Beautiful Leatherclad Temptress

Temptress' Room

This page will tell you EVERYTHING you'll ever want to know about me!


AGE: 31

HEIGHT: 5'5"

WEIGHT: Whatever the scale says when I stand on it!

HAIR: Blonde

EYES: Hazel, Green, or Blue...Depends on what color of contacts I have in!

MEASUREMENTS: 42c- (The others can't be obtained until I find a larger tape measure!)

PLACE OF BIRTH: In a hospital, silly! No, actually, Jeannette, PA

RESIDENCE: Near Pittsburgh, PA

OCCUPATION: Exotic Dancer...

Yeah, right...Actually, I drive a School Bus!

I'm a:


COLOR: Lavender

MUSIC: Anything EXCEPT Rap.

MOVIES: Disney Animations ("Snow White")


LIKES: Walks in the woods on a warm summer evening.
Sunsets, Beaches,
The love of my life. My pickle
To just go out with a really good friend to laugh about stupid stuff.

DISLIKES: Liars. My kids fighting all the time.
Drunks (my ex is a drunk).
Did I mention Liars.
My kids
Oh and women that give the good ones a bad name.(If you understand that then your one of us!!)
Thats about all... I'm not hard to get along with.
Oh and I almost forgot AOL!

AOL Sucks

Just wanted to explain a little of why AOL sucks.....Installed AOL when I first got my computer. Got one of those free 100 hours deals. What they don't tell you is that when you enter your visa card. It will be billed in exatly one month.Even if you haven't used your 100 FREE HOURS (ya right).Well they billed me alright NO NOTIFICATION sent my checking account $131.00 in the bad!! AOL SUCKS....

Safe Driver
Are you a good driver? Click on the angel and find out!

Wanna smile Click Here

Pour Some Sugar on Me. by Def Leppard

Download Crescendo Here!

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AOL Sucks Thank You For Not Using AOL AOL Sucks

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