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Bios of the #Sega Regulars

Who the hell are these people!?

Here is a simple list of the many nicknames and aliases that tend to frequent #sega on IRCnet. Click on a nickname to be taken to that users bio.

We now have many of the regular faces listed, but we need a few more. If we need yours (and you know if we do or not), submit your bio by using the Bio Submission Page.

I've said this before, and I'm going to say it again, just to make sure you all know: If we don't know you, you're not a regular. Hell, we have no lives, so we're always on. So if we don't know you, how regular can you be?

To those of you who have already sent bios, don't worry! They'll be here soon! :D
Also, if you'd like to have something on your bio edited or changed, please E-Mail us about it.

Algar - One of the few #Sega chatters that actually talks about Sega...

BadTed - He's sappy.

Briman - Briman sent a bio! And I finally put it up! :D

cHiCy - cHiCy likes to do stuff, and stuff.

cRaZy187 - I didn't know cRaZy was a lesbian.

DaMan - He's like, DaMan.... or something like that.

danuv - She just never shuts up, as you can tell. [-h]

DaXGenMan - Watch out..he shoots boys.

Daycko - It's finally here! Look!

DJKase^ - I agree, OLY is confused.

{DrAGoN} - He's...a dragon.

EvilThor - At least he knows when he's beaten.

FalconX2 - We're all suprised that we'd look at him twice.

FeaReN - Notice how she cleverly redirects you to her Homepage...

Fi3nd - Finally sent us a new bio... Again.

F|X - The original gangsta' faf.

hangdman - The bitter, sarcastic bastard himself.

KAOS - Follow in the same trail that led him here.

kasper - No, not the friendly ghost.

KiTy KaT - Do a lot of cats get online, or what?

KrAzYSuN - Purchase StarCraft today. Or she'll kill you.

Ladyninja - Go ninja, Go ninja, GO! (I couldn't resist)

Lennon - He's Lennon. He goes to #Sega. Um, thats about it.

Murder1 - Lennon didn't visit Murder1's homepage one day. He doesn't come to #Sega anymore either. Makes a person think...

NetFink - He has the potential to start his own ISP, someday. RUN!

Noct-rNL - /msg him lots of pornographic material. He likes it.

OLY - F|X' "Daddy". :O

^oWeN^ - Who told him...

Pookie` - If she doesn't like perverts, why does she come to #Sega?

Powers16 - He's a great guy. Kinda faffy, though.

reefer - /msg him for weed. He's always happy to provide.

Rilex - This anti-console maniac talks about his favorite games...

Rogue - Rogue has her very own channel! She likes to drink a lot, too.

ScOrCh - Make sure you use the bathroom before reading this. You might be here for a while...

sil0z - Sil0aholics, raise your hands!... *waiting*

shabba - He likes football, reggae music and women. Whoops, perhaps I should save some info for the bio itself.

^Shadow^ - Are all Shadows male?

Smaster - My arch enemy, and all around faffy guy. [-W]

SNIFFLies - I don't want to know what you're doing with that tree.

specialED - He's ED, and he's special... Why? He's specialED.

^taz^ - Why'd he do that? Because he felt like it.

thecats - AKA Hooks and skittles, dammit.

variable - And I thought Wren was the king. We just might have to revise that FAQ... [-h]

Wild-Dog - Download his script, or he'll bite ya!

`Wizzy` - She's interested in just about anything, but she won't pay attention to you.

Wren - The poor guy is finally using a PC! Sad, isn't it?

Zillah - She must be bored all the time.

E-Mail us with your comments and suggestions...

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