Some of the many Cats who have crossed my Path

Cat Poems


Cats are finicky people,
They want but then again, they don't!
They never go straight towards anything,
Unless they think it might get away from them!
I love cats,
Sometimes they like me!
I can never tell when?
They like long naps in the sun,
Sleeping on my laundry is also one of their favorite places...
When you least expect it they land in your lap,
All Purring and sweet!
But when you go to pick them up you are greeted with snarls and hisses?
I really do love cats,
And then their curiosity peaks!
I end up picking up after them,
I have to Chuckle when they do someting cute!
I really like them maybe even more than I like people?
They always seem do make things go "Bump" in the dead of the night..
I wonder why that is?


Cats are curious,
Wonder why God made cats?
I sure am glad he did!!

326. Death of a Cat.

A cat died out on the highway the other day,
His body laid by the side of the road for a week or more,
I kept telling myself that someone would stop and remove him,
But alas no one did..
Poor cat, does no one miss hims meow or his purr?
If he were mine, he'd have never been out on that highway!

Proud black and white Cat,
Does someone still go to the door and call for you?
Why did you let your Cat out to roam the highways?
Didn't you understand what he was risking?
Do you wonder where he is?
Or did you just let him go thinking someone would take him in?

He died alone and does no man mourn his passing?
I mourn for him and all the cats who have died this way!
The unwanted, the stray, the untended cats,
I mourn their senseless deaths,
I cry angry tears at their passing!
I love the way my cat looks at me with Trust in her eyes!

I will not break that trust, no more than I could break the trust of my child!
Her purr is my reward, her headbutt says that she loves me!
There is no greater reward in the world than this trust!
So take care of your children,
Be they of fur or of human ilk..
And thier love is it's own reward..

327. Charli Anne

Tortie Gurl,
Sweet grey and peach colored kitten,
You bring a smile to my face each day,
You are so sweet, perhaps not to bright?
Your love is so special!


Dora creeps about the house on silent kitty feet,
She comes in the night to demand attention,
She crawls undercover to purr next to us,
Then with a sharp claw begins to knead!

But in the light of day she is hidden once again,
Under the bed, under the table,
Somewhere private safe and secure to await,
The coming night when once again she will roam...

Miss Bitz

329.Miss Bitz

Elizabeth you were named,
Such an elegant name for such a small kitty,
It never seemed to fit,
So you became Bitbot, fastest cat on four paws,
I remember you playing for hours,
Chasing shadows in the sunlight,
Leaping high to play with your sisters,
KT and Zelda!
Where has that kitty gone?
Now it seems as if you are always cold,
Never moving far from the warmth you crave!
My dear Miss Bitz, it seems only yesterday you were that playful,
Wild kitten who won my heart....
Remember those days when we played nonstop?
Remember sleeping on me and purring those long nights away,
You were my comfort and my salvation,
You kept me sane with your sweetness,
I love you calico gurl!

330. Saco

Mama's gurl,
Silver tabby,
Creeping onto my pillow to lick my eyebrows,
Purring and cleaning me,
Being part of me.....

331.Helen Pause

White cat,
Hurt cat,
What did they do to you that you trusted humans so little,
I remember when you ate a person for lunch and went looking for dinner!
We were all scared of you!
Then we looked a little closer and realized,
You had just decided to no person was ever gonna hurt you again!
We realized you needed love,
But we had to win your trust!
And it wasn't gonna be easy!
So we were patient,
We waited for you to realize that no-one was gonna hurt you,
We waited and you stopped snarling,
You stopped hissing,
You stopped trying to hurt us!
We gave you love, and you gave us your trust!
Sweet white cat,
We love to hear you purr!
It is loud enough to fill an entire apt!
Happy white cat!
Hell on Paws to Helen Pause,
All because a human stopped to give you a chance,
Asking only for a chance in return!
We made a mircle together!

57.Small white cat!
(this was written a few weeks after Helen Pause came to live with me)

Who would hurt such a small white cat.. She is a beauty and when
first we met such a scared cat.. I have taught her to trust me and
now she sits at my side purring.. It was not an easy battle to win her trust..

we have an agreement, I ask if I can touch and she replies by
rubbing on me and purring but always I let her make the first
move...Little white cat so fluffy and sassy, who could hurt you so much?

I love her and she allows me to pet and rub her.. She likes to watch me type,
and sometimes help by sitting on the keys.. I wonder how much of her hair
my keyboard has inside of it, I love you sweet cat!


No sound in the world can make me feel as good as a cat's purr...
I get all warm and drowsy as I listen to my cat purring,
It is better comfort than any other medicine in the world!
Purring makes the bad things seem so much better...