Good News and Bad News

Back and forth, back and forth

Will have to do a lot of catchup here:

GOOD NEWS: * Went to Whole Earth with Sarah, Melissa, and Mike (ran into the last two on campus), and everyone liked each other, got along, had a good time. Didn't run into Juggler Man or any other weirdoes, yay!!!!

* Only found 1 necklace I liked, but got Mom another present besides a Davis Mom T-shirt (indescribable), and a crystal ball for Zoe.

* Interesting conversation with Melissa about Remington...she said that if not for Bill she could have "taken Remington under my wing." Heh, confirms my suspicions. Then again, he is a babe, it's understandable.

* On Remington posted a link to this post he did ages ago, and so I read it. Felt kinda bad on the long-hair-no-job bit, but I think I manage the rest well...I e-mailed him about it, and the response back was "I really like your hair! And student counts as a job." Said he should have posted that he's dating two women who are much closer to spec than this one chick who wants him on .life (it's not mutual).

BAD NEWS: * Told Remington about it on IRC before we went to Sudwerk, and he said that was what he'd been planning to get her. Oh well.

* Got annoyed at him after reading and found he'd admitted to the Internet some uh, personal information that I didn't want mentioned to everyone. How embarrassing. Though I know commenting on this to him will do no good. He blabs much and doesn't get why I keep some things quiet. Ugh. And at any rate, spilt milk.

Saturday: I just wrote about Saturday in two posts for Spotfans, so I won't do it here.

BAD NEWS: * Mom got pissed off when she awoke on Mother's Day for the 21st year in a row to find no breakfast in bed and cleaned house, and took it out on me. (Though to defend myself where I can, Dad and I don't cook real well.) Didn't help either that in the newspaper were a few prominently-displayed comic strips about how you should do that stuff for your mother. This is why I hate Mother's Day.

So I got bitched at for that, as always, about how selfish I am because I don't do loving gestures- and then she started going on about how I don't do that to Remington either (how she knows this I have no idea), and her basic attitude was "if you do things like that for him, he'll want you around again." Not even true, Mother.

GOOD NEWS: * That was the only fight the whole weekend. Phew. Went very well otherwise.

* Had a pleasant non-fight over the bathrooms with the roommates. Yay. Dunno when I'll get to doing it next week like I said, though (see further down).

* Zoe came online while I was doing homework and she asked me to come along on Wednesday (yes, they're doing it again) wiht Remington. I accepted. She seemed to be pondering how I don't see him much anymore. I didn't know what to say- I mean, it's obviously true, and I can deduce two reasons why this is...but I can't comment. Also mentioned that he'd asked her to Irvine next weekend, but she'd declined to rest up instead. She asked me if I'd go, I said it was up to him.

GOOD NEWS: * Remington came online that morning and said to me "miss you terribly." Awwwwww. Maybe Zoe's right and absence does make the heart grow fonder, etc. Told him about Wednesday and that made him happy.

* Also, he asked me to Irvine =) and Mom didn't throw a shit fit when I told her =) (other than begging for phone calls and the like, but I've probably gotten out of that one. We're probably driving all night, so that would be hard.) She wanted to tell Dad, but I said no way, he couldn't handle it. Dunno what I'll do up there all day, but oh well, he'll finally get a weekend with me. Staying with his ex Julia and her boyfriend Craig- I think they're going to drag me around Saturday. And the design thing he was going to make us do Saturday was canceled, thank God. Apparently he was going to make us all enter "Cyclorama" and decorate our bikes. Yeah, that one would go over REAL well with me.

