Shawna's Whatever Page

Um.....hi. This is my whatever page, mainly because I couldn't think of a better title....But anyway, welcome! Hopefully, next time you check back with me and my page, I'll have a frames version of my page (yes frames, don't get mad) and a FAQ page...And if you want to contact me,

Email Shawna!

First of all, I'd like you to take a look at My Thoughts and Ramblings, as I call them. It's the favorite of my page, and VERRRY long, so be prepared. And people says it's FUNNY!

Do you like Magic Eight Balls as much as I do? ? Well, I've created the next best thing: Shawna's Magical Insights Ask a yes or no question and I'll give you my Magical Insight!

My newest work of art is:My Music Page It has music clips, links, Top Five Albums, and more! Or you can go straight toThe Best of Oasis Pages and The Best of Dave Matthews Band Pages Those show the best Oasis/Dave Matthews Band pages on the web, according to me.

NEW SECTION!! It's my Shawna's Free Stuff Page! Probably one of the biggest free stuff links pages on the net! If you like to freeload, then it's THE place to go.

Another popular section of my page is called My Past Boyfriends Page. Wonder why it's so popular.....Hmmmm.

My favorite part on my page is My Dream Day Take a look into my dreams! My gosh, don't look so scared!

Boys will be interested in this part: What Girls Want Guys to Know Girls, please contribute to this by e-mailing me about what you want guys to know.

In honor to all babysitters, here is Various Tales Of Babysitting Horror If you have a funny babysitting story, Email me!

Another section is Some Funny Quotes I Like Most are by Noel Gallagher, Liam Gallagher, and Dave Matthews. They're quite funny, I think.

I am always wondering about What The People Around Me Are Thinking I've finally figured it out, so check it out! I'm quite proud [sniff sniff] of it.

Last night, an idea came to me: I always wonder what's in everyone's fridge, and I'm sure yall do, too, so here's The Contents of My Refrigerator Don't you wonder about it? Just a little bit?

And I could never forget to make My Favorite Links


If you've seen my page before, you've probably noticed that I've been going through a guestbook crisis. First, the guestbook head honcho person decided that I wasn't going to have one, then no one signed it [you're supposed to feel sorry for me right about now]. But now, I have a new guestbook!! So, humor me and

View and Sign my Guestbook

..e-mail shawna....thoughts and ramblings....magical page....dave matthews band....oasis....past boyfriends....dream day....what girls want guys to know....babysitting's fridge....links..webrings..guestbook..

Thanks for visiting my site!! If my site leaves you with just one thought, let it be "Shawna is a god," or "Stefan Lessard is a god," but never "I am a monkey." Because I promise, you are NOT a monkey. And I'd feel pretty bad if my site made ya feel like a darned monkey.

I must update on the above comment. It seems that Jeremy Nix is, indeed, a monkey. Not that my page did that or anything. He doesn't look like a monkey to me, but hey, the only thing I know about monkeys is that my brother happens to be one!

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