Stephen said to Michael as he walked into Michael's office, "You got balls or rock to even try this - but congratulations."

       Pepe was curled up in a ball, as if sleeping on the corner of Michael's desk. He looked up at Stephen, then put his head back down.

       "Thank you," Michael said, "How did Alex perform on the mission?"

       "She rises to the occasion and goes way beyond when she's concerned about someone else," Stephen told him, "The whole attitude problem disappears. Kristie brought the ugliest dress she could find. I put her in a tank top that was just long enough to cover her ass and sent her in anyhow. The target didn't bite, but Alex waylaid her by the back door. She's got helluva shiner for her efforts too. If Alex hadn't been thinking of salvaging the mission out of fear for Kristie, we would have lost the target."

       Michael nodded slowly, "Alex has always behaved drastically different when she has to be concerned about someone else. Nikita was the same way."

       "Then Nikita's scores ought to go through the roof now - Operations is gonna look for ways to fuck with you two," Stephen commented.

       Michael took a deep breath, "He's pissed, but he's not stupid."

       "This pretty much announces you're next in line you know," Stephen told him.

       Michael nodded, "That or I just signed our death warrants."

       "Is she worth it?"

       Michael nodded, "Yes, she is."


       Alexandra sat on the side of Nikita's desk, her body twisted to the side a little, peering over a catalog.

       The catalog was for Wedding dresses and bridesmaid's dresses.

       "So what's it gonna be, big wedding, small wedding, what?" Alexandra asked her.

       Nikita flipped the page, "I'm thinking medium sized. Half of Section is going to resent the hell out of us for this."

       "Because you're getting something they won't have?" Alexandra asked, "Your real friends will get over it quick. Besides, operations is gonna fuck with the two of you, and we'll all be feeling sorry for you soon."

       Nikita bit her lip, "I thought about that. George says, 'they earned it' - I thought Operations was gonna have a heart attack right then and there."

       "What did Madeline say?" Alexandra asked.

       "Something about strengthening bonds being good in some cases - but she's bonding a lot of people lately."

       Alexandra laughed, "Well, when you're picking out brides maid's gowns, remember that I can't wear red, orange or yellow."

       Nikita grinned, "I was this dark teal color actually."

       There was  knock on the door, then Darren poked his head through, "I heard this rumor, and I'm here to confirm it."

       Nikita held up her hand. Darren slipped through the door, and closed it behind him. He looked at Alexandra, "Nice shiner baby," and took Nikita's hand in his, "Holy shit - it's true isn't it."

       He moved over to stand in front of Alexandra, pushing her knee's apart a little and stepping between them, his hands moving on her waist, "I missed you - who's ass am I kicking for beating you up?"

       Alexandra looked over at Nikita, "He's good, isn't he?"

       Nikita laughed, "Yes and Yes."

       Alexandra wrapped her legs around Darren's hips, and ran her hand up his chest, "So am I paling in comparison to the voluptuous blonde thing you're working?"

       Darren groaned, slid his hands around to her back and pulled her body flush against his, "Never. It's a chore."

       Alexandra laughed, "You are so good, so . . . do I get laid tonight - or does the blonde get you?"

       Darren tucked a curl behind Alexandra's ear, "I got tonight off - sort of. I hope to god she doesn't call. I'm getting into her father's place the day after tomorrow - so who hit you?"

       "Pepe kicked me," Alexandra said matter a factly.

       "Then you must have been asking for it," Darren teased her, "Speaking of Pepe - where is he? I was beginning to think you'd never put him down."

       "Keeping sickness and bad luck away from Michael," Alexandra told him, "I figured after the little meetings he's had with Operations lately - he needed all the help he could get. But I am taking him home with me tonight - I'm not that nice."

       Darren traced his fingers tips over her lips, "You gonna be nice to me?"

       Alexandra chuckled, deep in her throat, "Aren't I always?"

       Nikita watched them, the affectionate familiarity, how they didn't try to hide it from her, the teasing, and felt a twinge of envy. There were no doubts between them at all - but Nikita knew that what they had, was hard won.

