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Welcome to my home page. My name is David Montique, I am 28 years old and a native of Florida now residing in Louisiana. I am happily married to Debbie (yodeb), who is the light of my life -- my whole world. Between us, we have three children, Danielle, Casey, and Bobby. When I'm not at work or on the computer, you can find me on the water fishing. I am also known as The Avid Fisherman. Enjoy your visit, link to some of my favorite spots on the web, and leave your mark in my guestbook below.

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Some of my Favorite Sites on the Web

 check out todays catch

My Favorite Fishing Links Page

Boat and accessories Page

My Family photos Page

Daves Fishing photos page

Winners of Dave's fishing award

Kid's Fishing photos page

Fishing Buddys on the Web

My Awards Page

Webrings I belong to

U.S Fish and Wildlife Services

Offshore Water Temps

If you want to contact me on ICQ, my # is 2652829,

I'm currently

This site has been visitedsince its creation on May 31, 1997

Guestbook by Lpage

A proud member of the North American Fishing Club


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© 1997 The Avid Fisherman David Montique

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