BAD NEWS: * Talked to Zoe before going to Wal-Mart with Bill, Melissa, and Arowyn (an occasional IRC'er, I've talked about going clubbing with her), and once she found out that I was going Friday (she wants him to stop by for a bit Friday night and Sunday night), she kinda hinted but not real rudely that she'd like to see him by himself Wednesday now. Well, that wasn't exactly it, she made it sound like his decision- "do you want to see me alone" kinda thing. He was undecided...very...said yeah, he likes seeing us alone, but how often does he get to see us together? I'm disappointed, yeah, but I can see where the wind's blowing...I told them that a. they should decide this and not me, and b. I'll understand if I should not go. At the moment (Tuesday afternoon when I'm writing this) things are undecided, but Remington figures he should go see her alone, since that's what it sounds like she wants. Sigh. She doesn't know that yet though.

* Yeah, you can tell that we've lost that first-rush feeling (sigh). Used to be all over each other on these Wal-Mart trips, and now he wanders off for ages and nobody sees him. Ugh. Childish, I know, but I was used to the thrill, and I still want it.

GOOD NEWS: * Was good to be back together last night, though (after everyone left), he was very affectionate, and I've missed that. He said he'd missed me. Awwwwww.

BAD NEWS, PART 2: * He checked his mail and remembered that he's got some sort of meeting from 6-8 Wednesday night. Which also throws a wrench into the Wednesday night plans works.

* Wrench #3: his car is leaking oil all over the place and may die at any minute...he has been saying that we should rent a car to go to Irvine- and it might not even MAKE it to Santa Cruz.

(Which translates into: Who knows what's going to happen tomorrow night? I may have him around here, for all I know. Doesn't sound likely to me though. I'm going to assume worst-case scenario here.)

BAD NEWS: * This morning he was whining about how he doesn't get to see me much anymore, and that his needing time for himself is "all coming out of your pie." No shit, Sherlock, I thought, but didn't say. I also thought, well, if you weren't seeing Zoe an extra night every week this wouldn't be such a problem. But of course I didn't say that, I didn't say anything. My thinking on the subject is that if she's in town or he's going to be gone weekends, that's acceptable, but otherwise, I don't think so. But I just can't be a bitch and object to this, I can't. Even if it bothers me. Wuss wuss wuss. He keeps whining that he wishes he could fix it. Well, um, can't say anything about that either. He was quite bummed he won't see me till Thursday- ditto- but what can I say?

* Then I got a HUGELY bad grade on my design project. Even after the workshop leader illegally boosted everyone's grades, it's horrendously bad. I feel like such uncreative scum crap. Loser. I'm not good at construction, though, and apparently that's what he wanted. I'm going to be so fucked on the final project- build a toy or do a pop-up book. Why is a class in creativity not much fun?

* On IRC today Remington made some comment that I won't repeat here, but then later in private message asked me if I minded, then wondered if I would be embarrassed. My answer was along the lines of "uh, I think you uh, did that already by now." Hmmmmm.

* Remington's car not doing well. As in, not running for more than five miles without needing more oil.

GOOD NEWS: * Zoe said she was talking to her roommate about me, and the roommate decided she wanted her fiance to get another girlfriend so she could have a pal. Awwwwww. And apparently, our mothers are in agreement on the poly thing. Remington said they should be introduced to each other.

* While "working" on stuff last night, had a very insightful conversation with Remington...and he said he needed me, constantly. Awwwwwwwwwwww. I'm embarrassed to admit how much I like that. He's staying home Wed. to work on the car, and he wanted me to come over before and after my class, and after his meeting. Awww.

* He went along with the rest of us (Sarah, Jess, Matt) for ice cream last night. I was surprised at that...thought we were supposed to avoid each other these nights. I was all over him most of the time (ah, clingy girlfriend). It was fun though.

* I got my paper done. It'll probably get another C-. But I don't care anymore. I nitpicked all the goddamn night, I'm not sure if it's even worth the effort.

QUESTIONABLE NEWS: * Depending if Remington can get the car running tomorrow, we're going to SC. If not, she wants to come down and hang out Thurs. night, but spend the night alone with him. We'll see.

BAD NEWS: * He didn't work on his midterm practically at all last night. Grrrrrrrrr.

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