       Several times, Nikita had thought about her reaction to her target Robert Sadd - how her body responded to some of the things he did to her. Michael was her heart, her soul, her reason for being, but it bothered her that she'd been able to respond to Sadd. Now, faced with such emotional intimacy - open emotional intimacy - she wondered if she and Michael were missing something. She knew how she felt, she knew he said he loved her. She knew he must - because he went against Section more than once for her, protected her when he could - and while he'd been known to do that for other people - it was never to the degree that he'd done so for Nikita. He'd even given her freedom once . . .

       "Kita? Is something wrong?" Darren asked her.

       Nikita was snapped out of her musings, and she looked up at the operative - her material, and her friend.

       "I was just thinking," she said, and tapped the catalog with her finger nail.

       Darren seemed to accept that as justification enough.

       "Watch - you'll have a date set - and Operations will send you on a mission," Alexandra sighed.

       Nikita rolled her eye's, "Well, I know there won't be a honeymoon trip, that's for sure - and we'll probably both be sleeping with every target he can find for the next Six months."

       Alexandra bit her lip, "Like we all have the last couple of weeks."

       Darren's arms tightened on Alex, and all three of them looked at each other, all three weighing the price for their retreat at the ranch against the price they'd been paying.

       "I gotta go make my report - I'll come by later tonight?" Darren said to Alexandra softly.

       Alexandra nodded, "Yeah - I'll be waiting."

       Darren slipped out of her arms, and left the office.

       Nikita looked at Alexandra, "You were gonna give that up - shut him out - do you remember that?"

       Alexandra groaned, "Vividly - and he still scares the hell out of me. I know sooner or later, one of us is not gonna come back from a mission - or we'll reach a point where Section can't use us and we're canceled. If he goes first, I don't know what I'll do."

       "Go on," Nikita told her.

       Alexandra took a deep breath, "He's the reason I have to survive Nikita. Sometimes all the good we do gets so clouded up in the bad we do to get there - don't you ever feel like that?"

       "Sometimes," Nikita told her, "There was a time - and it was a two years ago, give or take a couple months - where I didn't care if I lived or died."

       "What happened to change your mind?" Alexandra asked softly.

       Nikita took a deep breath, Michael set me free . . . "Circumstances just fell into place - and I suddenly felt like going on. If you're ever faced with Darren's loss - or he is with yours, one morning you'll wake up, and things won't seem so bad. You just have to hold on until you get there."



       Alexandra was dressed in the nightgown and robe Darren had bought her.  Pepe, now retrieved from Michael, was eating what Alexandra was sure was twice his body weight in dog food over by the kitchenette - and she knew he ate his head off when Walter had him too. While she waited she had time to contemplate her newest friend.

       As he knew she was thinking about him, he stopped and looked over at her, and trotted in her direction. He reared up on his hind legs when he reached the sofa, and Alexandra scooped him up. Pepe curled into a ball, and let out a peculiar gurgling sound that Alexandra knew was a belch.

       Alexandra laughed, and stroked his short, straight tan fur. She was gonna have to put him on the treadmill if he ate like this when he was full grown. But he was still a puppy, and very active. He followed her everywhere in Section. When she came back from workouts, she found him playing with other operatives, under Walter's watchful eye. The moment he saw her, he broke away, and ran hell bent for metal in her direction, throwing himself at her, rearing back on his hind legs and pawing at her legs to be picked up.

       There was a knock at the door, and Alexandra heard the sound of a key in the lock a moment after. Pepe's ears twitched, and he jumped from her lap, and walked over towards the door.

       Alexandra grinned. All four pounds of Pepe wasn't much of a guard dog. It was Darren letting himself in, but Alexandra had been expecting that. He laughed at Pepe, scooping him up as he closed the door behind him. Darren's eyes then traveled to Alexandra, his hungry gaze moving over her, the smile on his face feral.

       "I'm getting jealous of a dog you know," Darren said softly, walking towards her.

