About the author.

I am a rebel-geek embedded deep within in the layers of a ubiquitous technology corporation. (Easy for you to say!) This thing here in front of me, this laptop computer, it is a wonderous device you bet. During the day my actuality is peering into a window, a corporate reality; streaming business data--real stuff; actions and transactions. Big bucks. Time, money and pressure. Life in the flash lane.

Don't think that I'm complaining about technology, acutally it's great. Large chunks of The Last Bus To Oblivion were written in my alergists waiting room, in heavy traffic, and poolside.

Then there's nightime and bordeaux.... hey you know that we had virtual reality before we had computers? Burke knows this.

At night, a virtual world becomes quite real to me; wakefield is a place where I hang out in my dreams. I get there via the same source window that does mornings' business, but now it's a window into the stage of the imagination. What a wondrous place it will be!

Sure I’ve been accused of living vicariously through my characters. Aside from the grownup Banyon Burke, none of them are lashed to their environments by the collar of direct deposit pay. They are living life. Living life in a wondrous time!

But as for me. I sometimes look out my window at the Chicago skyline and wonder:

When will that bus come?


-Gary 12/18/98


Comments? Criticisms? Suggestions? Hate-mail?

EMAIL ME AT: gwesse@hotmail.com

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Finally, thanks to everyone who helped along the way. For now you know who you are. Soon I'm going to have a page of credits.

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