Here are a couple of pictures of my beautiful wife Lei. We recently were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, Veronica Zhao Reilley, whom we call "Ronnie". Lei is a remarkable woman, giving new meaning to the word strength. Despite an uncomfortable pregancy, Lei scored in the top two percentile while taking the GMAT test, and is now pursuing her Master in Finance, in addition to her Masters in Computer Science. An ambitious and driven woman, Lei enjoys cruising the Real Estate and Stock Market Quote pages on the Web, deciding how best to capitalize on our investments, and driving me crazy. ;)

They say that opposites attract. They are right. Lei and I could not be more diametrically opposed, and I love her more and more every time I look at her. She is grounded, I have my head in the clouds. She is analytical, I am creative. She is organized, I am spontaneous. She is even tempered, calm and sober, while I am Irish. ;)


I beg thee, do not speak the words "I Love You";
Those words pierce my soul, and can bring me to my knee.
And they make my core tremble.
I do not believe you know of your power over me.
And please do not stand so close;
It just makes me want to hold you to me
For all eternity.
I beseech thee, do not kiss me so honey-sweet;
For then I crave a thousand kisses to follow.
And kindly do not touch me so
It makes every other embrace seem pale and shallow.
And please do not look at me just so;
It just makes me want to hold you to me
For all eternity.
Do not seek to give me spring-freshened flowers;
They only whisper the sweet things thou would say to me.
I fear your seeking to understand me
Your heart already knows far too much of who I might be.
And please do not take me in your arms;
It just makes me want to hold you to me
For all eternity.
Your hands are in my hair,
But my heart is in your teeth.
It just makes me want to hold you to me
For all eternity.
I will hold you to me
For all eternity.
I will hold you to me
For all eternity. - 8/17/96

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