This comes after Madeline's Gift        

The Price

By: Kimberly

Click here to E-Mail Kimberly


       No one wanted to be back. Life away from Section - the gift Madeline had given them - was too precious - it hurt to leave it behind. Fond memories would be seared into their brains for life now.

        They returned to find Madeline had been called away by the agency. George needed her skills on a problem he was wrestling with. He estimated he'd need her for a month.

       This news didn't bother Alexandra, Kristie, Darren or Stephen at first. But it did bother Michael and Nikita. Michael and Nikita knew that Madeline had orchestrated their time on the ranch for a reason. They knew Operations certainly wouldn't have agreed.

        It took Alexandra and Darren a little while longer to consider having only Jonathan to deal with, rather than Madeline.

* * *        

       "Darren! They're looking for you for a briefing!" another cold op said, walking up to them in the gym.

       Darren, Alexandra and Kristie had been working out in the gym.

       Darren racked the weighted bar, "Ladies  - duty calls!"

       Kristie rolled her eye's, and Alexandra gave him a once over he could feel.

       "Let me know when you get back and I'll give you a real debrief," Alexandra whispered.

       Kristie laughed quietly, grinning at seeing her friends content and happy for once. It an idyllic moment - a rare thing here.

        They were all about to realize how important moments like these were too.

       He walked away, toweling his face off a little, and Kristie started to pull a weight off one end of the bar, Alexandra started on the other end.

* * *

       Darren worked hard to keep his face impassive through out the briefing. His target was Brenda Haskins. The daughter of a man Section One needed to get a hold of. His security was top notch. They couldn't get into his house without tipping him off - and his data file's would be erased if Section took the place in an assault.

       But if Darren got close to Brenda, and she took him to meet good old Dad, Darren could get into the house - and into the computer.

       Brenda was voluptuous, thick blonde hair, amiable, sweet tempered - and recovering from a nasty breakup.

        She'd been spending her grief by spending time at the stables where she kept her horse. Darren would happen to run into her there.

       The timing wasn't lost on Darren. Madeline was out - Jonathan was here and profiled this - leaving Alex very alone - and Darren knew she had a jealous streak, they both did. Brenda was exactly Alexandra's opposite too. Darren really hoped Pepe was enough to occupy Alexandra's time now.

* * *

       "Hey Kid," Walter said, "Bad briefing?"

       Darren sighed, "You could say that. I gotta seduce someone I won't be attracted to - and an innocent to boot - hack her father's pc and destroy her life."

       Walter nodded slowly, "You think she doesn't know about her father?"

       Darren shrugged, "Ask me in a few days."

       "Does Alex know yet?" Walter asked gently.

       "Nope," Darren said, "She just got called into a briefing - with Ryan. No coincidence there huh?"

       Walter shook his head, "Jonathan is vindictive."

       Darren groaned, "I never thought I would miss Madeline . . .Where is Pepe?"

       Alexandra had given Pepe over to Walter's care when they went to work out.

        Walter gestured over his shoulder, "He's got himself a nice little nest in that little corner there."

       Darren walked around the table, and found a small dog bed sitting under a shelf, Pepe curled up asleep in it.

       "You had a dog bed already?" Darren said, surprised.

       "Got one before you all came back," Walter told him, "Check this out."

       Walter lead Darren farther back into the munitions storage, until they reached the very end, and then Walter squatted down, in front of what looked like a litter box, "This little eye here see's when Pepe steps into the box to make a donation. When he leaves, it waits two minutes, this rake thing combs everything over to this bin - and then it seals the contents in a bag, and the sealed bag drops down here. All I gotta do is pull the bin out, and dump the packages in garbage. Clean, tidy, and no smell."

       Darren nodded, not surprised Walter would know of such a contraption.

       "I'm designing a chip right now, to implant under Pepe's skin - so we can find him if he ever gets lost too," Walter told him, grinning ear to ear.

* * *

       Nikita was sick to her stomach. Jonathan and Operations were sending her out to be the playmate of a man who was abusive to his women. The target, Robert Sadd, associated with a terrorist Section had not been able to get a look at, or near - in years. Nikita's job was to be there, get a good look at him, allow section to get a visual. That was it. Plain and simple.

        Nikita listened, her stomach turning over as Jonathan described what to expect from Robert Sadd. He'd be rough - expect her to be at his beck and call. He was possessive. He probably wouldn't let her out of his home without a tail . . .

       Of course, Michael had been sent to the middle east on a mission the moment they all got back. Perfect timing - perfect planning.        

* * *

       "Hey," Kristie said softly, walking up to Stephen. He was picking up a sim at the comm station.

       He nodded to her and started to walk away from the comm station, "What can I do for you?"

       Kristie had to grin. She could think of a lot of things.

       "I was wondering what you were doing later?" she asked him quietly, "I'm thinking I might need a little more . . . therapy."

       Stephen's eye's sparkled. He'd love to keep giving Kristie the therapy he'd been giving her on the ranch, "That can be arranged . . . be discreet."

       She nodded, and turned to walk away.

       Tyler was walking towards her, one of his oh so charming smiles on his face. Stephen stopped to watch. He couldn't tear himself away - not with a man like Tyler bearing down on Kristie like she was a choice cut of steak and Tyler was a starving dog.

       "Kristie," Tyler said, "I hope you're recovering from your . . . injuries."

       "I'm fine," Kristie said calmly, her voice held an icy cold edge to it.

       "Jonathan and Operations will be pleased then," Tyler said, "We have a briefing - all three of us."

       Kristie felt her stomach turn. A briefing involving Tyler could only mean one thing . . . .

* * *

       Brenda Haskins was dressed in navy blue riding pants, and a matching blouse. Her hair was pulled back into a severe pony tail, and she was absent mindedly running a brush down the horses coat.

       Darren spotted her right away. Today - he was Darren Vasquez. Financial advisor, self made man - and a much nicer man, much more charming man than the man who'd broken Brenda's heart two weeks ago.

       "Beautiful horse," Darren said gently, admiring the mare she was brushing.

       Brenda looked up, and her breath caught in her throat.

       The man in front of her was sinfully beautiful. Smoldery black eye's, thick black silky hair that hung past his shoulders. Full lips, mustache, goatee, even toned naturally tan skin. He wore nice slacks and a dress shirt under a blazer. No tie - as if he'd yanked if off a few hours ago.

       "UH . . . thank you," she said, suddenly realizing she'd been staring.

       He smiled at her, "Is this the one for sale?"

       She blinked. Her horse for sale?

        "NO!" She said, "That stall there . . . The gray stallion."

       Darren gave her a heart fluttering smile, "Thank you."

       He watched her a moment longer, and walked over to the stall she indicated. He watched the horse that was for sale for a few minutes, and kept looking around, as if expecting someone.

       "If you're waiting for Pierre - you could be waiting a while," Brenda called out to him, "He usually leaves by 1."

       Darren sighed, "I had a 1:30 appointment to discuss the horse . . ."

       Brenda sighed, "He's curled up with a bottle by now."

       Darren groaned, "Argh! Do you know anything about this horse?"

       She nodded, "A little."

       She set down the brush she'd been using, and walked over to where he stood, "Do you know anything about horses?"

       "Not a damn thing," Darren lied, "I'm looking into this as a potential investment for a client. He's in the market for a race horse."

       Brenda took a deep breath, "I . . . Tibault is a racer . . ."

