
65.Dance of Life

I do the dance of life,
fearing no man,
trusting only myself to do this dance,
wildly spinning out of control, moving swiftly about the floor,
now and stopping to gaze longingly into the sky,
I wish to fly free of this earth..

I do the dance of life,
waltzing now and then a quickstep away from the edges of life,
floating along silently on the swift moving current,
i make my way ever faster and faster till I am so dizzy,
I fall to earth..

I do the dance of life,
i have brought forth life from my womb,
to watch my child try to make his way into the dance of life's swiftly turning pattern,
I try to protect him, and stand guard over him on this earth...

We do the dance of life,
we two together our steps matching in rhythm and steps,
we are partners in this swiftly turning dance. we dance for today,
and for all of the tomorrows on this our life on earth....

66.Dancer I am the dancer.
I am the dancer,
upon the floor,
the steps are mine,
the music comes from my heart and soul,
I move sometimes so slow that it looks as if i have stopped,
be not fooled for it is then that my heart beats so very fast,
that my feet cannot keep to the beat..
I move with grace now and then so clumsy,
that I loose my place in this dance I do to survive..
this world is a hard place and the dancer must be quick and nimble,
so to stay with the rhythm of the dance,
as it changes from minute to minute..
I am the dancer,
so come and dance with me as we play upon the earth,
dancing ever faster.

I am the dancer.
I am the dancer,
come dance with me,
you will not regret joining me upon the dance floor,
as we dance to the beat of my heart,
for it is a loving dance never cruel,
ever kind and gentle to your soul,
so come dance with me and allow your soul to be reborn in my light,
for there is a fire burning deep in my soul,
which will keep us warm through eternity.
So hold on tight as we dance together through the night and day,
let my strength help you to keep your balance,
as life's pitfalls come our way, and when I need you,
please be strong for me,
we are the dancers in the dance of life....


I am a puppet on the stage of life,
I dance one way for you ,
I dance another way for him,
and even more I deceive myself,
by pretending it does not matter at all to me,
that some think i am wrong in the way I act and play,
I reply I am your puppet what would you have me do upon this stage?
I only can follow your lead,
and dance as your fingers direct me,
or I am a puppet on the stage of life... . ..


I am the butterfly flitting here and there never lighting long enough to be snared,
playing out my life among the flowers, basking in the sunshine. . . .
I will bring some beauty of soul and of spirit into your life, don't try to keep me for I am no-mans toy. .
I am the butterfly!

I am the butterfly giving out small touches of tenderness in a very harsh and cruel world that we live in!
oh ! I come to you if you stay still, allow me to approach you,
for I am the timid sort, not a trusting soul for many have tried to pin back my wings..
I am the butterfly!

Please believe that I mean no harm to anyone,
do not love me because when the winters winds blow I will no longer be here to play upon the earth,
I will be your friend for the short time we are upon this earth,
I will share my kindness and my time with you for,
I am the butterfly!


Let us do the oldest dance the one we have done since time began,
the give and take of the movements of the male and female, they are so familiar to us,
we can move through the steps, with ease and grace, each step follows the next,
sometimes you lead, sometimes I follow, but we are moving together as one, body one soul,
can you hear the music, it is written in our hearts and souls, so come and join this dance of life!

Dance with me as we have danced a million times before,
let our souls intertwine, until it is hard to tell which is which,
let our auras mingle so that each time we pass each other in this neverending circle of life,
our souls recognize each other, and we continue the dance....
So come dance with me, and let the music flow around us, let our souls touch and mingle,
in this dance of life, this dance as old as time itself. . . . .

237.Dancing in the Rain

Dancing in the cold January rain is a leaf from last year,
It hangs by the stem, barely ahnging on..
Sometimes I feel like that leaf dancing in the cold January rain,
Not knowing if I can hang onto my life
As long as that leaf has hung onto it’s branch?
Only time will tell and it is keeping silent..

Dancing in the cold January rain is a leaf that last summer,
Was a bright green, once so was I bright and fresh,
Dancing in the early spring of my life,
I knew no dangers, I had no fears...
Time has passed and I have learned that life is not always good,
Kind or sweet, I have seen the bad, the bitter and the pain..

Dancing in the cold January rain is a leaf that still clings,
Clings to hope that soon it will be spring...
So to am I clinging to hope,
That there is something better coming my way,
Time is a great healer, the wounds to my soul are healing,
The balm of your love for me is bringing my soul back to life..

Dancing in the cold January rain is a leaf that knows the bud,
At it’s base is the hope for the future,
The great cycle of renewal, so too is the faith in my soul,
Awakening in the sunshine of your love,
Bringing me forward into a second brighter spring..
Hope and love are transforming me and giving me my Life...