       He set Pepe down in a chair without stopping his walk towards her. He reached the sofa where Alexandra sat stretched out invitingly, and moved over her.

       "Please tell me you're kidding," Alexandra chuckled.

       "I'm not," Darren teased her, pulling her up, so she sat, straddling his legs, "He gets to sleep next to you every night."

       Alexandra wrapped her arms around his neck, and pressed a kiss to his lips, her tongue stroking along his lip line. Darren kissed her back.

       "You," she said softly, "Have no competition. You're a much better kisser."

       "There are a few other things I can do for you, that he can't," Darren teased her back, his hands slipping inside her robe to touch her.

       Alexandra felt his hands cup her breasts, firm but gentle.

        "On the bed," she urged him softly.

       Darren stood up, picking her up as he went, walking them over to her bed. He set her down, breaking the contact just long enough to shrug off his shirt. Alexandra was already pulling at his belt and jeans, loosening them quickly, and then pushing them down over his hips.

       He sprang forth, hard and ready for her. Darren saw a feral smile spread across her lips and she leaned forward, and ran her tongue along the underside of his shaft.

       Darren hissed. He never knew what Alexandra was going to do to him. Some days she sprang on him, frantically impaling herself before Darren could do much for her. Other days she let him slowly work her body up into a fevered pitch. She was always attentive to his needs in bed, but there were time he knew she reveled in driving him insane. Then there were times he knew she willing to put herself through something she might not enjoy - because she felt she owed him, or wanted to thank him - or she felt like competition might have appeared. This time she was staking her claim on him.

       Like Brenda Haskins.

       "Querrida," Darren  grasped her shoulders, pulling her back from him, "Baby - I know what's going on in your head - not like this."

       Her lips parted, wet and moist, "Darren - I want to do this - you like going down on me - what makes you think I don't like to go down on you?"

       He rubbed his thumb across her cheek, "Because you taste good, and I know men don't."

       "I like driving you insane," she told him, pushing away his hands, "Lay down. I want to play."

       Darren sighed, and stretched out on the bed, "Alex - I want you to listen to me."

       She crawled over him, "I haven't fucked up in weeks Darren - I'm not feeling guilty about anything - and I know you like it."

       Just for emphasis, she moved just so her nipple grazed the tip of his cock.

       Darren hissed, "I just . . . worry about what goes on in your head."

       She moved again so her nipple grazed him. The look in her eye's told her she was enjoying it just as much as he was, "What do you think is going on in my head?"

       "I think you're thinking about my target - who is just that - a target," Darren watched her, mesmerized, feeling his heart hammer in his chest.

       "Staking my claim?" Alexandra added.

       Darren felt his heart skip a beat, he'd just been thinking that.

       "Are you?" he asked.

       She bent her head down to his stomach, and pressed small kisses to the scar line - from when he'd ruptures his spleen.

       "Always," she whispered, "And I enjoy it."

       She moved lower, her mouth leaving a hot wet trail as she went. When she closed her lips over his cock again, Darren clutched the bedsheets, deciding that now was not the time to discuss this. Neither one of them were clear headed anyhow.

       She worked him ruthlessly, fighting his reaching hands back until he came.

       Darren weakly reached for the water bottle, his hands shaking as he handed it to her.

       She sat on his stomach, straddling him, and chugged down several swallows.

       "You don't have to go that far Querrida," Darren moved his hand up her thigh.

       She set the water bottle down, "Darren - I have to do stuff I don't want to for Section all the time. I don't in my personal life - relax."

       Darren pulled her down, and rolled her onto her back, "You do own me, heart and soul, you know that don't you?"

       She nodded, "Yeah, I do."

       His mouth brushed hers, then he moved down, and took one nipple into his mouth, suckling her, his fingers working her other breast.

       His mouth left her to switch, and she looked down at him suddenly, feeling the loss, if only temporary.

       His mouth moved down her stomach, flicking over her pierced navel, something he knew she liked. He parted her with his tongue, delving into her, tasting her arousal, his tongue stroking her sensitive flesh.