       Darren gave her another devastating smile, "But you wouldn't buy him?"

       She opened her mouth, but nothing came out, "I . . . don't want to make the stable master angry . . ."

       Darren chuckled, "I understand . . . well . . . since I have no appointment now . . . maybe I could talk you into lunch in exchange for some general knowledge about horses?"

       Brenda looked at him for a moment, looking for signs of deception, or anything other than what he said. She found none.

       "Sure - I guess - but this is all I've got to wear - the clubhouse restaurant is about the only place we could go."

       "Sound's perfect," Darren said, and offered his arm.

       Darren turned the charm on high. He asked her if she liked wine, and what kind - and ordered the best they had. They snacked on prawns throughout the afternoon. He got her to talk about horses, how long she'd been interested in them - when she rode as a child, what kind of competitions she did as a child - her horse, other horses she had, horses in general. Then he got her talking about other things - her likes and dislikes. Hours later, he had her phone number, and a promise to have lunch with him again.


* * *

       Nikita wanted to spit the liquid in her mouth at the man who she was being "Introduced" to. He always arranged for his women in a financial sense. High class prostitutes who would take the abuse. He kept using them for a few months, until they started to not heal so quickly. Then he moved on.

       Ned, another section operative was the man who met the target. Robert Sadd was dark. Olive skin, dark eye's, dark hair.

        "So where is she?" Robert asked, looking around.

       Ned waved Nikita over. She was dressed in a bright red halter style dress. Her hair was swept up in an elegant twist.

       "I was told you deal in women with poise - breeding," Robert said to Ned, "I hope I'm not going to be disappointed. I can bring you a lot of business."

       Nikita smiled confidently at him, and slipped her arm through his, "I don't think you'll be disappointed."


       Nikita had been anticipating the worst. Sadd was a gentleman while they were in the club. He grilled her about her background thoroughly. Nikita had come well prepared - not that they were concerned about Sadd checking on her so much - mostly because Sadd had a reputation for having a good memory. A slip later on could be huge problem.

       They dined, danced,  late into the evening. He took her home. Nikita hoped he misinterpreted the tension in her body. She was terrified. Letting the enemy see you terrified was a huge mistake.

       He started on her with his hands in the limousine on the way back to his penthouse. Nikita had her eye's closed as he viciously kissed her, his tongue and teeth plying her brutally. His groping on her breasts, butt and thighs were painful, but she went along with it, her occasional gasps of pain only seemed to please him.

       When they got to his home, he all but dragged her up the stairs.

        Nikita's stomach threatened to toss up the contents of her dinner as he shoved her into his bedroom. His hands were everywhere, grabbing, squeezing, hurting. She fought back tears, wondering how much of this she was going to be able to stand.

        He grabbed the neckline of her dress and ripped it down the front, repeated the same routine with her scant undergarments, and threw her down on his bed. Nikita swallowed back bile and he all but destroyed his own clothing, and climbed on top of her.

       His first thrust into her felt like she was being ripped apart, and she couldn't hold back the scream that she let loose.

        It only seemed to urge him on  . . .

* * *

       "Hey - make your self useful and get me some water too!" Tyler called out to Alexandra as she opened the small refrigerator onboard the Section One transport plane.

       Kristie felt cold inside - dead. This was a nightmare come true. She and Tyler were posing as a couple that was into swinging. Their target was into that too. They'd 'happen' to run into him in an underground club that catered to that lifestyle.

       Once they were in his home, they could search for the disks Section needed. Stephen would be supervising this mission. It was all the worse that he would be watching, listening.

       Kristie was sitting by the galley, and turned to look at Alexandra, "Let him die of thirst."

       Alexandra looked at her, a wicked gleam in her blue eye's. Kristie watched as the redhead unscrewed the cap off the bottled water, poured some clear liquid into it, and screwed the cap back on.  She tucked another bottle under her arm, and sauntered up to Tyler.

       "Your water your highness!" Alexandra announced, and with her finger covering the cap, untwisted it open for him.

       She acted as if she was going to dump it on him, but then handed it to him instead, and walked back to sit down next to Kristie.

       Kristie felt cold fear racing through her veins. She'd heard stories about what Alexandra could do. She'd heard she was a frightenly good shot - she'd heard that Alex had done few assassination missions. She'd heard all about how she snapped someone's neck in the gym - and how she killed a target Darren had been ordered to seduce.

        But to see her poison someone in front of Kristie . . .

       "What the fuck did you just do?!" Kristie whispered urgently.

       Alexandra smiled, "You'll see in about six hours."

       That didn't make her feel any better.

       "Alex! If he dies on this mission -"

       Alexandra humphed, "Oh he won't die - not from that! Relax Kristie."

       Kristie couldn't relax though.


       Stephen was pissed, but he couldn't show it. Madeline had given him free reign with Kristie. The end result was supposed to be for her to be comfortable with her sexuality again. One week was simply not enough time.

        But Madeline was working outside of Section One - and Jonathan had assumed all of Madeline's duties. Stephen didn't know much about him - rumor only. The rumors weren't kind either. Alexandra and Darren didn't trust him - but Alexandra didn't trust many people. Kristie didn't like him much either, but Stephen suspected that had more to do with his job than much else.

       Stephen was forming his own opinions rapidly - and this mission wasn't boding well for his opinion of the pretty boy profiler.

       While Stephen contemplated all of this, he saw Kristie break formation away from Tyler and start towards the bathroom.

       "Kristie?" Stephen asked.

       "I gotta pee!" Kristie snapped back at him.

       Stephen grinned. That was normal enough.

       Alexandra was on the periphery, acting as a second set of eye's and ears.

       "Target is no where in site," Alexandra said, "I gotta pee too."

       Stephen rolled his eye's. Women and bathrooms . . .

       Alexandra started for the bathroom, and tapped her ear piece, so it was receiving only and not transmitting.

       She walked into the bathroom, and saw Kristie over by the sinks. Alexandra walked up close to her, looking around to make sure they weren't being watched, and tapped Kristie's comm unit, so it was receiving only.

       "How are you faring?" Alexandra asked her gently.

       "Does it matter?" Kristie asked wryly.

       Alexandra frowned, "Yeah, it does!"

       Kristie smiled at her friend, "Alex - I know it matters to you - I'm talking about Section. I hate this. I wish I could blend into the wood work and hide - and that's just not me!"

       Alexandra bit her lip, watching her friend. They were silent for a moment, just looking at each other in understanding.

       Then Alexandra's expression suddenly changed. She moved so quickly, that even if Kristie had known what she was going to do, she probably would not have been able to stop her.

       Alexandra grabbed her, and slammed her up against the wall, bouncing her head off the tiles - hard.

       Kristie gasped and swore, spots swimming before her eye's.

       "What the fuck-!" Kristie swore, struggling to get away from Alexandra.

       "Stop damnit!" Alexandra swore at her, and hit both her own and Kristie's comm unit again, "Stephen - we have a problem - Kristie slipped on the wet tiles - and she's got a concussion."

       "How bad?" Stephen asked, his voice not betraying that he was concerned about more than the mission.

       "She can't do the job," Alexandra told him, "I'll switch places with her - but someone has to get her at the bathroom door."

       "Tom," Stephen said, "Meet Alex and Kristie at the bathroom door."

       The room swam before Kristie. She still couldn't believe Alex had done it, "Alex . . ."

