"Ask Yemi The Pastry Chef!"

"Ask Yemi The Pastry Chef!"

"I may not be a 'Doctor', a 'Scholar' or even a 'Trained Counsellor'....but I can bake a sweet blueberry pie, and shouldn't that count for something?"

Hi, Yemi here....You know, I've travelled far and wide across the world since leaving my life as a humble pastry chef in Paris to make new friends from all the corners of the world and collect snow-domes, and I've learned alot; I've also been arrested 12 times for varying degrees of voyeurism, but I swear that was a simple misunderstanding....Anyway, all of this (especially my time in prison) has given me a greater understanding of what makes people tick (plus I have refined my pastry skills) and in this forum I hope to help all of you attain the same level of worldliness and fulfilment, so please ask me a question below and come back to see a reply soon, or check out the help I've given to others

So get to it...the life you save - or the pie you bake splendidly - could be your own....

What is your name?

Where are you from?

Your e-mail address? Optional

Your area of concern?:
Relationship Problems
Your pies stick to the pie tray in the oven
Gender Issues/Confusion
Your home-made danish tastes like cyanide
Problems with Alcohol addiction
Your Sponge Cake tastes horrible but is super-absorbent and cleans spills in seconds!

...And what seems to be your concern?

*-DISCLAIMER: The advice of Yemi the Pastry Chef does not constitute 'professional help' and as such is not a substitute for the counsel of a Doctor, Therapist, Aid Worker etc.; however, his custard tarts are exquisite, simply blissful

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