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Banyon - 08/28/00 15:23:03
You're FRIED man! it never happened like that!

Babums - 02/28/00 03:34:39
I knew you didn't write it for me, but I hoped once you met me the song would make you think of me. I always wished you'd let me sing it with you.

Bene - 01/19/00 18:23:22
Thanks for bringing back a time of life when life was simple and fun!

Luck - 09/12/99 19:15:04
How did you find out about the PaRaKeEt PeOpLe? Luck

Bob May - 08/05/99 00:55:03
My Email:may@mtco.com
Well I read the first few chapters of the original draft and I laughed till i hurt. I can't wait!

Sandy - 05/18/99 21:12:06
My Email:sscprof@aol.com
Hello my friend, long time no chat! Marty gave me your locale. I look forward to reading your book. How is your family? e-mail me so we can catch up. Fondly, Sandy (Sam)

cindy68 - 05/12/99 13:15:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Soho/Bistro/6728
My Email:cindy31_99@yahoo.com
Loved your pages! The pictures were great and Amy did a wonderful job with the song!

David - 05/12/99 01:11:28
I see an awful lot of work here: Story, songs, pictures. How long did it take you? I'm not done with the story yet, but it has really taken me back to those wonderful days of the '70. Mostly-Bob is halarious! I can picture this story on the big-screen. Kind of "the big-chill" on quaaludes! Thanks. I found this site via Pilot best pics. David

Edward Grody - 05/08/99 00:31:06
Enjoy the search..excellent web site..congradulations..

Biloby Sargot - 03/15/99 04:39:19
My Email:Biso68@AOL.COM
Enjoyed your story very much. Made me wish that I had gone to school in the 'States. Look forward to your next work, or are there others out there already?

Nuke em - 03/13/99 01:49:35
My Email:whadday-lookin-here for
I didn't like the part where TJ set himself on fir. I had a friend that did thatand one of his eyes never did close right after he did that. He became a paramedic. Boy did he had tales! It's not funny how many people burn themselves lighning tequila, burn ng farts, and sometimes even a bong will go up on ya. You gotta watch it. Your kind make me sick though. It aint funny and Wesselhoff you Suck. That kind of stuff aint funny one bit no uhuh.

Buzz-eye - 03/12/99 02:41:20
Whoa man!

Gary Wesselhoff - 03/11/99 09:39:52
Hats off to you Aurt! Brian Eno--Blackwater! (Gary heartily applauds) I thought that KNOWBUDDY would ever get that! Kudo's my main. BTW. deeply embedded within the lines of the text is an ancient map of the universe.... Be careful out there!

Aurt - 03/11/99 05:37:03
Not a sausage to do!-- Black water!

Sharon(Slim) - 03/10/99 15:36:17
I found quite a lot; "yes you could say she was attractively built."

Gary Wesselhoff - 03/10/99 15:32:17
Sharon(slim): How many DID you find?

Sharon(slim) - 03/10/99 05:34:29
Time/Floyd eh? Did you intentionally add all those song titles and bits, or did they just happen?

Gary Wesselhoff - 03/09/99 05:21:43
My Email:gwesse@hotmail.com
You are so right Feedbag! regarding loosing one's edge. In the beginning of the story they were invincible, and at the end it was noteworthy that they got up the stairs! Even Mr. Bumpity became a bowling alley band,,, (sighs) so so sad eh???? I've been fe ling that way myself lately. An input to the story is the song "TIME" by Pink Floyd -- "plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines... and then one day you find, ten years have got behind you..."

As far as the screen play, I've always envisioned this story on the screen. I would be interested in hearing from any of you regarding work of this nature. I would like someone to bounce ideas off of. I think it could be funnier, and perhaps more poignan if a few of us could put our heads together and build a screen play. Any takers? Thanks to all for your wonderful comments!

FeedBag - 03/08/99 04:18:39
I like how things keep reappearing in the story--like that dog. Some of the things that happened were funny enough to be a movie. You ought to consider writing this tale into a screen play. The ending was deep. We can all relate to how everyone seem to loose their edge.

Jeff Lee - 03/07/99 05:27:16
Can't wait to read it and find out what the H... I did with my brain cells during those years!!

Tom Wilson - 02/15/99 17:55:30
My Email:twilso8/ibmusm23
As I was saying, I haven't read the story yet. The cover definitely looks pretty intriguing though. More comments will follow after I've read the story.

Tom Wilson - 02/15/99 17:52:47
My Email:twilso8/ibmusm23
Haven't read the story yet, but will soon. Looks

John - 02/07/99 16:33:28
My Email:xxheathen@aol.com
Just stopped in for a quick visit. I liked what I saw on the quick tour and be back for a longer visit soon. Can't wait to find out how much you "think you remeber".

Buzz-eye - 01/28/99 16:09:42
Whoa man!

Bob Rose - 01/21/99 14:44:27
My Email:Brose@memo.acehardware.com
Hey Due

I'll c u at work - 01/20/99 02:11:31
My Email:BmwBobB@aol.com
Flashbacks won't allow me to forget the 70's.

Tan Hiong Hiang - 01/19/99 00:42:08
My URL:http://web.singnet.com.sg/~steric
My Email:steric@pacific.net.sg
Nice Page. Keep it up. Best Regards

Maria L. Geary - 01/18/99 00:44:12
My URL:http://www.ibm.net
My Email:jms@ibm.net
I'm not finished yet, but it promises to be good. I'll give an update when I'm through

Stevie - 01/08/99 02:17:17
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.com/DragonLair
My Email:reverendmother@usa.net
Ah!!! Music!!!! Give Amy a B-I-I-I-G hug for that!

Cowboy - 12/30/98 22:39:34
My URL:http:// n/a
My Email:n/a
This could be my story!!! except I lived through them somehow. Those were some crazy times. Enjoyed the story very much.

Stevie - 12/30/98 17:20:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/spiritquest
My Email:boohowdy@usa.net
Great page Gary! I'm excited to watch your book project grow! Thanks for sharing!

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