       "Relax Kristie," Alexandra ordered, helping her friend to the bathroom door, and taking the ring that contained the drug that she'd need later, and Kristie's purse.

       Tom was waiting for them, and slipped Kristie out the back door. Alexandra walked over to where Tyler was standing by the bar, and waved down the bar tender.

       "I hope your as good as she is," Tyler commented.

       Alexandra looked up at him, "If I can handle Iraqi soldiers - I can handle you and this freak!"

       The bartender walked over, "What'll it be?"

       "Captain Morgans - 1 shot - in a collins glass of coke," Alexandra told him, and reached over, patting Tyler on the chest, her fingers spread, "On his tab."

       The bartender grinned, and started off to do her bidding.

       Alexandra faced Tyler, and slid her arms around his waist, their bodies close, stepping into Kristie's role.

       The drink came, and Alexandra began sipping.


       The target arrived half an hour later. Hans Detricht perused the crowd for an hour, before his gaze settled on Tyler and Alexandra, both of whom watched him, invitation in their eye's. Alexandra moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue slowly, and slowly dragged her eye's down Detricht's body.

       "At least he looks good," Alexandra said, turning her gaze up to Tyler's face, so Detricht couldn't read her lips. Then she turned her gaze back to Detricht.

       Tyler leaned down, and whispered in Alexandra's ear, "A pity we couldn't have you and Kristie here - it might be a liberating experience for her."

       Alexandra managed a laugh, and said under her breath, "Do you think of every woman as a purely sexual object, or just the ones that intimidate you?"

       Detricht walked over, his eye's locked on Alexandra and her inviting eye's, flickering to Tyler every now and then.

       Detricht joined them, drank two drinks with them, and invited them to his place for the evening.


       Alexandra has been expecting something garish. Instead it was ultra modern. Chrome fixtures, black leather furniture . . .

       The moved up the stairs to the master bedroom. Alexandra had one man on either side of her, and she tried to block out who they were, replace their hands with someone else's in her mind.

       It was a vain attempt. Darren's hands just felt different. She was able to spot the den though - which was where the disks they needed were supposed to be.

       The walked into the bedroom, and Alexandra felt her stomach twist into a cold hard knot. She was infinitely glad Kristie was not going to face this, but she didn't want to face it herself either.

       The bed had restraints set up on it. There was a rack on the wall with various whips hung on it, two collars, a mask of some sort, some kind of leather contraption.

       "Welcome to my pleasure palace," Detricht announced.


       Detricht removed his clothing and tossed it onto a chair, and reached to help Alexandra with hers. Alexandra danced away, as if teasing, and made a show of taking off her own cloths. She had to stay in control of something.

       The whole objective was for Detricht to be asleep when they searched his house. Apparently, feeling drowsy and slipping off to sleep would seem unsuspicious to him if it happened in this context only.

       Alexandra wondered if Jonathan had camera's in this place or something.

       She finished her little impromptu strip tease by tossing her last stocking into the pile that she'd created of her purse, dress shoes, undergarments and stockings, and strutted over to where Tyler and Detricht watched her greedily.

       Except Tyler's face betrayed that something wasn't right.

       Alexandras eye's traveled down his body. He had no erection at all. He hung there flaccid. She almost grinned. The solution she'd put in his water bottle had worked.

       "Tye baby, do you need a little inspiration?" Alexandra cooed playfully, running her fingertips up Detrichts chest.

       She looked at Detricht, "He loves submitting to a man Hans, He'd be hard as a rock in minutes if you could take him that way!"

       Alexandra turned her gaze on Tyler, taking in his ice cold eye's, the cruel look there. He would make her pay for this, somehow . . .

       "And I just get so hot watching someone do him!" Alexandra added for good measure, rubbing her body up against Detrichts.

       She watched as Detricht reached into the bedside table drawer for a tube of lubricant.

        Alexandra scooted over to the far side of the bed, and played along with the role she'd just set for herself.


       "Here," Alexandra said, smearing the whisky/drug blend she'd just mixed on her breast, and offered it up to Detricht.

       He lapped at her hungrily, and Alexandra forced a smile on her face. In about 20 minutes, he'd pass out.

       "Rest up for a little while boys," Alexandra purred at them, "Save up some of your strength for me."

       Alexandra settled down in-between them, and couldn't help but grinning. Tyler was pissed, beyond pissed. She'd have to watch her back around him for a while. But it was worth it, to see that smug smile wiped off his face.

       They waited, pretending to rest, until it became obvious that Detricht was out cold.

       Alexandra nudged him once, then twice.

       "OK, lets go," Alexandra told him, leaping up from the bed.

       "If you ever do that to me again, I'll kill you myself," Tyler snarled, grabbing her arm painfully.

       Alexandra lashed out with her foot dumping him on his ass on the floor and leapt on him, pressing her knee into his still dormant groin and her arm into his neck, cutting off his airway.

       "Threaten me again, and you won't have the chance," Alexandra said menacingly.

       "Alex! Tyler!" Stephen's voice sounded in their ears, "We have a mission to complete!"

       Alexandra pressed a little harder, until she saw the slightest bit of panic in Tyler's eyes, then let up on Tyler. She got up off the floor, and started to dress quickly.

       "Try not to disturb too much when we search," Alexandra snapped at him, "I know all you're really trained for is to fuck - but cold ops need to be able to not leave any evidence behind."

       Alexandra kept an impatient look on her face as Tyler pulled on the last of his clothing, and they started down the stair. They came to the den, and slipped inside.

       "Don't break anything," Alexandra reminded him.

       "I did receive some cold op training," Tyler snapped at her, "You could use some work on your valentine skills."

       "Why? Because no one fucked me up there? I think I did a great job myself."

       She had was just starting to search through the second set of drawers, "Bingo! I have disks!"

       She reached into the purse, pulled out the small CD reader, and activated the cell router, "Gail, you should be able to read this stuff soon."

       "Getting it now," Gail said, "Feed isn't so great, there's  some interference, how much time do you have?"

       "Two hours," Alexandra told her.

       "You'll be fine then," Gail replied.

       Alexandra smiled, "How's Kristie?"

       "Looking queasy, but otherwise fine," Gail told her, "How are you doing in there?"

       "Fat and Sassy," Alexandra replied, "This guy has a nice spread actually - you would just not believe what he had up in that room though . . ."

       The disks were copied, the van pulled up in front of the house, and Alexandra and Tyler jogged out to the van, and climbed in.


* * *


       "Are you ok?" Robert Sadd asked.

       Nikita was just waking up, a still a little drowsy. She almost asked he why he bothered to ask.

       "Yeah," she said, blinking her eye's, and looked around the room. Morning sunlight streamed through the windows, and memories flooded back to her. She fought to school her expression. She wanted to vomit.

       "Yeah, I'm fine," she repeated, sitting up and stretching, unmindful of her nudity. After what he'd done to her last night, why bother? And it fit her profile.

       "I was rougher than normal," he told her, watching her twist and stretch, "That happens when I'm with someone new."

       Nikita nodded, looking back at him, and gave him a playful smile, "Do I get breakfast before you kick me out?"

       "Of course," he smiled at her appreciatively, and reached for the phone.

       Nikita listened while he spoke to someone, and ordered a full course breakfast to be prepared. They'd be down in half an hour, he told them.

       He got off the bed, and reached for her, drawing her to her feet. He lead her into the bathroom, and gestured to the shower, and a set of fresh towels that had been laid out for her.