       His tongue started to thrust into her, his fingers stroking over her clit, and she came quickly, crying out, her body convulsing under him.

       Darren reared up, and slid his hardened cock inside her, pushing her knees up and out, burying himself deep.

       "What do I taste like?" she asked breathlessly.

       Darren chuckled, stretching out his body on top of hers, "Like this," he whispered, and kissed her, her own body's secretions still moist on his lips.

       He'd surprised her, and she tentatively ran her tongue along his lips, as if nervous. Darren could only stand it for a few moments, and his kiss became more aggressive. He pulled back, almost completely out of her, then thrust back in, each stroke measured to bring her as much pleasure as possible.

       Alexandra thrust her hips back up at him, meeting him a little faster.

       Darren stopped for a moment, sitting back, and pulling her up with him.

       "Turn around, I want to take you from behind," he whispered in her ear.

       Alexandra turned around, propping herself up on her hands and knee's, her legs spread wide. She felt the tip of him stroking between her now passion swollen labia, and she moaned softly, and felt him slid inside her.

       She arched her back, thrusting her hips back at him, and Darren buried his length deep inside of her, again and again, until he felt her body start to spasm around him. Only then did he let his own release come.

       They collapsed together. Alexandra managed to turn around, so she faced him, intertwining her arms and legs with his.

       Darren kissed her tenderly, holding her close against him.

       "Do you ever think about what we were like - when we first got out of our initial training?" Darren asked softly.

       "Yes," she said softly, "I remember the first time we made love - I was so out of control then . . . I'm sure Michael thinks I still am in a lot of ways."

       Darren chuckled, "I will remember you pulling that disk out of the laptop, busting it and throwing it in garbage - right in front of Michael - for the rest of my life!"

       Alexandra laughed softly, "I was so pissed!"

       Just then, Pepe barked at them. Darren turned his head, and looked to see Pepe standing by the side of the bed, reared up on his hind legs, his front paws on the side of the bed.

       Darren reached for him, "Someone obviously thinks he's supposed to be up here with us."

       He set Pepe down next to them. Pepe immediately lay down and curled into a ball.

       "He's probably the best thing anyone has ever given me," Alexandra said softly, "Alive - full of energy - he's totally trustable and gives unconditional love."

       Darren pressed a kiss to the hollow of her throat, enjoying the salty taste to her skin after they made love, "I can't think of any reason I'd ever stop loving you Alex."

       She smiled, and slid her fingers into his hair, "I know - I know . . . I have to say this, and I know to your ears it sounds stupid . . . but sometimes I don't know why you keep coming back for me. I've screwed up so many times. I pushed you away because I was afraid to feel anything. I hid from the pain and fear in cocaine, and then lied to you about it, I can commit murder without blinking an eye - and what I did to Tyler, to make it do he couldn't get it up - what kind of person can poison someone else, throw them to the wolves and not feel the slightest bit guilty? - and I'm probably one of the worst paid high class whores - and you still want me."

       Darren frowned, "Whore? Alex - it's just the job - it's not like you're working the street!"

       She sighed, "Isn't it? They get money to have sex. I get to live - I get money - and when they tell me to have sex, I do."

       Darren shook his head, "We're doing something worthwhile though Alex - I have to do it too sometimes. Not as often as you do, but I do have to sometimes. I don't think of myself as a whore - I don't think of you as one."

       She managed a smile, "I know - I shouldn't have said anything - it's just that it bother's me that it's becoming so easy to do. It's nothing like what you and I do. Not even close - but there was a time when I almost couldn't go through the motions. Now I can. I don't like it, but I do it."

       "And Tyler and the herb thing, and setting him up for your target - you just did to him what he's been doing to Kristie, that's not awful," Darren told her.

       "A normal person doesn't do the things I do Darren, I'm got at it, and hate that - but what does that make me?" She asked him, "A whore and a killer."

       Darren shook his head, "I do the same things Alex - it makes us people that do what they have to. I bet Section could find people not in prison, that could be pushed to the same limits we are. The problem is, that when they disappear, the public raises a stink. No one gets upset when a convict dies in prison."

