My So-Called Love Life

"We have diaries because we have boyfriends. Not because our boyfriends should read them." -Breakup Girl
To put it bluntly, my love life is complicated. And I know that I'm going to rant about it frequently. This is another section that may change as things go on. The earlier guys I used psuedonyms on, then I just got lazy.

The Moron: I dated this guy off and on for over a year and a half. I put up with all of his crap, from when he moved away and then came back, to when he decided that we should "just be friends" because "he didn't have time for a relationship" (I know, it's all old lines, but due to his situation it's believeable . . . we'll just say that I have NO taste) to when I got him to agree to dating again . . . to now, when he will no longer talk to me. I call him "The Moron" (offensive though it may be) because he is an idiot. He also uses this word a lot, so I found it appropriate.

Dumpster Boy: This guy was a friend of mine for four years. He developed a thing for me a year into it. Unfortunately it wasn't mutual. I eventually went on a date with him, which did NOT go well . . . the next time I saw him (unfortunately this was in the parking lot of Lyons, in front of the Bassets gang (which he and The Moron belong to), when I was with The Moron) he tried to throw me in a dumpster.

Pool Boy: A guy I used to have a class with that I hung around with, dated once. Wasn't bad, and I would do it again if I saw him more often (unfortunately I don't see him much now). The nickname is because he taught me how to play better pool. =)

Magazine Man: A guy who schmoozed the HELL (and money) out of me while trying to sell me magazines. Very uh, affectionate. The marriage/ilicit proposal kind of affectionate.

Juggler Man: A guy my dad's age who I met at the Whole Earth Festival and wound up dating that night. I wound up blowing him off by not giving him my number, because this was just too weird to have go anywhere . . . not that I wanted it to.

Kiwini (it's Hawaiian, okay? Formerly known as Front Desk Guy): A cute guy working at the dorms during the summer who I was checking out after I got him to fix my computer. However, we didn't uh, get anywhere until my last night at school. I gave him my info. We were supposed to get together in the fall. Then he never called me again. Grrrr.

Jensen: The other RA on my floor, who bears a striking resemblance to The Moron (in that picture, anyway) in looks. I had a mad lust for him, until he turned out to be an asshole.

Remington: My current boyfriend, met him off a school newsgroup. Currently, things are going luverly with us. He also has one other girlfriend (Zoe) who's into polyamory. It's a loooooong story, suffice it to say that I am knowing and somewhat tolerant of this, at least for the moment anyway.

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