       Nikita smiled appreciatively, and stepped into the steaming hot shower, and wondered if per chance he was feeling guilty. How many of her targets laid out fresh towels for her?

       Since he was half dressed, and there was a damp towel hanging on the rack, she knew he'd already showered. She'd heard the shower earlier too.

        She stepped out of the shower, combed her hair out, toweled off, and slipped into the bathrobe he'd hung out for her. When she walked back into the bedroom, there was a set of clothing waiting for her. A summery slip dress and sandals. Nikita wondered how many other women might have worn the dress, and where they were now.


       "I like you Nikita," Sadd said, once the servant left them to their morning meal, "Let's see how this evening goes, and then we'll talk about a longer term arrangement."

       That was part of the profile. Sadd kept a woman around for months on end. His requirement was that there would be no real affection, they had to be cultured, and be able to handle him in bed. Eventually they disappeared. Nikita knew Section would take him out before that happened.

       She'd expected this conversation. If he went true to profile, he'd take her shopping, they'd go to an elegant party tonight, and she'd suffer through a repeat performance of last night.


* * *


       Michael and his team were just coming out of the second van egress when another team arrived.

       Med lab wheeled Kristie out on a gurney, Alexandra stepped out next, Stephen behind her, then Tyler. Michael had the distinct impression that Stephen was keeping Tyler and Alexandra apart.

       "What happened?" Michael asked them, stopping all three of them in their tracks, "To Kristie?"

       "Concussion, she fell on wet tiles," Alexandra told him, "A freak accident."

       Tyler smirked, "Guess she needs more than sex lessons."

       Alexandra stepped forward and to look around Stephen at Tyler, "Maybe you ought to learn how to get it up again too!"

       She turned on her heel, and walked down the hall towards debrief.

       "She has no discipline!" Tyler snapped, and started down the hall, "And she's a complete turnoff!"

       Stephen grinned ear to ear, and looked at Michael, "I don't know about you - but I think she looks pretty damn good."

       Michael watched Tyler stalk away, and a small smile played across his lips.


       * * *


       Michael was sitting in his office, digesting what he'd just discovered about Nikita's where abouts - the mission she was on. Operations and Jonathan had wasted no time. Madeline was gone, and it was as if they were determined to test the strength of the bonds they'd all managed to create.

       He heard a knock on his door. That would be Alexandra. He'd gotten an earful about her, her attitude, everything - after his own debrief. Stephen had defended her actions, said what she had done was right in line with the role she'd had no chance to prepare for. Tyler was maintaining that she'd purposely manipulated things to salve her own ego. Operations wanted Michael to dampen her defiant temper, now. End of discussion.

       That was impossible, and Michael knew it. But he'd ask her to fake it.

       "Come in," Michael called.

       Alexandra walked in. She was dressed in what had become her usual attire. Short skirt, the thigh high boots, some kind of crop top, lots of earrings, necklaces, wrist bangles. She looked like she belonged on the streets of New York city rather than in Section One - and she had the Chihuahua with her. Pepe blinked at Michael, and waggled his tail.

       She sank down on the chair in front of Michael's desk, "Are you gonna bitch me out too?"

       Michael took a deep breath. She reminded him of Nikita in her first year here in so many ways. His sweet Nikita, who was currently in another man's bed. Michael wanted to spit rocks.

       "What really happened?" Michael asked her.

       Alexandra blinked at him, "It's in the report."

       "I want to hear it from you," Michael said, his voice soft.

       Alexandra groaned, "Kristie fell, hit her head, I took her place - we went to the targets house after he picked us up - Tyler couldn't get an erection - and I suggested to the target that he could have sex with Tyler. While they were doing it, I mixed the drug, the target licked it off me - fell asleep, we copied the disks, and left."

       "Why were you in the bathroom with Kristie?" Michael asked her.

       "I had to pee too," Alexandra told him, "And what isn't in the report is that I wanted to talk to her, see if she was ok."

       "Was she?" Michael asked her.

       "Does it matter?" Alexandra asked him.

       "If she's not ready for missions like this -"

       "No one likes this stuff Michael!" Alexandra snapped at him, "She can handle herself. She rises to the occasion - look what she's just been through! I know what that is like!"

       "Don't bate Tyler with his manhood," Michael warned her, "He doesn't have the control over his temper that I know you do - when you choose to have it."

       Alexandra sighed, "Was I supposed to offer myself up as the sacrificial lamb? He'd have screwed up delivering the drug."

       "We are all the sacrificial lamb here Rouge," Michael told her, "I'm supposed to damper your defiant attitude. Pick the battles you can win. When Operations wants to blow steam, let him. Don't argue, nothing you say will matter. Tolerate Jonathan for the time being."

       Alexandra sighed, "Madeline would not have done it this way. We could have gotten those disks without having to sleep with that guy - and you're gonna shit gold bricks when you find out what they sent Nikita to do."

       Michael sighed, "I found out after I debriefed. Have you spoken with Darren?"

       Alexandra nodded, "I know all about his target already - I hate it here."

       * * *

       Kristie was awake in Medlab when  Alexandra got there.

       The strawberry blonde watched the redhead's approach, taking in her haggard expression, the pinched set to her mouth, and the Chihuahua in her hands

       Debrief had not gone well. Kristie had been monitoring during the mission, so she knew why.

       "Is what you gave him the reason he couldn't get it up?" Kristie whispered.

       Alexandra nodded, and set the dog down on Kristie's hospital bed, "Yeah."

       Kristie closed her eye's for a second, "Were you planning on taking my place the whole time?"

       Alexandra shook her head, "No - it was a spur of the moment thing. Half of Section One thinks I'm a turnoff in the nude now - that's the explanation Tyler is giving. Five minutes ago I heard that my boobs sag."

       Kristie managed a half smile, "You hardly ever where a bra Alex - and most of the men here notice - often. You're boobs don't sag!"

       "How is your head?" Alexandra asked her, "I had to make it convincing . . ."

       Kristie groaned, "I thought you were gonna kill me."

       "Unless you make moves on Darren outside of orders, you don't have anything to worry about," Alexandra teased her, "I'm sorry about your head."

       Kristie managed a half smile, and stroked her fingers over Pepe's head, between his huge ears, "You don't have to protect me Alex."

       Alexandra nodded, "I know . . .and I probably won't have the chance to again. You just need a little more time is all."

        They were both quiet for a moment.

       "I wish you could have seen the look on Tyler's face - when suggested Detricht should do him!" Alexandra grinned, ear to ear, "It was like years of being top dog was just sucked right out of him!"

       Kristie managed a weak smile, "I wish I could have seen the look on his face - be careful Alex - he's vindictive."

       Alexandra chuckled, "So am I - I'll be ready for him."


       Robert Sadd purchased a long shimmering black evening gown for Nikita. She'd swept her hair up, wore rhinestone drop earrings and a matching necklace and bracelet. She put on more makeup than she normally would - a reminder to herself that this was work. It still looked tasteful though.

       Robert Sadd was dressed in a tuxedo - some designer label. Somehow, it just didn't look quite right. Nikita wondered if it was because in her eye's, no man could match up to Michael.

       She was being tested tonight, and she knew it. It was critical that she passed this test - and she would, with flying colors. Madeline would have been proud, if she were there to watch.

