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Selebi Phikwe 52 - Botswana

Association of Round Tables of Central Africa

Been here before? Check out our "What's New?" page.

Where on Earth is Selebi Phikwe?

This has in the past been a interesting question to raise. Our customary response to this greeting has been to present a suitably sized t-shirt (design sample at right) to the enquirer and request P25 in exchange (US$ 5 - pathetic we know!). A new batch of these has just been printed! Contact us if you require a few.
Selebi Phikwe is a mining town of some 50000 inhabitants in the North-Eastern corner of Botswana. While the economic activity of the town is largely based on the mine (copper/nickel/cobalt); the light industrial sector is diversifying and many small businesses have developed in recent times. It is the third largest town in Botswana and 420 km by tarred road from the capital Gaborone.

Pictured here are IRO/PRO Steve Kenworthy (right) and Treasurer Erik Bartsch at the site of their latest promotional scoop. This new road-sign is on the Selebi-Phikwe/Serule road which is the main access to Selebi Phikwe from the rest of Botswana. We are working on a sign on the road from South Africa.


Round Table is a non political, non sectarian association of young men between the ages of 18 and 40, embracing representatives of nearly profession and occupation. It’s objects are the encouragement of high ethical standards, the promotion of social communication and fellowship of young professional and business men, the stimulation of individual interest in everything effecting the public welfare, and the promotion of understanding amongst peoples of different cultural, linguistic and political backgrounds

How do we do the above? Why dont you browse around our site; or better still, try some of the links to other Round Table sites around the world. This should give you an excellent idea of what we are all about.

About our Table

Generally acknowledged as the Premier Table in our Area (AREA 8 - Botswana); We place an emphasis on the principle " Community Service Through Fellowship". Our tablers are well known at both Area & Association level - a result of our extensive efforts in travelling. Watch our for the many travel reports which will be posted in the IRP/PRO section.
Because of the nature of the town, SP52 is largely made up of expatriates from neighbouring countries, although the 'local content' is increasing. Notwithstanding the fact that one of our tablers has been in our table for over 10 years, the average 'life expectancy' of a SP52 tabler is normally considerably less than that. This appears to have the effect of injecting a little urgency into out tabler's lives. They may not be here for long and has better get on with it (a mini 40 yr age limit rule?!?)

Check out our UPDATED Member's Page for contact details & mugshots

Community & Fund Raising Projects

We have several regular projects which form the basis of our income and community service. Most of these take place on a monthly or annual basis.Check out the following:
Round Table Night Golf 1998

Bonanza Club

Botshabelo Daycare Centre

Botshabelo Destitute Centre

Wheelchair donation

Round Table Night Golf 1999

Flood Relief


Our tablers are very active in the area of travel. We maintain a healthy 'travel fund' and make maximum use of the various travel sponsorships available. Check out the following travel reports:

Botswana takes over ARTCA 1997

Raid on Johannesburg 71 (ARTSA)- "In by Cessna Conquest, Out by '73 VW Passat"


There are thousands of Round Table Links on the net - All of which are available from the RT USA site or from http://www.leclercq.be/roundt.htm. I am only placing the ones which I think are of particular interest or have something to do with our table.

ARTCA Kariba 1998 - Call of the Wild

ARTSA 99 Web Page

WOCO 2000 Web Page

You are visitor number to this site since 6/5/98

Send comments and mail to rtsp52@yahoo.com

P.O.Box 158
Selebi Phikwe

Last neglected by Erik Bartsch on 02/24/00 17:50

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