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Lawrence's Homepage

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Especially QuickBASIC users!

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Great sites:

Daniel's Homepage -- Cyberangers, Cyberfriends......!!!

SoftSite -- This site provides games and Integrity Master, a powerful anti-virus software.

Shareware -- Sharewares and Freewares!

Jumbo -- A lot of Games, Sharewares, and Freewares!

My friends' homepages:

Josiah'sHomepage -- Go to this homepage to know more about Jesus Christ.

Gary Ng's Homepage --The World of Alicia Silverstone

Jen's Place


Malaysia Tourism Department -- Are you interested in Malaysia? I hope you will like my Country -- Malaysia.

KDU -- My college, Kolej Damansara Utama in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia


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Mowchuk's Homepage

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About Lawrence QuickBASIC forum PASSWORD LOCK 1.0 My QuickBASIClibrary

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This page is last modified on Sunday, 17 November 1996 by
Lawrence Law, Spg Rengam, Johore, Malaysia
No copyright (copy cats are welcome)

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