       But Madeline wasn't. She wasn't even in section. If she had been, Nikita was sure this mission would have been profiled differently. It was no accident that Michael was out on another mission too. Operations and Jonathan were getting even for something - or trying to prove some point. Nikita hoped Michael didn't do something foolish when he returned.

       Robert Sadd handled business on his cell phone while they rode to the party in his limousine, so Nikita had time to herself for her thoughts. She'd seen the mission profiles for Darren and Kristie, and she'd seen one that was being developed for Alexandra.

        Madeline had been encouraging the bonds that had started to develop so long ago. It seemed as if she realized that with those bonds they were much more effective. Nikita wondered if George had any influence on Madeline's decision.

       Of course, Operations was directly opposed to it. It seemed that he felt none of them had a right to any sliver of  happiness. Nikita wondered if that was a reflection of his own desolate life.

       Nikita knew she and Michael could weather all of this. Michael would feel terrible for her. He'd give her space to work through her turmoil when she returned to Section One. Chances were, he was being forced into bed with someone too.

       Nikita wasn't so sure of Alexandra and Darren. Alexandra was fiercely possessive of Darren - even if she didn't realize it. Darren was too - but he at least knew it, admitted it. They were going to be a mess when this was over.

       Then there was Kristie. Nikita didn't know her well enough to honestly say how she'd handle everything. It didn't bode well at all for the strawberry blonde - considering what she'd been put through. Valentine training that had been demeaning to her, the nightmares, then the rape and drug addiction. Nikita knew that a key variable in how Kristie handled all of this was Stephen. His support, or lack of it, would be telling.

       "Nikita," Robert Sadd called her gently.

       It was show time.


       The charity gala was filled with people from the class of money. Anyone with it, was there. Stars, diplomats, politicians, business tycoons, the old blue blood class. It seemed that the business tycoon group was where Sadd fit in. To everyone here, he was a successful partner in a brokerage firm. Nikita was wondering who else might know what he really was.

       She politely stood with her arm through his, mingled a little when he needed privacy. She managed to small talk with some of the other party goers. She danced a few times with Sadd, and smiled indulgently when someone he knew became a little too inebriated and he sternly warned them to slow down.

       When someone asked her how she met Sadd, she used the cover story that her 'manager' set up for her. They'd met at a dinner party a few months ago. Her family was from the midwest. She did some small modeling work.

        Sadd nodded his approval. Nikita passed her test with flying colors. She almost wished she hadn't.

* * *

       "I need a favor," Michael told her.

       Alexandra had just walked into Michael's office, the Chihuahua close on her heels. It has been six hours since she last left, having been told to pick and choose her battles.

       Hearing Michael ask her for a favor made her stop in her tracks.

       "Huh?" Alexandra managed to get out, certain that she'd heard wrong.

       "Nikita's assignment," Michael began, his tone calm and even, "If I access the file, I'll draw more attention than you will."

       Alexandra nodded, "Ok . . . what do you want me to find out?"

       "Everything," Michael told her, "You're excuse is that the two of you have been through a lot the last couple weeks."

       Alexandra nodded, "Ok, I can do that . . . Michael - a few weeks ago you wouldn't have blinked about pulling a file - what's going on?"

       Michael looked at the younger redhead, then a the dog, who was taking his own personal tour of Michael's office. Pepe walked around to Michael's side of the desk, reared up on his hind legs, his front paws patting at Michael's leg. Michael reached down and scooped him up.

       Alexandra almost let her jaw fall open and agape when Michael picked up Pepe, and stroked his fur affectionately. Pepe snuggled right into him.

       "I don't know. The mission profile for the Detricht assignment was overkill. We could have gone in without subjecting our operatives the way you were - the way it was set up for Kristie. Darren is not the best choice operative for the Haskins profile - her father is likely to be distrustful of Latino men. There's a profile being set up with you listed to go out - that I don't agree with."

       Alexandra felt her stomach turn. Dear god what are they going to do to me? If Michael doesn't like it . . .

       "What do you think is going on? Are they testing us?" Alexandra asked him.

       Michael sighed, "They're always testing Rouge, but I don't think these are tests. Punishments maybe . . . a reminder that Section comes before anything else perhaps."

       Alexandra took a deep breath, "It's no secret Jonathan and I don't get along . . . I can see him going out of his way to hurt me - and maybe Darren. But why Kristie and Nikita?"

       Michael looked at the profile screen in front of him. She hadn't asked about her mission yet. Her concern for everyone else outweighed her own safety. So like Nikita . . .

       "Kristie was never supposed to be in Section," Michael told her, "I was supposed to cancel her six years ago. It could be that by hurting her, Nikita, you, Darren - Operations and Jonathan could be sending me a message."

       Alexandra took a deep breath, "And that message is?"

       "That I can't protect any of you," Michael said softly.

       Alexandra swallowed hard, "Michael - what are you not telling me?"

       Michael watched her, debating on how much he should say. Alexandra was loyal to a fault. She'd had more than enough opportunities to hurt Michael, and help herself. She'd never considered it.

       "A little over a year ago, George met with me - when he was in Section. Without Operations or Madeline being present. He gave me his personal cell number, and asked that I pass it on to Nikita. No other level 5 operatives have that number," Michael told her.

       Alexandra thought about this for a moment, realization dawning on her, "You're next in line . . . aren't you?"

       "It's a possibility," Michael told her, "Madeline is encouraging a bond she and Operations once tried to prevent. She's doing it with you and Darren. Both you and Darren are scheduled for level 4 review."

       Alexandra looked startled, "Me? No way. Darren maybe - but not me. I've screwed up to many times."

       "And you correct your mistakes. They don't know about half of them Rouge," Michael told her, "And Madeline never would have let a level 3 cold op keep a dog."

       Alexandra took another deep breath, "So Operations may be feeling threatened? Doesn't want any of us getting to big for our britches?"

       "It's a possibility," Michael told her, "One you shouldn't dwell on outside of this office."

       Alexandra got the message loud and clear.

       "How much do you want on Nikita's mission. Profile, transcripts, audio?"

       "Anything you can get," Michael told her.

       "Can I ask about the mission I'm being sent on?" Alexandra asked him, standing up.

       "You're going to play an abused girlfriend - the target tends to rescue women, fix them up and keep them for a while - and eventualy disposes of them. He launders money for several terrorist organizations - we need to know who," Michael told her.

       "And if we know who, we can find the money coming in and going, find points of origin - what they're buying . . ." Alexandra added, "As much as I hate to say it, it sounds like a good profile. Not disruptive at all."

       "You're personality doesn't fit," Michael told her, "And it's highrisk. The type of job we send an abeyance operative on."

       Alexandra nodded, and chewed her bottom lip, "I might be in abeyance."

       "Not when you're being reviewed for level 4," Michael told her.



* * *


       "Birkhoff," Alexandra said, sitting down next to the computer genius, Pepe had followed her into comm, and now sat by quietly, "I need help with a profile - I only got part of it - and I don't want to pester Operations. I'm not his favorite person."

       Birkhoff slid over and typed in a few commands on a computer terminal, "Be quick - and don't let that dog pee on anything."

       Alexandra smiled, "Thanks, and don't worry, he only pee's on people that he doesn't like."

       She slid the disk into the drive, and down loaded the data, then backed out. She slid the disk inside her jacket, and started down the hall, the Chihuahua trotting right next to her.

       She rounded the first corner, and saw Darren and Kristie talking outside Medlab. Kristie must have just been released. Both of them looked over at her, and all conversation stopped.

