Bimbo Bizarre

Thanks for being patient with us while we're under construction! Sorry for the delay in getting this up and running-I'm having trouble uploading things. Keep checking us out though - I'm finally done moving and have my computer all set up at home now so things should improve shortly! --Lexi


The Clothes,the Faces, the Places, the Passions

Here's where we review the newest, hottest clubs, places, faces and parties in the tri-state area. We'll tell you how to get on the guest list - but not so fast, bimbos! It's an IQ test! (Did you really think we were just going to GIVE you the guest list info? No, no, no - you have to figure out the answer to the riddle and that will be the password to get into the page with guestlist info)!

Here's the first one:

You have 6 pair of navy socks and 3 pair of black socks. After doing laundry you are too tired to match up the pairs and just throw all the socks into a drawer together. The next day, however, there's a power failure and you have to get dressed in TOTAL DARKNESS! Question: How many socks do you have to pull out of the drawer before you are sure of having one pair the same color?

Send replies to us through email for now - until we figure out how to make the answer a password that takes you to another page.

Any help you guys have on how it's done would be appreciated!!

Check this page before you go out and you'll always know what to wear, although if you look better than we do, we may get jealous! "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!"

You'll know what kind of music to expect, how much the cover charge is, what the average drink price and age is, and what kind of crowd is there. (For example - some of you will know why Sound Factory and The Tunnel are 3 water bottle spots, and then again - others of you will not. Hmmmmm . . .

We'll even share with you the best places to shop for all those slammin' outfits you'll see on the photo page -- as well as snapshots that our personal photog takes of us and all the other partypeople on the scene.

Check our travel linkto see postcards, photos and reviews of other clubs.

Here's where we give you the chance to about everything and anything. If it's important to you - we want to hear about it!

Look for pictures from Bobbie's trip to South Beach for Halloween!

This spot is a contest, with prizes!!First contest will be announced soon!!

This page will be ADDICTIVE!!! Tell your friends! The more popular we become - the better the prizes for the contests will be!! If enough of you check us out - we'll be offering a trip to the Carribbean!!!

If you have suggestions or can help with the design, email usat!

Thanks for checking us out! --Bobbie & Lexi

Check our hotlinx NOW!!to the best related websites on fashion, music, trends, people, places, faces and art.

Drag HagThe Fabulous Drag Queen Scene

grrlzineWomen in the Arts and Fashion

Wicca A great sight on what it means to celebrate the divinity of being female.

Bimbos and Himbos have visited this site since 8/26/97

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