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The Disc Read Error PS2 FAQ
By Col_Sandoz & XShady
Version 0.97 (January 24, 2003)

This document is a work in progress.

1. Intro
2. Warnings

3. Diagnoistic Mode
4. Cleaning the Laser

5. Do I need to adjust the voltage?
6. Clicking and Squeaking explained

7. Adjusting the Voltage
8. Disclaimer
9. Contact
10. Credits

--Just Added: Adjusting Voltage on a Ver 4 or higher PS2 by Ylbissop

(multiple sections are contained on each page, scroll down if you dont see the data you want)

You might wonder why your PS2 isn't working. Well, if you're getting Disc Read Errors on multiple discs, all of which appear to be in good condition, then you most likely have one of two common problems. Either your laser is being obstructed by dirt and dust, or the laser's voltage is not properly adjusted.

Note that this FAQ was written for people with little or no knowlege of electronics. The technical-speak has been highly simplified for those without the electronic know-how.

If you are WELL versed in electronics and own an oscilloscope, and a 10:1 test probe with ground clamp, see MrB / DNA's very detailed FAQ. it includes directions for adjusting laser voltage, and replacing the laser unit. You will need software to unzip the file, and Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the PDF file. Another file that will aid you in using an O-Scope to adjust your voltage is located here.

The Playstation 2 is a precise gaming console. Fixing the console yourself should not be done unless completely necessary. You may also risk electric shock, so do anything within your power to remain safe while attempting these repairs.

If you can, use an anti-static wrist band to ground yourself. This device is available at any electronics store (e.g. Radio Shack.)

These repairs require opening the case, which WILL void your warranty. If your console is still under warranty think twice about cracking the seal.

Adjusting the laser's voltage requires some precision, being too rough can cause damage which you will not be able to fix. Be very careful when doing this process!!! Be prepared to pay Sony over $120 to fix this part if you damage it!!!

Always attempt the laser CLEANING before trying to adjust the voltage!!!!!!