       Alexandra almost laughed. So she was the topic of conversation. Kristie was probably narking her off to Darren.

       "Telling on me Kristie?" Alexandra teased her lightly, walking up, "You look like you're feeling better."

       "Don't throw me so hard next time," Kristie complained, "Or at least warn me."

       Alexandra grinned, and turned her gaze on Darren, "How did your first meeting go?"

       Darren bent down, and scooped up Pepe, "She's a nice girl Alex - and she's gonna be devastated when she finds out what her old man is up to."

       Alexandra nodded, and unconsciously bit her lower lip, "Take care of yourself too on this one Darren."

       Darren's eyes checked around them for a split second, and he reached for Alexandra, his fingers brushing her hand. A quick, but very emotional gesture, "I don't want to make the mistake I made last time."

       "I don't think you made the mistakes last time," Alexandra said softly, "I gotta go - can you come see me later tonight?"

       Darren nodded, "Yeah, I think so."

       Alexandra looked at Kristie, "Darren can tell you all the dirt - I really do have to do something. Are you going home now?"

       Kristie nodded, and contented grin spreading across her face, "I have another therapy session with Stephen tonight."

       Alexandra laughed quietly with her, slipped Pepe out of Darren's arms, and started down the hall.

       "Can you fill me in, in about 5 minutes?" Kristie asked him, as they started walking towards her Section quarters.

       Darren swallowed, "I had to seduce a woman I had past with. I said her name in bed one night with Alex - it wasn't when we were having sex - but I slipped. Alex came unglued, and I don't blame her. I've got a possessive streak that makes her look tame. Anna - my target, turned out to be dirtier than we thought - not the innocent bystander who happened to be a way in. On the raid, Alex walked in on us - and killed her right out. I almost killed Alex. I had my hands around her neck, but I couldn't do it - Not to Alex. I was a complete prick to her for weeks. Even after I found out Alex killed Anna so Anna wouldn't have to face Madeline in the white room, it still didn't matter to me. I was just angry. Alex didn't want to see me hurt, when I saw Anna taken apart. Neither one of us handled it well - but I did some things I was not proud of. I looked for ways to hurt Alex for weeks - and found them."

       They reached Kristie's door.

       "Damn," Kristie swore softly, "That would have messed me up too."

       Darren sighed deeply, "That's probably why she has doubts about me - she knows I love her - but she's always afraid in the back of her mind, that someone could take her place."

       Kristie groaned, "Please! I can't see it."

       Darren laughed, "Neither can I."


* * *


       "You can remove your dress," Sadd told her, walking towards the bathroom.

       Nikita wanted to yank off her high heels and run like hell, and keep the dress on. She'd been dreading a repeat of last night most of the day.

       Sadd came out of the bathroom loosening his bow tie.

       Nikita swallowed hard, put on a face that bespoke interest and arousal, instead of the revulsion she was really feeling, and gently laid the dress over the back of a chair. She carefully removed the bra and panties that went with the dress, then the stockings, and sat down on the center of the bed.

       Sadd carelessly tossed his clothing into the chair, and climbed over her like a rutting dog. Nikita fought to keep her expression controlled.

       His hands were rough on her skin, though not as bad as last night. He took a little more time this evening, and used his fingers and mouth roughly, and though Nikita still found his technique lacking in comparison's to Michael's, she felt her body respond.

        A wave a guilt over took her when he finally slid into her and she found herself actually enjoying the tight fit. But it was that way with Michael too.

        She felt even guiltier when she came later that night, but relieved with Sadd quickly passed out after his own release. At least he'd only have sex with her once a night it seemed . . .


* * *

       "Every woman likes satin nighties," Kristie told Darren, "It doesn't have to be trashy. Something tasteful - especially since you now have to compete with a Chihuahua."

       Darren couldn't believe he was shopping for Alexandra - with Kristie. It had been Kristie's idea. Darren was a little concerned over how Alexandra was going to handle Darren's current assignment. Kristie had suggested that if Darren did something special for her . . .

       And now they were walking into Victoria Secret.

       Darren swallowed hard as he looked around the store. He was the only man in the store, and he knew it. The sales clerk looked at the two of them, and instantly made an assumption that they were shopping for Kristie, and not someone else.

       "What's her favorite color?" Kristie asked him.

       "She looks great in royal blue," Darren told her.

       Kristie laughed, knowing Darren was uncomfortable, "Relax - who cares what they are thinking?"

       Darren chuckled. Kristie was right, but it was still odd. The last time he bought lingerie for Alex, he'd ordered if off the internet.

       How he was feeling right now was the reason too.


       Kristie dragged him over to a rack of mid thigh length satin nightgowns with matching robes. Solid colors, simple design. No sequins, fur or feathers.

       "What bra size does Alex wear?" Kristie asked him, sorting through the rack.

       "Hell if I know, I don't know if she even owns one anymore," Darren said.

       Kristie chuckled a little, "There's this rumor going around that Tyler couldn't get it up because her boobs sagged - and even I know that's not the case."

       Darren rolled his eye's, "They don't sag, trust me."

       Darren looked at his palm, then a nightgown. Kristie burst out laughing realizing that Darren was trying to decide the fit by how he was familiar with Alexandra's breast size.


       Alexandra stretched out on top of Darren, her energy spent, her body felt languid. The nightie Darren bought for her was bunched around her waist, Darren had pushed the shoulder straps down and off of her early on.

       The tell tale sound of tiny paws on a hard wood floor drew their attention, and they both lazily turned their heads to watch Pepe cross the room to curl up and sit down on the box of tissue paper that had held Darren's gift an hour ago.

       "That little beast was watching us you know," Darren told her, "He's a voyeur."

       Alexandra wrinkled her nose, "That's our baby you're talking about."

       Darren felt his heart twist in his chest. Our baby . . .

       He rolled them over, so she was under him. Darren slid his fingers into her hair, "I'd give you babies . . . if things were different, if we weren't in Section."

       Alexandra blinked, feeling tears prickling at the back of her eyes, "I can almost see it, me, you, a little one, and Pepe."

       Darren's mouth brushed hers, "If we're ever out of here Alex . . ."



       Michael was in a foul mood. He'd just read the second status report. He didn't ask how she was getting the status reports for Nikita's missions, but he knew she was being very discreet. So discreet he couldn't find any record of it himself.

       She'd learned well.

       The status reports told him more than just what was printed. Nikita's choice of words told Michael volumes. She was miserable, but things were going well. In five days, Sadd was hosting a party. She felt there was a high probability that her target would be there.

       Then it was just a simple matter of leaving him. Michael knew she'd have to completely disappear from him - possibly section would have to kidnap her away, and issue some kind of ransom to make it believable.

       The phone on Michael's desk rang, and he picked it up, and said with more politeness than he felt, "Yes?"

       "Michael, this is George," the voice said on the other end.

       Michael's ears tuned into the voice, inflection, tones, the background noises . . . George would never call Michael directly - not under normal circumstances.

       "George," Michael said politely, "How are you?"

       "Not good, I have a problem, one that I need fixed, discreetly," George told him.

       Michael felt his stomach twist into a knot. It had to be really bad, whatever it was.

        "What can I do to help?" Michael asked him.

       "I want to meet outside," George told him, "I'll send a car to pick you up in 10 minutes. I'll inform Operations I'm borrowing you."

