

words flow from my mind on to these pages with startling ease,
I only come here to pour out my thoughts, to ease my troubled mind,
some have thought me cold and hard, but It is not so,
I am so sensitive that to survive in this world I have built strong walls all around myself,
so that I will not feel the pain, but it has not worked,
i seem to feel the pain even more these days..

words flow from my mind and leave me feeling alone and in pain..
I come to write them out to try and understand myself,
but find myself more and more confused, where is the light,
so I can see again, how can I help others when I cannot even help myself..
How can I find my way for I am so lost that I wander about doing things I never should,
is this destructive phase going to pass?

words flow from my soul and leave me feeling all of the pain I have ignored for so long..
I am not a good person, i have lied, i have stolen, i have been so unkind,
i have taken and not given, i am selfish, i am cruel,
and i have not helped when i should have....
Please help me to find some solace in my life so I may justify continuing on with my life,
for at this point, there is no reason for me to live....

words hurt so very much and their truth is unmistakable, so my words are my truth,
and I will not surrender to life, but choose to fight on in this battle I can never win...
I will play the game, even though I will never win, or even survive. Do not blame yourself,
you did not do this to me, I have done it to myself,
I accept the responsibility for my actions and deeds..
I have done it.. It is my fate and I accept it, gracefully........


Words are like magic to me,
I can draw a picture using words,
But give me paintbrush or pen and I am blind!

In my mind I can see a golden tabby cat sitting by a fish pond,
watching the goldfish swim,
Butterflies dance over the daisies and petunias,
There is a small golden tabby chasing his mother's tail,
I can see it in my mind,
Yet I cannot draw it on paper except in my words!
Words are like magic....

I see a dark cold rainy day with a wet scared Child,
huddled near an old wooden gate,
Watching through the window as other children play inside,
They are happy and warm,
He is cold and wet and so unhappy,
I can see it and so can you now,
Yet it is only words,
Words are like magic to me.....

I can paint so many pictures,
Can you see what my mind can see,
Can you paint pictures with your words?
Or do you use another medium?
I use my words,
To paint the pictures in my mind,
Words are like magic to me......