Welcome... to Ldeisia's Home Page!

Hi there and welcome to my page! I haven't exactly found my niche yet so you can find an assortment of things here, such as artwork from some of my favourite artists, and on my quiz page, you can find 3 quizzes on Sloan (my favourite "rock combo") as well as on some other interesting topics. Hope you check that out as well.  Those of you who do not yet have Netscape 3.0 may not see this page as it was meant to be seen.

[ Quizzes | Artists | About Me | Photos | Read/Sign my Dreambook | 2002-04-23 ]

Following is a list of some of my favourite sites. Check 'em out.

Help with your webpage:
     Help with HTML codes:
     Introduction to HTML

     Find or create the perfect colours:
     Mediarama's Colour Page Builder

Brighten someone's day!
     Flowers | Flowers & Postcards
     Postcards | Postcards

I just love music!
     Index of the Sloan Ring
     TORN: Canadian Music Fan Pages
     Starkicker Home Page
     Blue Rodeo Home Page
     Pollstar Tour Information
     The Ult1mate Band List

Other Stuff:
     Much Music
     Canada Information
     Tourist Boards and Associations

The Sloan Ring

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