       "I'll be waiting outside," Michael told him calmly, and hung up.


       When Michael walked across the main floor of Section One, he could tell by Operations body language that he was pissed. He had the phone up to his ear, and he locked eye's with Michael briefly.

       Operations hated having someone pull rank on him. Michael suspected that was exactly what George was doing. First he took Madeline, now he was taking Michael. Operations didn't know what was happening either. That would piss Operations off even more.

       "Michael?" Kristie asked, "Do you have a moment?"

       Michael gently took her arm, "I've been called out of Section - you have two minutes."

       Kristie blinked, and lowered the magazine down to her side, "OH . . . It's not important. I just wanted your opinion."

       Michael felt the corners of his mouth being tugged up into a smile. Kristie was one of the few people that would want his opinion on something in a magazine.

       Michael reached for the magazine, "Are you buying something?"

       She nodded, and flipped a few pages over for him, "This one here - The medium sized Harley."

       Michael couldn't help but smile, "I like it. You'll have to get the leather gear to complete the whole look."

       Kristie laughed, "I loved riding that bike at the ranch - I think I made Stephen nervous . . . but he'll get over it. Can I ask where you're going?"

       "I don't know yet, George called me out."

       "George as in the head of the agency - Operations boss?" Kristie asked him.

       "Yes," Michael told her, "I'll be in touch. Alex is doing some research for me, discreetly. Could you ask her to send it to my anonymous email - and encode it?"

       "Sure," Kristie said, "If I can help with anything, you'll ask, right?"

       "Always," Michael said, handing the magazine back to her.


       The limousine pulled up to the curb, the window rolled down, and George's face appeared, "Get in."

       Michael opened the door, and slid into the limo.

       "I'll get to the point," George told him, "My son has been kidnapped."

       Michael felt his heart twist. He knew the pain of the loss of a child . . .

       "Do you know who has taken him?"

       "Black moon," George told him, "Madeline thinks they're holding him in Amsterdam."

       "Have they made any demands?" Michael asked, "I haven't heard of them."

       "Neither have I, until now - and they've made a lot of demands. They want to be left alone indefinitely, and keep my son as collateral. They want funds, weapons . . ." George told him, then sighed, "I'm not talking about William. I'm talking about Hassan."

       Michael didn't react.

        "I was never married to his mother, we were lovers for a few years. Hassan was the result. I've kept him and his mother a secret to protect them," George told him, "Apparently I was not careful enough."

       Michael reached inside his jacket and withdrew his cell phone. He punched a series of numbers, and waited for a moment, "Mr.Vacci please . . . Vacci, I need some information. I'll be in Amsterdam in 24 hours. . ."


       A light mist made the warm night muggy, and difficult to see far into. The street lights in the city mixed in with the mist to create a surreal effect. Michael was relying more on his hearing than his site to watch for predators.

       He walked into the club, made his way through the crowd to bar, ordered a drink, and waited for Vacci to approach him. It didn't take long.

       "You never come to Amsterdam on leisure, do you?" Vacci asked, taking a drink from the bar tender.

       "Where is Black Moon holding up?" Michael asked him.

       Vacci choked on the swallow of alcohol in his mouth, "You're out of your fucking mind!"

       Michael said calmly, "They've taken a child. It's in your best interest to point me in the right direction."

       Vacci groaned, "These people are fucking insane Michael-"

       Michael stepped in front of him, "The location."

       "I don't know where they are-" Vacci started.

       Michael turned his icy cold gaze on Vacci, "Is that what you're going to tell Red Cell when they ask you the location of Section One, when they find out you've been feeding us?"

       Vacci paled, "I really don't know!"

       Michael turned away, "That's unfortunate."

       "Michael! Wait!" Vacci jumped in front of him, "I've laundered funds for one of them - but it's not where they are operating out of  - it can't be. The man who contacts me owns an old book store down town. It's called The Old bookstore - real original."

       Michael's eyes traveled the room again, "I appreciate your cooperation."

       Vacci humphed, "You're asking a lot. I could get killed!"

       Michael didn't answer, just turned and left.



       Nikita was stretched out on lounge chair by the pool, playing the role she'd been given. Robert Sadd had sent her out shopping yesterday, and sent two of his men with her. He met her later that day for lunch.

        Nikita didn't enjoy shopping though. Guilt plagued her, and not for the usual reasons. Sadd was not falling in love with her, which was fine. He just wanted her body. If she looked at it from Sections view, this was ideal. But Nikita had discovered something she never would have fathomed.

       Sadd was rough with her - and she found she not only didn't mind it, she rather enjoyed it. The fact that she didn't mind it - that she was able to even enjoy most of the encounters, made her feel incredibly guilty. If she loved Michael - how could she enjoy sex with another man?

       For Nikita, sex had always been an expression of emotion. Her sexual partners by choice had been few and far between. One boyfriend when she lived on the streets, then Gray - who had been kind to her, and a tender lover - and Michael - who consumed her. Robert Sadd didn't elicit the response in her that Michael did - but Nikita found it was easier to perform with Sadd because she knew she would climax.

        The magazine at her lap had been turned to the same page for the last hour as she pondered this. She heard footsteps approaching, and turned to look.

       Robert Sadd walked over to her, a glass in hand. He'd intercepted the servant who went to fetch Nikita another soda.

       "We do stock a variety of alcoholic drinks Nikita," Sadd told her, sitting down on the side of a chair next to her.

       "I didn't feel like alcohol," Nikita told him, "Coke just sounded really good."

       She sipped her drink, "I think you'll like the dress I chose."

       "I'm sure I will," Sadd told her, his eyes traveling down her well toned body. He was aware that she used the gym in the mornings, and ran every day.

       "Not many women in your position take care of themselves they way you do," Sadd pointed out.

       Nikita laughed, "I suppose that's why I drink coke instead of orange juice?"

       Sadd chuckled, "I was thinking about your use of the gym, and your morning runs."

       Nikita managed a smile, "My body is an investment to me."

       "Tonight, at the party I am hosting . . . there will be men there that are used to taking what they want," Sadd told her, "Stick close to me, and when we're separated, stay in the crowd."

       Nikita nodded, "I understand."

       Sadd watched her face, "I'm sure you do."

       Nikita looked down at her watch, "Two hours - I should go shower and get ready."


       Michael couldn't believe his good fortune. The shop owner was either an idiot, or he was leading Michael on a very merry chase.

       Michael had been tailing him for over an hour. He was just walking into a building across the street. Michael walked across, and slipped inside the door, just in time to see his target turn the corner.

       Michael pressed on.

       The target took a flight of stairs, went down another hall, and let himself into an apartment. Michael waited a moment, then walked down the hall, and listed at the door.

       There were two adult voices - and a child asking for water. One of them told the child he was lucky he got any water, since his father was such a pain in the ass.

       Michael listened for a few more minutes, trying to figure out what they were doing. One of them asked the other to grab another beer for him.

       Michael continued to listen, hearing the snap his of the beer being opened, and the creek of a chair. It was risky - but if this was who he thought it was . . .

       Michael screwed the silencer on the end of the gun, stepped back, and lashed out with his foot. The door crashed in, flying wide open on it's hinges.

       The two men where in plain site. Both were sitting down, eating pizza. The one Michael hadn't followed reached for a gun on the table top, and Michael squeezed off two rounds, sending him and the wood chair flying back.

       The other man dropped his pizza and froze.