       "You don't pull the trigger unless you have to," Alexandra reminded him, "and -"

       Darren put his fingers over her mouth, "I'm not the saint you seem to want to paint me to be Alex. When you had amnesia, and we thought Section might cancel you, I was going to smuggle you out of Section and run. I knew I'd have to hurt the medical tech. Kristie was gonna try to bribe them first, but if that didn't work . . . and the whole thing with Anna . . . and I'm possessive. I see Ryan panting after you, and I want to tear him to pieces. I'd have killed Scott if Michael hadn't gone with me -"

       "OK! OK! We've established that neither one of us are saints," Alexandra said, "I have my doubts is all."

       "And I'll never be able to cure you of them, but I'll always try," Darren told her.


* * *

       "Birkhoff?" Nikita asked, "How close are we?"

       "I should have it in 5 more minutes," Birkhoff told her, "Darren, find a way to stall and stay in the house for 5 more minutes."

       Darren was standing in Brenda's father's house, and in the library. It was the room Section needed to scan the modulation frequencies for. The family was having a 'barbecue' which was more a lawn party for the who's who in the blue blood class.

       Brenda's father was clearly not happy that Brenda had invited him, without talking to her father first. She didn't know what her father would have run a background check on Darren, and he certainly would not have let anyone into his study. But his daughter didn't know that.

        Then, Brenda's father said that all the nights she'd been gone, he'd thought she'd spent the nights with her old boyfriend.

       Brenda had gasped, mortified at how rude her father was to Darren. Darren shrugged it off, and commented on computer system Brenda's father had in the Den - and then went on to talk about his own system, how he was expanding to allow his clients to download their account records.

       "We've got it," Birkhoff announced.

       Nikita picked up the phone, and dialed Darren's cell number. She pretended to be a distraught client who was threatening to close her accounts. It gave Darren an excuse to leave, and if Brenda's father was monitoring the cellular frequency, he'd hear what Darren told them.

       "I have to go," Darren told her, "It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Haskins. I'm sure I'll see you again sometime soon."

       Darren pressed a kiss to Brenda's cheek and promptly left.

        Later that night, when the guests were gone, Section would mount an assault on the Haskins household. Just as Section was 20 minutes away, Brenda was pulling out, rushing to the stables. She'd received a call. Her horse was ill. When she got there, she'd discover that his ailment was only a temporary thing. In a few hours, it would disappear. The vet would never find any evidence of the Herb's that made him temporarily ill.

       Brenda wouldn't be home to see her father hauled away. The risk of her becoming 'acceptable collateral' had been diminished.

       Alexandra watched the assault play out on Birkhoff's screen, her thoughts straying to Darren and what he must be feeling right now. She knew this mission had bothered him mostly because Brenda was truly an innocent - and that he used that to get to her father. She'd figure it out in the days to come, and be devastated. Darren's apartment - the one Brenda knew of, was now empty. The carefully laid out part of his cover that was a client list, business licenses, were now gone. When she tried to find him, she'd run into blank walls. It would be as if he never existed.


        Hours later . . .

       "You! You used my daughter! Bastard!" Haskins screamed as two Section cold ops dragged him down the hall to the white room.

       Darren sighed, and looked at Nikita. He knew that she understood what he was feeling.

        Madeline had been standing off to the side, and was witness to Haskins screamings.

       "Brenda Haskins was not on site?" Madeline asked.

       "The house staff said her horse was sick," Nikita explained, "I didn't dispatch a team because she was collateral."

       "She's not useful to us," Madeline agreed, and turned to leave.

       Nikita asked Darren softly, "Did you have her called away?"

       Darren shook his head, "No - the horse must really be sick. Damn lucky timing for Brenda."

       Alexandra had just come around the corner, and heard the bit of conversation, and resisted the urge to smile. Maybe she'd tell Darren later on, or maybe she wouldn't.


        Continue on to Shuffle of the deck . . .

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