       Michael kicked the door closed behind him, "On the floor, hands in front of you, ankles crossed. Move - now!"

       The man Michael had followed scrambled to do as Michael told him.

       "Hassan?" Michael asked, moving behind the child tied to the chair.

       The child nodded vigorously, his eye's wide.

       Michael cut the ropes quickly, and reached for his cell phone. This was almost too easy . . .


       Nikita almost choked on her glass of champagne when Sadd introduced her to her target. She danced with him twice, and even managed to drop a dissolving isotope tablet into his drink. He'd give of a signal section would be able to follow, but they'd have to move in the next week. That's how long he'd have before he the isotope started to eat away at his stomach.

       Late that night, when Sadd was done with her and she felt a fresh wave a guilt take her because she'd enjoyed part of the experience, she lay awake in bed and spent hours just thinking. Her brain knew that many people just looked at it as sex. Sex when you loved someone was different than Sex just for fun. She'd never practiced the second before. Her brain knew she wasn't betraying Michael, but it still bothered her. Was she becoming some twisted freak because she enjoyed it a little rough? And earlier tonight, she'd had no qualms about slipping an isotope into the targets drink. He would die. Whether it was Section One that did it, or the isotope eating holes in his stomach, he had a limited number of days left - and she'd delivered the first blow.

       Hours later, she managed to slip into a troubled sleep.

* * *

       Madeline walked into George's office at the agency, and faced Michael and George. George sat behind his desk, Michael in one of the chairs.

       "At first glance, it would seem amazing they got as far as they did. But this group appears to be well designed. Multiple cells, no one in one cell knows the location of the other cells, just a common way to contact them," Madeline told them.

       George sighed, "How do you tell a child that his mother is dead and make it all right Madeline?"

       Michael resisted the urge to close his eye's and walk away.

        "There is no way to make it all right George," Madeline told him, "Be direct - and supportive. You'll need to make arrangements to ensure his safety. Anonymity isn't an option now."

       Everyone was quiet for a moment.

       "Michael, how is Nikita. I heard she was in tough shape when she was found," George said.

       "She's recovered well," Michael told him, "Everyone was in tough shape."

       "Nikita is strong," Madeline agreed, "We have another situation we need to discuss."

       Michael was completely in the dark. At Section he would always have a good idea what was going on.

       "We have a leak in Section. Someone is selling information to various groups. They're selective in what they sell and when. We've had some indications that the Freedom league is trying to fine some way to get around whomever it is, and get to someone specificly for their own purposes," Madeline told him.

       George nodded slowly, "I take it you don't have any suspects."

       "None," Madeline told him, "I've ruled out a few individuals, but it's not going to solve our problem with the freesome league if we find the traitor. If we can draw in the Freesome league, we can take out thier leaders and the organization, once and for all."

       "Do we know who they're likely to approach?" Michael asked.

       "No - and we want it to be someone who we trust," Madeline told him, "But who would appear to have an interest in seeing section hurt. I've worked up a profile."

       George nodded, "Go on."

       "Michael and Nikita are known to be close. Speculation about their relationship runs wild. The only way they would consider hurting Section was to protect one another - and in the current situation that's not a real issue," Madeline began.

       Michael would disagree that the current situation was not a concern, but he still would not betray Section.

       "When Michael returns, he will publicly propose to Nikita. Section One as a whole will think he cashed in a big favor from you. Operations will be very angry, but have to allow it. We'll go through the whole scenario. A few months after they're married, they'll become frustrated with their lack of time for decent life together - and they'll be perfect targets to approach," Madline told him.

       Michael's stomach turned into knots. This was a slap in the face - or a once in a lifetime opportunity.

       "Operations would need to know the truth," Michael suggested.

       "Nikita, Operations and the three of us will be the only people who know this is a plan to draw out the traitor and Freedom League," Madeline explained.

       George nodded slowly, "This would take months to complete."

       "Possibly a year," Madeline replied, "The freedom league will be very choosey in who they approach. It has to look real."

       "Then do it. If Operations objects, he can object to me," George said, giving his final approval.


       Madeline and Michael left George's office a few minutes later.

       "You need to brief Nikita, and get an engagement ring," Madeline told Michael as they walked down the hall, "This has to look very real Michael."

       Michael knew it would be very real. He just hoped Nikita would agree to it.

* * *

       Darren looked at Brenda regretfully, "I have to go - a client is in huge trouble, and it's a huge account. Can I call you tomorrow?"

       "Sure," Brenda told him, smiling warmly, "I know all about those problem clients Darren. My father has tons of them."

       Darren laughed, "I'd much rather spend the afternoon with you, instead of problem clients."

       He kissed her on the cheek, and got up from the park bench, and started towards his car. At the moment it was a flashy convertible. It went with the mission profile.

       It had been Stephen calling him in. Darren didn't know what was going on, but he wasn't going to question it with Brenda there.

       It took him an hour on the freeway to get back to Section One. The thought that Brenda's city was over an hour away made his assignment a little easier. She'd probably never see his real life.

        When Darren arrived back, he found a team already loading into a van. Walter handed him a gun and two clips, and all but shoved him into the van.

       "Where are we going?" Darren asked.

       There were five men in the van, and Stephen wasn't one of them.

       "Kidnapping Nikita out of her mission," Dante told him, "She got a good visual of the target, slipped him the isotope."

       Darren was surprised to see Dante. Dante had been in Section three for several months.

       "Dante - welcome back," Darren said, settling in, "So what's the plan?"

       "We pull up, grab her off the street corner, shoot her two body guards. A look alike will be found in a ravine the next day. Sadd will get an anonymous note telling him that he's no invincible," Dante told him, "Section wants him scared, but not out of commission."

       Darren nodded, "Where'd we get the body?"

       Dante shrugged, "Hell if I know."

       Darren reached into the cabinet, and pulled out a bottled water, "I could have met you in the city - but we'd risk exposure. So how was life at Section Three?"

       "Messy," Dante told him, "I never thought I'd appreciate this place."

       Darren laughed. He'd said that more than once. But Dante had seemed to thrive on it.

       "Have you run into Alex?" Darren asked him.

       "And Pepe. I passed the dog test. I got a good sniffing, but he didn't growl, bite me or pee on me," Dante chuckled.

       Darren laughed, "Walter has appointed himself the inside Section Dog sitter. I found a doggie bed and littler box in munitions."

       "Litter box?" Dante asked.

       Darren nodded, "Yeah - Alex is box training him - and it's working."


       Nikita didn't know when she'd be picked up, but she wanted to give Section every opportunity. She made sure they had her shopping itinerary.

       She had bags in both hands, and stood patiently on the street corner, waiting for the light to turn. She saw a black van moving up the street, and felt her heart rate sped up. It had to be Section.

       The van pulled up to the street corner, the side door flew open, and two masked men shot tranques at her body guards, a third one grabbed her.

       If Nikita hadn't recognized Darren's long hair poking out under his mask, she'd have hesitated to let them take her.

       The door slammed closed, the van squealed off, and the masks came off.

       "You ok?" Dante asked her, "I have a medic - Jonathan said you might need one."

       Nikita laughed, "He wishes - welcome back to Section One Dante."

       Dante rolled his eye's, "Larry sends his not so nice regards."

       Nikita laughed a little more, and kicked off her shoes, and settled down onto a seat for the ride back to Section One. All in all, it hadn't been a hard assignment. She'd been lucky.

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